Zhen Mei was brought over by Murong Xuan and placed beside Lin Chen. Her body only had very weak vitality. There was no blood on her face. She was so haggard that Lin Chen felt distressed.

With the help of Optimus, Lin Chen propped up and leaned against the edge of the bed.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Qingtian, the blood demon and others were worried. They thought Zhen Mei would soon wake up safely. Now it seems that it may not be so smooth.

Lin Chen's mind moved, and Zhen Mei's soul flew out of his eyebrows.

Zhen Mei's soul is not only so transparent that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, but also no longer a human form, just like a cloud of smoke. It seems that when the wind blows, it will dissipate.


Lin Chen looked at Zhen Mei's soul and called, but he didn't get any response, which cooled Lin Chen and the rest of the people.

The next moment, they saw Zhen Mei's soul, which seemed to be under some kind of traction. They took the initiative to fly towards Zhen Mei's body, and immediately entered Zhen Mei's body and disappeared.

Zhen Mei's soul body, after entering her body, was full of vitality. Her beautiful but pale face was also gradually ruddy.

At the sight of this scene, all the people were delighted.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhen Mei, waiting for her to open them. However, as time went on, Zhen Mei showed no sign of waking up.

The faces of the people gradually turned ugly again.

"Mei'er, can you hear my voice? If you can, can you give me a little response?" Lin Chen grabs Zhen Mei's hand and shows a reluctant smile. The uneasiness in her heart is rapidly enlarging.

After a while, Zhen Mei still had no response.

"How could this happen? The soul has returned to the body. Why doesn't mei'er wake up?" Qingtian looks blue. "It doesn't mean that when the soul returns to the body, it will wake up. Just like a person's heart, if it is seriously damaged, even if the heart is still in the body, it can't sustain life. It seems that Zhen Mei's soul is too seriously damaged, although the soul

However, she returned to her body, but there was still no way to wake her up. "

Leng Dongliu shook his head and looked at Lin Chen, who was pale. He wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He couldn't help sighing.

Zhen Mei's condition is much more serious than her heart damage.

If it is really just heart damage, there are ways to repair it.

But the soul is damaged and wants to be repaired by external forces?

At least, Leng Dongliu has never heard of anyone with this ability.

Generally speaking, if the soul is damaged, as long as it can wake up, it means that the later soul can automatically repair.

But if you can't wake up, it means that the soul is damaged too seriously, and there is no possibility of automatic repair. In short, there is no possibility of waking up!

People in the house, aware of this, fell silent.

"No! No! Mei'er will be fine. I will definitely wake her up!"

Lin Chen tried to make himself calm, but his voice was shaking uncontrollably. He thought of something and said, "yes! Ling'er! Ling'er may know that there is a way to wake mei'er up?"

The origin of the divine prison tower is mysterious. Ling'er knows many things he has never heard of. He doesn't know how to wake mei'er up. Maybe ling'er knows?

Thinking of this, he was busy calling ling'er in his mind.

"What is it?" Soon, linger's voice rang out in Lin Chen's mind.

Lin Chen told Zhen Mei about her situation and couldn't wait to ask, "do you know how to make Mei Er wake up?"

Ling'er's reply after a few seconds of silence cooled Lin Chen's heart.

"After the soul returns to the body, it still can't wake up. It should be the original mark of the soul, which has been seriously damaged. This situation is more serious than you think. I have no way to wake her up."

"No, no way?"

On Lin Chen's face, there was no blood color at all. Waves of dizziness hit his brain, and his eyes were blackened.

"Why are you so desperate? I said I have no choice, but I know that there is a special ethnic group. They should have a way to revive Zhen Mei." Linger road.

Lin Chen immediately felt like beating a chicken's blood and said excitedly, "which ethnic group? Tell me where they are. I will go to find them now!" "That group is called lingzu. Even my master admires their accomplishments in working with the soul. If they are willing to fight, it should not be difficult to wake Zhen Mei up. However, if you want to find them, you need to go back to the original

Source continent. " Linger road.

"The race of the original continent?"

Lin Chen reacted and was shocked. He was not lost because of this. Anyway, he was going to go to the mainland of origin. In that case, when he arrived in the mainland of origin, he would go to the spirit family for help.

Lin Chen will never give up as long as she has the hope to revive Zhen Mei.

Lin Chen thought again, since the spirit clan has profound attainments together with the soul, will they have a way to revive the master of the divine emperor who has only a trace of soul mark? Ling'er seemed to guess what Lin Chen was thinking, and couldn't help but beat him: "don't think that when you get there, the spirit clan will help you. With your current strength, the spirit clan won't even look at you, let alone help you

Yes. The spirit clan is extremely powerful and has a supreme existence, even if you step into immortality. But a novice monk who has just stepped into immortality will not take it seriously. " "This --" Lin Chen's face collapsed. He didn't know when he would step into immortality. Even if he stepped into immortality, the spirit family wouldn't take it seriously. Wouldn't that mean that even if he could help the spirit family and wake mei'er up in the end

After countless years?

After all, it will definitely take a long time to raise your strength to the point where the spirit clan can pay attention to it.

This is still a smooth situation. If it is not smooth, it may never be possible to reach that step.

"If, after you step into immortality, you can pass my master's final assessment and truly control the divine prison tower. Then, even if you just step into immortality, the spirit family will never underestimate you!" Ling'er added.

"Passed the final assessment of the original owner of the divine prison tower?"

Lin Chen repeated, then nodded heavily, "I will pass!"

His consciousness returned to the real world, and his eyes fell on Zhen Mei's beautiful face beside him. As if he had sworn, he said, "mei'er, you should sleep in peace first. Soon, I will wake you up." He reached out his finger and stroked Zhen Mei's face. His eyes were full of love. The matter at tianque star had been solved. It was time to return to the earth and then go to the source continent.

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