"Such a big thing has happened. Why don't you tell me about it with the help of the jade slips?"

When Lin Chen heard that the people of the dragon city and the Taichu holy mountain were in the Taichu secret territory, he was a little relieved to learn that Zhen Xinghai and Mo Tianxing were indeed in the hands of the Yin Yang cult, and his heart was still heavy. Taishuyuan shook his head and said, "what's the use of informing you? Is it difficult? When you come here, you will be able to defeat Mohan? Since you can't defeat Mohan, you will be killed for nothing if you come here. If you really think about Taichu mountain,

You should bear it. If one day you can break through to immortality, you can get back everything that Taichu mountain has lost! "

Lin Chen was silent. He had never fought with immortal monks. He did not know whether he was qualified to fight with immortal.

It is reasonable to say that today's self, even if he does not use the "flame spirit demon body", can easily crush the ordinary eight robbers to prove the truth. With all kinds of means, his combat power can definitely reach an amazing level.

However, there is a natural moat between the immortal realm and the Taoist realm. Lin Chen really doesn't know how strong Mohan is and whether he can compete with it.

Moreover, if he can fight over his rank, Mohan may not be stronger than his ordinary peers.

If he also steps into immortality, Lin Chen is confident that he can defeat Mohan, but the problem is that he is still a long way from immortality.

This distance is beyond the reach of the vast majority of the eight robbers.

Seeing that Lin Chen was silent, taishuyuan thought that Lin Chen knew he was not Mo Han's opponent, so he was depressed. He said, "don't say this first. Since you are back, I will take you to meet the people in the dragon city."

Lin Chen couldn't wait to say, "please lead the way!"

Led by taishuyuan, Lin Chen enters Taichu's secret place.

In the territory of taichumi, there is a mountain range with many buildings, which are separated from the outside world by array. People in the territory of taichumi do not know the existence of this place at all.

This mountain range is the stronghold of Taichu sacred mountain. It is now used to house the people of Longcheng and Taichu sacred mountain.

Before long, Lin Chen met old Yan, the blood demon, Qingtian, lengdongliu and others. After ten years, they met again. Both Lin Chen, lengdongliu and old Yan were very happy.

"Where's mei'er? Why isn't she here?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zhen Mei and was puzzled. Normally, Zhen Mei should come to see him as soon as she knew he was coming.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Lin Chen noticed the change in the atmosphere and saw that no one had answered him for a long time. His face sank and he looked at Qingtian and said, "elder brother Qing, where's mei'er? Why didn't she come?"

Qingtian's face was a little tangled. He lowered his head and said in a jar: "mei'er, mei'er, she -"

"Mei'er has gone out for some business. She is not in Taichu's secret place now. She will come to see you soon after she comes back." The blood demon beside Optimus smiled and said, his face was a little unnatural.

"Yes. Xiaochen, Zhen Mei is not here now. When she comes back, she must be very happy to hear that you are back!" The smile on Murong Xuan's face when she spoke gave people a feeling of being too deliberate and reluctant.

"Don't treat me like a three-year-old! What's wrong with mei'er? Where is she now? She is my woman. I have the right to know everything about her!"

Lin Chen felt a little uneasy. His eyes stared, and his voice was a little higher when he spoke. If Zhen Mei was really not here for the time being, the performance of the people would never be so strange.

"Tell him the truth. You can't hide it from him." Lengdongliu sighed.

Lin Chen looks at Leng Dongliu.

Lengdong channel: "at that time, in the process of the people from the Dragon City transferring to Taichu holy mountain, Mohan shot Zhen Mei. Although Zhen Mei's body was unimpeded, her soul was stripped away. It should have fallen into Mohan's hands."


Lin Chen exclaimed in surprise that the soul of Zhen Mei was about to split. However, the spirit level was forcibly separated from the body. Even if it was not disturbed by other factors and did not return to the body for a long time, the soul would disappear automatically.

If the soul dissipates completely, there is no possibility to revive her! "Xiaochen, don't be too excited! We don't want to tell you this because we are afraid that you will go to Mo Han and try to take Zhen Mei's soul back. But you are not Mo Han's opponent at all. If you go to find him, you are just

Die for nothing! With your growth rate, you will become stronger than Mohan in the future. At that time - "

Murong Xuan hurriedly said when she saw Lin Chen's face was livid.

"By that time? By that time, mei'er's soul may have dissipated. Even if I kill Mohan, what's the use?"

Lin Chen gave a cold drink, which startled Murong Xuan.

Lin Chen recovered and said apologetically, "sorry, Shiniang, I'm a little too excited."

Murong Xuan shook her head and sighed, "I understand your mood."

A moment later, Lin Chen saw Zhen Mei. To be exact, it was Zhen Mei's body.

Zhen Mei lies in bed like a sleeping beauty who falls into a dream and cannot wake up.

Lin Chen walked over and felt her pulse.

Leng Dongchuan: "don't worry. We rely on pills to maintain the function of her body. As long as we can get her soul back, she can wake up smoothly."

"Mei'er, I'm back." Lin Chen sits beside the bed, touching Zhen Mei's delicate white face with her fingers. Her heart is full of apologies. If she had come back earlier, maybe Zhen Mei would not have looked like this.

The thought of Zhen Mei's soul falling into Mohan's hands must be very frightening. Lin Chen's heart aches.

Tai Shuyuan suddenly came over and said to Lin Chen, "I have sent people who are lurking in the Yin Yang holy land. Just now, a message has come."

"What message?" The crowd turned to him and saw that his face was very ugly. They all knew that it was definitely not good news. Uncle yuan looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mohan seems to know that you have returned to tianque star. He sent a message that if you don't appear in the yin-yang holy land within three days, you will torture the mountain master, the old mountain master and your woman for seven days

Seven nights, and then kill them, and make them scared! "

Everyone's face changed and they all turned to look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's woman should be Zhen Mei's soul!

Lin Chen stood up with a gloomy face. "Boss, you can't go there! The old man made an idea. He didn't have to think about it. He deliberately wanted to lead you to die!"

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