On the street, people looked at and pointed at the Ferrari sports car. Lin Qizhi was stunned. Some people looked at the license plate and their faces changed sharply. They hurried back a few steps for fear of getting into trouble.

Gashi -!

The screeching brake sounded. The sports car stopped twoorthree meters in front of Lin Qizhi, and the tires drew two long black lines on the ground.

"The city center is driving so fast. Are you in a hurry to reincarnate, or are you going home to go to the funeral? You have no quality at all!"

People thought that the beauty would be absolutely shocked, but when they saw that Lin Qizhi's face changed for a while, on the contrary, she mocked again.


"Dead girl, you want to die -"

The driver with dark glasses and a suit opened the door, jumped down directly, looked angry and walked towards Lin Qizhi.

See this situation, people's hearts, are for Lin Qizhi pinched a sweat.

"Why, fight?" Linqizhi curled her lips, a little disdainful.

"Ali, forget it. This is our fault. Apologize to this beautiful young lady." A gentle and elegant voice came from the sports car.

Through the windows, people could see a handsome middle-aged man with gold rimmed glasses sitting on the back seat of the sports car.

Although the middle-aged man had a gentle smile on his face, people still felt a strong sense of fear when they saw him. Only because they recognized that this man was sunyuanzhong, the head of Yuehai branch of demon God alliance!

This man looks gentle and elegant, but anyone who has heard of his deeds will know that he is a ruthless executioner.

Linqizhi also looks at sunyuanzhong in the car. She doesn't know who this person is, but it seems that this person is very polite. She also knows that they are the wrong party!

"Apologize to her?" Ali was stunned and turned to sunyuanzhong.

"Apologize!" Sunyuanzhong's tone is still mild, but it has the dignity that people dare not refute.

When Ali looked back, he carefully looked at the woman in front of him. He found that the woman was a top-notch beauty, with outstanding appearance, amazing figure and a special temperament of being cold and refined.

He followed sunyuanzhong for many years, and immediately knew why his boss made him apologize.

"Excuse me, miss. I was wrong just now!" Ali apologizes to Lin Qizhi.

Linqizhi didn't like being powerful and unforgiving. Seeing that the other party apologized, she snorted coldly: "I wish I knew it was your fault! Learn more from your boss. If you hadn't apologized honestly, I would have to deal with you today!"

Then he stopped talking to each other and turned away.

Ali returned to the car, drove the car for a distance, and said with a smile, "boss, are you interested in that beautiful girl? In that case, why don't you just grab the car and take it back?" "What do you know? Some women, although beautiful and sexy, will only make you want to have a night of love with her. For that kind of women, it is natural to take them back directly. But some women, like works of art, you not only want to have them for a while, but also

You will also want to possess it forever, take it home and collect it. "

Sunyuanzhong pushed the gold rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He recalled the woman's voice and face just now. The corners of his mouth could not help but hook up, showing a playful smile.

This woman not only interested him in her appearance and figure, but also in her temper. In his heart, there was a rare desire to conquer each other.

For the strong, tasting this desire is a kind of enjoyment.

Ali said with a dry smile, "boss, I still don't understand. If you want to keep her, you can just take her back and lock her up. Will she run away?" Sunyuanzhong said with a smile, "well, she is like a fierce horse. You can use violence directly to make her fear and then give in. But that would be too boring. What I enjoy is the life that makes her tame

Process. In the end, she was docile in front of me, but still rebellious in front of others. That's interesting, you know? " "I still don't understand, but, hey hey, I don't think I need to understand. Anyway, boss, if you have anything I need to do, just tell me. Although I'm not smart enough, things will be done well!" Ali


Sunyuanzhong pointed at him and said with a laugh, "you, I just like your character. You're not smart, but at least you don't pretend to be smart. Later, you help me investigate the background of the woman just now."

His expression, with a trace of excitement, was like a clever hunter who saw difficult prey.

What happened on the road was immediately forgotten by linqizhi. When she came home to see her parents, the mother and daughter cried for a while. Lin's father stood aside with tears in his eyes.

They have only one daughter. They haven't seen each other for six years. They miss each other very much.

Father Lin and mother Lin, with the care of Longmen, no longer open a noodle shop. Chixia Suzuki has arranged two leisure positions for them at the saint devil group.

In addition to missing their daughter, their life was basically carefree. They also got a lot of cultivation materials from Longmen. Although their level was not high, their appearance was not as old as before.

After a long separation and reunion, the three members of the family felt that they could not finish talking.

As a family cook, father Lin cooked a rich lunch and had a good time at the dinner table.

"By the way, Qiqi, what's the matter with you and Lin Chen? It's been several years and I haven't seen your stomach grow. Your father and I thought that this time you came back, you would bring us a good grandson."

With these words, mother Lin suddenly said something dissatisfied.

Lin's father didn't say anything, but he also meant the same thing to Lin's mother in his heart. Now they are living a comfortable and leisurely life, and they want to have a grandson or granddaughter to take them with them.

Linqizhi, who is eating, almost spits out a mouthful of rice. She thinks that Lin Chen and I don't have that much. How can we have children?

However, she has nothing to do with Lin Chen. She doesn't want to talk about it. On the one hand, she feels embarrassed. On the other hand, she is afraid of her parents' wishful thinking.

She also has some complaints in her heart. That guy, who knows his mind, doesn't eat the meat on his lips. It's really hateful!

Complaining is complaining. She also knows that Lin Chen has too many things to deal with when he is at the tianque star. Let alone her, ye Yiren and Su Xiran are also getting together with Lin Chen.

"Mom, you know, Lin Chen is so powerful, and the more powerful he is, the harder it will be for a monk to have offspring. Although we work hard, this thing also depends on luck... Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"

Speaking of the back, Lin Qizhi smiled unnaturally.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong——

Just then the doorbell rang. Linqizhi's family turned around with some doubts. It is reasonable that no one should be a guest at this meal.

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