In addition to the charming women and handsome young people, there is also a young girl with a cool temperament and a rough looking man with a tiger back and a big waist, almost two meters tall.

A seductive woman can be regarded as a beautiful woman, but she is much worse than the girl with cold temperament.

The girl also noticed that the man in front of her just looked at her chest, and she screwed up her willow eyebrows. Her eyes were full of disgust, but she didn't say anything.

"Ha ha! No wonder this little brother. Who is called Yuxiang and Caiwei? You two are so beautiful. As long as a man meets you, he can't help looking at you."

The rough looking man laughed.

Wen Yuxiang, that is, the seductive woman, glanced at the big man, "according to what you say, it's our fault? You like to be a peacemaker!"

Lin Chen then realized that he had just looked at their chest to see if there was a sign of Yin-Yang cult. Instead, he was regarded as a sex wolf.

He was too lazy to explain, and said, "could you tell me where this is?"

These words stunned the other four.

"You don't know where this is?" The big man was a little stunned and muttered in his heart that this guy didn't even know where he was?

Lin Chen saw that this big man was much more talkative than the other three.

With an embarrassed look on his face, he said to the big man, "I used to live in a small isolated mountain village. Now I'm out here and don't know much about the outside world. I came here unconsciously."

Hearing this, the other four people were all in a daze. The young man in luxurious clothes muttered, "he is really a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."

Lin Chen frowned slightly, but soon stretched out again.

Wen Yuxiang's face was even more disdainful. But Qiu Caiwei, that is, the cold girl, still looks indifferent. It seems that she has no interest in Lin Chen's origin or in Lin Chen. Lin Chen is a countryman or a second generation ancestor,

She didn't even bother.

"I see."

The big man suddenly became very enthusiastic and told Lin Chen that this place was called the forest of ghosts and beasts.

Lin Chen asked some more questions, which were very ignorant in their eyes. The big man patiently answered them. Soon, Lin Chen also had a certain understanding of this space, or the world.

This world is called the magic land.

The magic land is divided into nine cities. These four people come from Pingjiang City, one of the nine cities.

The place where we are now is the oldest and broadest forest on the magic land - the forest of ghosts and beasts.

At the beginning, Lin Chen thought that the soul beast was a human being in this world, a kind of title for the monster beast, but soon he knew that it was not the case.

There are no monsters in this world.

The so-called soul beast is a kind of strange beast condensed from the soul energy. It feeds on the soul and is good at attacking with the soul.

After human beings step into the soul realm, the soul energy will condense into soul beads.

Even if the soul beast has not reached the soul Tao realm, there are also things similar to soul beads in its head.

Moreover, the human strong, after death, the soul bead will collapse and dissipate.

After the soul beast dies, the body will dissipate, but the soul beads in the head will remain.

The soul bead contains pure soul energy. The cultivator with soul can quickly improve his soul with the help of the soul bead.

On the magic land, people who practice their souls together are called spiritual cultivators.

Here, there are also practitioners, but the number is far from being comparable to that of spiritual practitioners.

In the final analysis, the reason for this is the existence of soul animals. After all, if you become a spiritual cultivator, you can quickly improve your strength by hunting soul animals and using soul beads.

The four men are spiritual cultivators and adventurers who come to the forest of spirits and beasts to hunt them.

'soul beast! i see. The reason why the soul of those who enter this world in the magic cave can be greatly improved is that they enter this world to hunt and kill soul animals, and then cultivate with the help of soul beads. "

Lin Chen was overjoyed. If so, he could also hunt soul beasts. As long as he got enough soul beads, he might be able to quickly rise to the Ninth level of the Taoist realm?

"By the way, have you ever heard of the magic cave?" Lin Chen looked at the big man. At this time, he already knew that the name of the big man was Nie ang.

Nie Ang's face showed a speechless expression. In other words, the expression had been on his face since he had just learned that Lin Chen didn't even know that this continent was called the magic continent.

The question Lin Chen asked was, in his opinion, too... Retarded.

The reason why Lin Chen asked this question was that the name of the continent was too similar to the name of the magic cave.

"What a hick! He can even ask such questions." The handsome young man curled his lips.

Nie ang said, "the Magic Cave is a holy land in the minds of all people on the magic land, and it is also a place that everyone wants to join. Naturally, we all know it."

From Nie Ang's mouth, Lin Chen soon knew that the people on the magic land not only knew the existence of the Magic Cave, but also that the land itself was ruled by the magic cave.

The managers of the nine cities in the magic land are all from the magic grottoes.

The magic grotto is the most powerful force on the mainland, and it is also a place that all Soul Hunters yearn for‘ In other words, the magic land should be a place similar to the Taichu secret place. The difference is that the Taichu holy mountain is completely free range for the Taichu secret place. The magic grottoes, however, directly ruled the magic land. But I'm not curious

It's strange. If there were such strange animals as spirits in Taichu secret territory, Taichu Shenshan would definitely rule directly. "

Lin Chen's heart suddenly opened up. At this time, he already knew that the Demon Lord would not allow himself to enter here. Most of the reason was that he didn't want outsiders to know about the existence of the ghost beast.

The so-called core figures of Taichu holy mountain, after entering here, many people never went out again. Most of them were not dead, but stayed in the magic land to rule here. "There are many powerful spirits in the forest of spirits and beasts. A roar can kill you. They can also devour your soul. It's too dangerous for you here. You'd better leave quickly. Head southeast and leave the forest of spirits and beasts

After mori, he went all the way. It won't take long to reach Pingjiang city. "

Nie ang finally told Lin Chen, and then followed his impatient Companions to the depths of the forest of ghosts and beasts. After seeing them off, Lin Chen didn't follow Nie Ang's words and left the forest of spirits and beasts. A happy smile appeared on his face and turned into a streamer, which also flew to the depths of the forest of spirits and beasts.

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