"Eh, what's the matter? Just now it was sunny. The weather became too fast."

Xiayu City, the people in the city, looked up at the sky covered with dark clouds for a moment. They were puzzled. When they saw that a large number of lightning surged in the dark clouds, and the lightning was golden, everyone was shocked.

What is this?

The golden lightning sends out a fierce and terrible threat. People have a feeling that if they are touched by the golden lightning, they will turn into fly ash in the blink of an eye.

"This is..."

The snow scar looked at the scene above. He was a little distracted. He was immediately surprised and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

Lin Chen's turbid eyes were full of ecstasy. He laughed wildly and said, "hahaha! The disaster has come. I will become immortal. No one can stop me! I want to be immortal and live with heaven and earth. How can I fall so easily!"

Boom! Rumble——

Golden thunder and lightning, like the release of Jiutian galaxy, fell on the side of the city master's residence. Lin Chen roared and rose to the sky, and took the initiative to fly towards Tianlei.

Yeyiren, Su Xiran, Lin Chen's parents and others have also understood what is going on. Some people are smiling and some are crying with joy. For them, it is really a feeling of going from hell to heaven.

"That's -"

Gu Yong, who was hundreds of miles away, saw golden thunder and lightning striking the city master's house. He was surprised at first, and then said with great joy: "this is Lin Chen's ninth thunder robbery? He will step into immortality!"

Gu Yong turned into a streamer and hurried towards the city master's mansion.

People in Xiayu city looked curiously at the city Lord's residence after seeing golden lightning striking at the city Lord's residence. When they saw a human shadow rising into the sky to meet the thunder, they were even more surprised.

"Look! Who is that old man?"

"What's the matter with the thunder? Why did it strike the city Lord's residence? The golden thunder and lightning is so terrible!"

"I heard that when a strong preacher breaks through, he will attract Tianlei. It seems that this old man is going to break through? Since he rushed out of the city master's residence, he must be from Longmen!"


No one on earth doesn't know Lin Chen, but Lin Chen's face at this time is very old, and no one can recognize him at all.

Even so, they guessed that this man was the strongman of Longmen, and they were sincerely happy.

Lin Chen and the dragon's gate he created are the pride and spiritual support of people on earth. They are also proud of the strong breakthrough of dragon's gate.



Countless golden thunderbolts, like arrows from the gods, hit Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's body surface surged with black flames, swirled with gray smoke, and his long hair danced wildly, like a demon God bathed in lightning. He laughed wildly: "is this the last disaster? But so!"

He clenched his right hand and hit the sky with a bang. The space was annihilated. The lightning on his head turned into a little golden light and dissipated. Even the robbery cloud in the sky was pierced and a huge hole appeared.

This scene made people dumbfounded and almost dropped their eyes to the ground.

The dark cloud surged in the sky, and the huge hole soon disappeared. There was a more and more violent sound in the dark cloud. It seemed that Jieyun was enraged by Lin Chen. Soon, a more terrible lightning came.

Countless golden lightning, interwoven together, is like a sea of lightning. With the sound of explosion, the lightning is released, like a golden wave, which will devour Lin Chen.


The storm of thunder and lightning inundated Lin Chen. With a huge noise, the thunder and lightning exploded, and Lin Chen appeared in people's sight again.

At this time, Lin Chen looked younger than before, and the old age spots on his face were not so obvious.

Lin Chen noticed that his body and inner world were undergoing amazing changes. He looked at the robbery cloud above, and his eyes lit up, just like a big gray wolf seeing a group of little white rabbits.

He looked up at the sky in high spirits and shouted, "hurry up! I still need more thunder! Is this the only level of the ninth sky robbery?"

The Ninth Heaven robbery was more than that. It was just the beginning. Soon, there were countless golden lightning strikes. The power of lightning was stronger than before.

Just as everyone in the city Lord's residence was looking up, a figure stole in quietly from the gate of the city Lord's residence.

"This boy is really blessed with a great fortune. He should have the last disaster before the deadline! However, now is the best time to take the Tianren girl away!"

Wei Cang looked up and looked at Lin Chen in the air. He quickly searched for snow marks in the city master's residence. A moment later, he finally saw snow marks in a courtyard.


He suddenly appeared behind the snow mark.

Snow scar sensed something. He turned to see Wei Cang, who was like a frightened bird, and immediately wanted to retreat.

"Ha ha! You can't run away!" Wei Cang moved as quickly as lightning, clasped the weak shoulder of the snow mark with his right hand like an eagle claw, and immediately grabbed the chicken like an eagle, grabbed the snow mark, and shot away into the far air.

Snow scar only felt that a force was pouring into his shoulder, which made his whole body painful. Let alone moving, he could not even shout for help.

All this happened so fast that when the people in the courtyard reacted, Wei Cang had already grasped the snow marks and flew hundreds of meters.

"Stop it! Who are you? How dare you go here and arrest people! Let snow scar go!"

Old Mo shouted and ran after Wei Cang. Old Yan reacted and followed him.

The others hurried to catch up.

But even Mo Lao and Yan Lao, who are the fastest, are far behind Wei Cang. They are getting farther and farther away and can't catch up at all.

Lin Chen noticed the movement below, turned around and just saw Wei Cang holding the snow trace and running away in the distance.

"This guy has been hiding in Xiayu City, waiting for me and xuescar to come back? No! He must not take xuescar away!"

Lin Chen reflected what was going on. He could not help but show the secret method of "flame spirit demon body" and "ghost step" at the first time, turning into a gray phantom and chasing Wei Cang.

The thunder and lightning falling from the sky, like eyes, turned a corner and chased Lin Chen.

A moment later, Gu Yong came here.

"What's the matter? Where's Lin Chen? Wasn't he just robbing?" When Gu Yong saw the people in the courtyard, their faces were very ugly. His heart sank and he asked.

"Ancient commander!" When they saw Gu Yong, they were all delighted. They were busy telling him what had just happened.

"Suddenly, a mysterious man rushed out and took snow scar away?"

Gu Yong's face changed greatly: "Damn it! It must be Wei Cang. He has a thief's heart. He hasn't left the Yuding Dynasty and has been hiding in Xiayu city!" With that, he turned into a streamer again and chased Wei Cang and Lin Chen in the direction they left. At the same time, the robbery cloud in the sky also moved quickly in the direction they left.

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