The strong in the immortal realm are immortal in flesh, but they also have a life span. Their life span depends on the strength of their soul.

With the passage of time, the soul will eventually collapse automatically.

The stronger the soul, the longer it can hold on.

As long as the immortal strong man enters the Tao realm, his soul basically has a life span of 200000 years.

The stronger the soul, the longer its life.

The life span of millions of years is regarded as the life limit of immortality. In the history of the original continent, there has never been an immortality that can live for millions of years.

The life span of the strong in the immortal realm is generally said to be hundreds of thousands of years. Unless they become supreme, they will only fall down in the end.

Li Junji, the leader of the Yuding Dynasty, has lived for more than 100000 years, which is not old among the immortal strong, but it can be said to be an extremely ancient existence for ordinary practitioners.

When he was young, Li Junji became a Buddhist monk. When he got married, he was already a strong Taoist. As a result, even after tens of thousands of years, his children are still very few, only three men and two women.

Lixuanyi, the third prince, is the most gifted of Li Junji's seven children.

Although the third prince has many problems, for example, he often runs to Zuixian building, but he is hard to practice. However, he is over 10000 years old, but he is already a perfect preacher of seven robbers. He is very popular with the Lord Li Junji.

Today, lixuanyi received a message from the boss behind the scenes of Zuixian building, saying that there were some beautiful, skin like beauties who were new to Zuixian building. They were very good at dancing, so he brought some friends to watch.

The boss of Zuixian building didn't deceive him. The women dancing in front of him were really the best. They were graceful and beautiful. The key was that they didn't have any vulgar charm, which made him very satisfied.

While he was drinking, he was watching the beautiful women dancing. Suddenly, he heard someone nearby shouting: "third prince, look down!"

Li Xuanyi looked at the dancers in front of him, but he didn't turn his head. He didn't have a good way: "what are you looking at? What's more beautiful than a beauty in this world?"

The others in the room laughed and echoed.

The young man with a horse face said in a hurry: "beauty! What I said is beauty! The real beauty, my mother, is the first time I have seen such a beauty at such an old age!"

Several people in the room were stunned, including Li Xuanyi. They followed the eyes of the young man with a horse face and looked at the crowd on the street downstairs.

Those who can play with the three princes of the jade Ding Dynasty are naturally not ordinary people, including the masked youth, who have a prominent family background.

The young man with a horse face has always had a very high vision. Everyone is curious about what kind of woman can make him so amazed.

When they saw the girl with white wings and long silver hair on the street, the air in the room was stagnant. Several dancers were still dancing, but no one was watching.

Lixuanyi glanced at the girl on the street, and immediately looked back at the dancers. Suddenly, he felt that the dancers were mediocre in appearance and vulgar in temperament. Watching these women dance, it was boring to get home.

"Go down and invite that girl up. Say that the Third Prince of the Yuding Dynasty wants to invite her... Invite her up to drink and talk!" Lixuanyi turned his head and said to the bodyguard standing aside.

"Yes!" The bodyguard also saw the girl on the street. His eyes were full of amazement. He answered, flashed and disappeared in place.

"Stop jumping! Get out of here!" Lixuanyi turned his head and looked at several dancers who were still dancing hard. They had no good way.

Several dancers did not know how to annoy the master. They apologized in panic and left.

The other people in the room heard that Li Xuanyi asked the bodyguard to invite the girl up. They were all shouting. It's a pity that since Li Xuanyi had done it, the girl would have nothing to do with them.

Although there was some discomfort in my heart, no one dared to show it.

"The girl has a pair of wings. Is she a special race or a monster in human form?" Some people are curious.

"Even if she is a monster in human form, so beautiful, I will decide!" Lixuanyi took a sip of wine, with a bad smile on his face.

The others laughed loudly, with a look that we all knew.

"The girl heard that the Third Prince of the Yuding Dynasty invited her to come up and have a seat. I'm afraid she'll be very happy."

"Of course! As the third prince, I don't need to speak. At that time, the girl will try to climb into the third prince's bed. Ha ha! Wait a minute, I'm afraid the third prince can't get rid of her if he wants to get rid of her!"

"These women are different from those mediocre women. Naturally, they should be imprisoned. It would be great to get rid of them! Ha ha! Let's have a toast and celebrate the return of the third prince!"


The flattering words made lixuanyi very comfortable. He narrowed his eyes slightly and saw his bodyguard stop the girl.

Seeing what his bodyguard said, he turned his mouth and his eyes fell on the girl's beautiful face. When the girl heard that the Third Prince of the Yuding Dynasty invited her, she would naturally be very surprised and excited.


After the tall bodyguard who stood in front of him, such as snow scar, finished his words, his face was still very cold and said, "I'm not interested!"

"Well... What did you say?" The bodyguard was stunned. The reaction of the other party was completely different from what he had expected. Shouldn't it be that he was delighted to hear the third prince invite her?

The snow scar's eyebrows wrinkled, and his soft voice was a little cold. "I said, I'm not interested in drinking with your three princes. I'm in a hurry now. Please get out of the way!"

The bodyguard hurriedly said, "hurry up? I don't know what you're going to do. You just need to tell me what you're going to do. I promise to help you do it. You just need to go up and chat with our three princes."

As a lackey of the third prince, he knew that if he couldn't do it well, he would definitely be scolded, so he would take the girl back anyway.

"I'll do my own thing! I don't need help!" Snow trace said a word faintly and wanted to pass by the bodyguard.

The bodyguard moved and stood in front of her again, saying, "I think you'd better go up and chat with our three princes. Other women can't wait for this opportunity!"

"You --" Xue scar was a little angry, but she didn't seem to be very good at dealing with this situation, nor did she scold like a shrew. She just wanted to say something again.

Lin Chen was already in front of her and said with a smile, "it's useless for you to reason with such people. You should learn from me." He turned to look at the bodyguard, his face sank, and scolded, "get away from me! The farther you go, the better!"

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