Lin Chen listens to the mindless words across the street. She feels a little confused. Her first feeling is whether this is a fraud call.

"Who are you? Don't talk nonsense. Who has enlarged your chest? Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Chen doesn't have a good airway.

The female voice on the other side was even angrier and said angrily, "Lin Chen, are you still going to deny it? My mother is Lin Qizhi. Last time you gave me a massage and took me a pill, do you want to deny it?"

Lin Chen was stunned, and then he realized that the master of the voice was Bai Lan's classmate, the tall oval faced beauty.

Last time I did give her a massage and asked her to take a pill to stimulate her body's potential.

He wondered, "too big? It's a bit troublesome. I can help you, but I'm in Guangyang now and won't go back for at least two weeks."

"Guangyang city?"

Lin Qizhi on the other side said in surprise, "how did you get to Guangyang?"

"Yes." Lin Chen said.

Linqizhi didn't bother any more. Instead, she said happily, "well, I know!"

With that, she hung up.

This made Lin Chen a little confused. When the other party heard that he was not in Yuehai City, he seemed very happy. However, he didn't think much about it. He called lenghanyan.

Leng Hanyan was surprised when she received Lin Chen's phone call, because Lin Chen seldom took the initiative to contact her. When she knew that Lin Chen was in Guangyang City, she was even happier. Lin Chen could feel her smile across the phone.

Last time Leng Hanyan confessed to him, he told the other party that he had a girlfriend. He thought the relationship between the two would be estranged. After all, people have self-esteem. Most of the time, if the confession fails, they will feel embarrassed when they meet. They can't even be friends.

However, Leng Hanyan still contacted him frequently after that, and asked her about some Chinese medicine problems and various difficult and miscellaneous diseases she did not understand. He was also very happy about this, and it was good to be a friend.

After chatting with Leng Hanyan, Lin Chen realized that when the other party came to Guangyang City, they came with Leng's family to attend the martial arts conference in the ancient martial arts world of Nanhua province!

The martial arts meeting was just nine days later. Originally, she wanted to ask whether Lin Chen wanted to come. However, she remembered that Lin Chen had a grudge with Zhou Yi at the Leng family last time, and the Zhou family would also attend the martial arts meeting. She was afraid that the Zhou family would trouble Lin Chen at that time, so she didn't call him.

At this time, Lin Chen asked her why she came to Guangyang city. She thought for a while, and finally said it.

However, the meaning in the words is still very tactful. Lin Chen should not go to the martial arts meeting at that time, and do not let the Zhou family know that he has come to Guangyang city. Otherwise, the other party will not give up.

Lin Chen understands Leng Hanyan's thoughts and feels warm about her. However, he is not afraid of the Zhou family. The Zhou family has a congenital master, but he is already a congenital master himself!

By virtue of his outstanding understanding of martial arts and unique skills, most early born experts of the same level are definitely not his opponents!

As far as he knows, Zhou Yi's grandfather, also known as the Zhou family's inborn expert, is just a inborn early stage!

He will naturally go to the martial arts meeting. In fact, he still doesn't have enough knowledge of the ancient martial arts world. Today's ancient martial arts haven't fallen to any level. He is very curious about the realm of the strongest ancient martial artists!

After asking where Leng Hanyan's hotel was, Lin Chen hurried to the other side and planned to stay there.

Venus Hotel is a famous five-star hotel in Guangyang.

In the hall, Leng Hanyan hung up the phone with a happy smile on her face and looked out the door as if she was expecting something.

Around her were several well-dressed men and women, led by a handsome young man. The conversation was all about the young man. Some people's words were obviously flattering.

A group of people were about to go out. Lenghanyan stopped when she received Lin Chen's call. These people also stopped to wait for her.

Although the handsome young man was chatting with several other people, his attention was always on Leng Hanyan. At this time, he saw that the other party hung up the phone and showed a sweet smile on his face. He could not help frowning and then smiled:

"Han Yan, what's the good news? How happy are you? Why don't you say it and share it with us?"

Everyone else knew what the handsome young man thought of Leng Hanyan, and they all agreed.

"Ha ha, Miss Leng, have you met anything good?"

"I guess Miss Leng knew that Wang Shao must have prepared a very interesting program for her tonight, so she laughed!"

"Yes, Wang Shao is the prince charming in the dreams of countless famous girls in South China province. I didn't expect that she was captured by Miss Leng in a short time!"

"Cut, Xiaowen, you can't be jealous of this unless you go to cosmetic surgery to make it look as beautiful as Miss Leng, but you can fix your face. You can't fix Miss Leng's super long legs. Ha ha, you're kidding! But miss Leng and Wang Shao are definitely made for each other, and they have a good husband and wife look!"


On their faces, they obviously flattered Wang Shao, and Wang Shao also smiled. Obviously, they liked their words very much.

Leng Hanyan frowned, and a touch of displeasure appeared in her eyes.

Wang Shao's grandfather and her grandfather are old friends. Master Wang came to visit her grandfather tonight. They had a good talk.

The old people thought that they were not interested in what they talked about, so they asked them to go out and get to know each other.

Since Leng Hanyan's father lengzhenyu became the owner of the Leng family, the Leng family treated her very respectfully. Her grandfather also apologized to the three of them. She slowly accepted this grandfather.

Since the two old people asked their two younger generations to get to know each other, she didn't refuse, because she knew that her grandfather had long regarded her as Lin Chen's woman and made friends with Wang Boyun. It was also because the Wang family was powerful and hoped that the younger generations of the two families would know each other and continue this friendship.

Wang Boyun said he would take her out for a stroll, but she didn't refuse. After all, they were not the only two, but also several friends of the other party.

But unexpectedly, her friend suddenly said these disgusting words!

Leng Hanyan is cold and doesn't like to cover up. After thinking for a while, she thought, "you misunderstood me. I have nothing to do with Wang Shao. My boyfriend will come soon. Please don't talk nonsense, lest my boyfriend have bad ideas!"

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