Hearing Wang Boyun's abuse, Lin Chen's face became cold:

"What I said to you just now, you'd better go and talk to your grandfather, otherwise, when he dies, you will regret it."

Seeing Lin Chen's insistence that his grandfather was going to die, wangbaiyun was so angry that he scolded:

"Shut up, you shut up! You dare to curse my grandpa again, I'm not finished with you! Who do you think you are, and you can see that my grandpa won't survive tomorrow night? Hum! I warn you not to talk nonsense again! Otherwise, I'll let you die without a burial place!"

Lin Chen said coldly, "you mean, your grandfather doesn't need me to treat him, right?"

Wang Boyun sneered: "of course not!"

Lin Chen said lightly, "what if you come to beg me?"

Wangbaiyun laughed angrily: "ha ha, I will beg you? Well, you are so confident, right? If I come to you for treatment, I will be your grandson!"

Lin Chen nodded, stopped talking, turned and walked into the hotel.

Wang Lao's illness is well covered up. He has just confirmed it, but I believe he will not read it wrong.

Wangbaiyun looked at Lin Chen's back and his face was as gloomy as water. In his opinion, what Lin Chen had just said was deliberately disgusting him again!

Wait, I'll let you know sooner or later that you're not a fart in front of me. Don't think how powerful it is to rely on the ancient martial family of Leng family! Wang Boyun scolded angrily.

When Lin Chen entered the hotel, a cold family member greeted him and said that he had opened a room for him. He didn't refuse. He followed the other party upstairs to a room in front of the door.

He gave Lin Chen his room card, and then the man left. Just as Lin Chen was about to open the door, the door of the next room was opened. Then a foreign face, a tall blonde woman, came out. When she saw him, a smile appeared on her face.

Then she looked into the room and said with a smile, "Yan'er, your man is back."

Before Lin Chen could figure out what was going on, the beautiful woman came over, smiled and said:

"Lin Chen, I'm Yan'er's mother Jenny. Hehe, that's your mother-in-law."

Leng Hanyan was wearing white pajamas and her hair was wet. It seemed that she had just taken a bath and hadn't dried it. She came out of the room and just heard her mother's words. Her face was blushing. She hurried to come and pull her away:

"Mom, don't talk nonsense in front of Lin Chen. We haven't determined what the relationship is! Come back to my room with me. We'll sleep together tonight!"

Leng's mother was dragged back by her, and said unhappily, "what are you doing with me, girl? How can I interfere with my son-in-law when I talk to him? I am his mother-in-law! By the way, it seems that different places in China call me different names? That's not mother-in-law, but mother-in-law, right?"

"Stop talking!"

Leng Hanyan blushed with shame at her mother's words, and said to Lin Chen sheepishly, "Lin Chen, don't mind. My mother is like this. She speaks more... More that."

"Yan'er, what do I mean by comparing this with that? Is there something wrong with what I said? I'll talk to you, and then I can communicate with my son-in-law more! By the way, I'll help you take care of your children when you have children? How about Lin Chen?"

Leng Hanyan's face was even more blushing, and she said angrily, "Mom, please stop talking!"

"Well, you are such a girl. It's only a short time since you came back to China that you have become as shy as Chinese women. It seems that I haven't taught you well at ordinary times. Since you like it, you should take the initiative to attack and firmly grasp it! It was your father I chased back! Ah! Yan'er, you won't change your mind? You know, if it wasn't for Lin Chen, your grandfather wouldn't let me go into the cold house. How could your father be the master of the house, you can Don't forget your roots! " Jenny said seriously.

Leng Hanyan was cold-blooded. At this time, she could not help stamping her feet in anger and said, "I haven't forgotten my roots!"

With that, he looked at Lin Chen with a blush like a monkey's ass, and then took cold mother back to his room.

Looking at Leng Hanyan pulling her mother back to the room, and then the door was closed, Lin Chen had a black line, and the corners of her mouth smoked, feeling a little confused.

Unexpectedly, Leng Hanyan, a cold-blooded beauty who looks like an iceberg goddess, has such a tough mother!

It seems that just now, I saw this beautiful foreign woman at the door. She stood next to Leng Zhenyu, Leng Hanyan's father, and looked at herself curiously.

The Leng family seems to have misunderstood themselves as Leng Hanyan's men. Lin Chen has no choice but to smile bitterly. He needs to find a time to explain.

Thinking so, he opened the door and entered his room.

In the next room, Leng Hanyan looked at her mother and said, "Mom, what are you talking about in front of Lin Chen?"

Leng's mother wondered, "Why are you talking nonsense? Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Leng Hanyan sighed with loss in her eyes and said, "you all made a mistake. He is not my man. I... I confessed to him, but was rejected!"


Leng's mother's face showed anger, and her brows turned upside down: "you are so beautiful and excellent, why should he refuse you? No, I'll go to ask him, where is my daughter not worthy of him!"

With that, she was about to go out of the room. Leng Hanyan hurriedly pulled her: "no, don't go, don't mess around!"

The cold mother's blue eyes were full of anger: "why did I mess around? The blind can see your affection for him, but he still refused you. What did he mean by hugging you at the door? No! I must ask him to give me an explanation!"


Leng Hanyan hugged Jenny and wouldn't let her go out. Then she blushed and said, "I'll tell you why!"

With that, she whispered something in Leng's ear. When she spoke, even the delicate jade earlobes became pink. Obviously, she was extremely embarrassed.

Jenny's eyes widened slowly. "What, you said he... He was there -"

Leng Hanyan covered Leng's mother's mouth, nodded shyly and said, "that's right."

With that, she said with some frustration: "in fact, even if he has a problem, I don't dislike him, but he seems to mind this very much and deliberately lied to me that he has a girlfriend."

"A man would certainly mind! Alas, I didn't expect him to have such a hidden disease. Yan'er, do you really like him?" Cold mother became serious and looked at her daughter lovingly.

Leng Hanyan nodded heavily although she was shy.

Cold mother pondered for a while, and then wondered, "didn't you say that he is a miracle doctor? How could he have such a problem?"

Leng Hanyan shook her head. "I don't know, but he and I have bought a lot of tonics. Most of them have the effect of strengthening yang. They say they are all for his own use."

Before she finished her words, Leng mother naturally understood her meaning and thought for a while: "his medical skills are so powerful that it is possible that his body is OK!"

Leng Hanyan's eyes lit up. She also wondered why Lin Chen's medical skills were so powerful, but there would still be such problems.

Jenny continued, "I guess he must have a mental disorder!"

"Mental disorders?" Leng Hanyan was puzzled.

"Yes, for example, there may have been a bad experience in the past, which was said to be useless by the other party, or even insulted by words, leading to self doubt and subsequent dysfunction. These are all based on scientific evidence. You are a doctor. You should understand these." Jenny said.

Leng Hanyan's face showed an suddenly bright expression, and she immediately understood it, and then there was some distress: "what should I do now?"

Mental disorders, many times, are more troublesome than physical problems!

"It's easy, as long as you can give it up and let him regain his confidence." Leng's mother smiled and said something in Leng Hanyan's ear.

After a while, Leng Hanyan blushed like blood, and her beautiful eyes stared round.

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