Linger's words made Lin Chen stunned. Yes, millions, even tens of millions of strong immortals sounded like a lot, but it was nothing in front of the huge number of creatures on the original continent.

What's more, not a small part of it comes from many star regions in the universe!

It is not surprising that all the immortal powers of the whole universe are attracted by the chaotic origin and eventually converge here.

"On the original continent, there may not be an immortal among billions of creatures. The vast majority of people have never seen immortality. Now that you have stepped into immortality, you also belong to the ranks of the absolute strong in the original continent."

Ling'er continued: "I don't know much about the Lingjia people. As far as I know, the Lingjia people are the rulers of the Lingjia God domain. The Lingjia God domain is an incomparably vast grassland with numerous powerful tribes. Although the Lingjia people are the rulers of the Lingjia God domain, they are very different from the rulers of other God domains. They are very mysterious and don't care about anything at all. They don't care about the fights and conflicts between the upper parts of the grassland. Only outside forces, Attempting to invade Lingjia

They will only appear in the divine realm. Therefore, they were worshipped as guardian gods by the tribes on the Lingjia prairie.

No one knows where the Lingjia people actually exist on the Lingjia prairie. Even many tribes on the prairie do not know. If you want to find them, you need to go there by yourself. "

"Lingjia divine domain?" Lin Chen's eyelids jumped. Linger said: "you guessed right. Lingjia divine domain is one of the 107 supreme divine domains on the original continent. There is a supreme existence in the spiritual family. Therefore, although you have stepped into immortality, what are you doing in front of the rulers of the supreme divine domain of the spiritual family

They will not take you seriously, let alone help you. "

Linger's voice, Serious: "But as I said earlier, as long as you can pass my master's final assessment and get his inheritance, even if you are just at the beginning of the immortal realm, the spirit family will not underestimate you! In the next assessment, you must pass. As long as you pass, you can go to the Lingjia God realm to find the spirit family and ask them to help you. If you fail, even if you find the spirit family, they will not ignore you. And, go there

I will also leave you with the divine prison tower to look for the next candidate! "

Lin Chen's eyes became dignified, that is to say, in the next final assessment, he must succeed!

If it fails

no Never fail!

Lin Chen said in his heart.

Ling'er's voice sounded indifferent, but he also recognized that there was a trace of worry in her voice. Obviously, although the girl didn't say it, she also hoped that she could pass the examination.

"Don't worry, I will pass your master's final assessment." Lin Chen smiled. "Next, how do I go to the fifth floor of the divine prison tower to accept the examination?"

"I have nothing to worry about. Even if you fail, I won't have any loss."

Ling'er muttered proudly. Immediately, a huge vortex appeared in the middle of the cloud above, and a force shrouded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was pulled by the force and flew up into the whirlpool.

Lin Chen's eyes were black. Even if he found out, the scene in front of him had completely changed.

He stood on an ancient altar with an area of tens of thousands of square meters. Around and above the altar, there were wisps of dark gold flames and gray air currents, like fog, covering the altar.

"This is the fifth floor of the divine prison tower?" Lin Chen's eyes were full of curiosity.

"You stand here and don't move." Ling'er's voice rang out.

This time, linger's voice, no longer as before, came from all directions, or sounded directly in Lin Chen's mind. It was clearly from his right.

Lin Chen was shocked. He turned to his right and saw a girl on his right.

The girl has green crystal eyes, dark blue waist length hair, and a pair of wings behind her, which are very similar to those of a dragonfly.

Her appearance is a little immature, like a human girl at the age of twelve or thirteen. She is extremely cute.

But she was too small, only the size of Lin Chen's palm. She was flapping her transparent wings, floating beside Lin Chen's head, staring at Lin Chen with a pair of green eyes.

"You, are you linger?"

Lin Chen looked at the exquisite little man, and was shocked. He guessed from ling'er's voice that ling'er should not look big, but it was too small!

"Well, are you surprised by my natural beauty?" Ling'er saw Lin Chen's surprised appearance and raised a pair of delicate eyebrows.

"Yes... I was really shocked." Lin Chen nodded.

Ling'er looked at the dark golden flame and the gray air flow and shouted, "master, I've brought him here. Hurry up and meet him! People haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you want people at all? Really! Hurry up! Come out!"

Several black lines appeared on Lin Chen's forehead. She just felt that ling'er's performance at the moment was like a little girl eager to see her father who had been away for a long time.

"This jumping appearance should be her original temperament. Before that, Yi told me that ling'er was actually very lively, but he had been bored for too long. As expected. " Lin Chen said in his heart.

He had some doubts in his heart. Ling'er called her master out. Could it be that her master was still alive and had been staying in the God prison tower?


Immediately, Lin Chen denied the idea.

If the original owner of the divine prison tower still lives well, why do you need to find a new owner for the divine prison tower?

"You girl, after all these years, you are still as impetuous as before."

A gentle voice came from the wisps of dark golden flames and gray air in front of him. Then a middle-aged man came out of it.

The middle-aged man is thin, handsome and has long hair, which gives people a sense of freedom and uninhibited. He looks like he is only in his 40s, but his eyes give people a sense of vicissitudes. It seems that he has seen all the impermanence in the world.

Soon, Lin Chen found something wrong. The body of the middle-aged man was not an entity. It was somewhat unreal and hazy. This was not the first time he saw this. He immediately understood what was going on in his heart.

"This is just a remnant! Sure enough, if he still lives well, there is no need to choose a new master for the God prison tower." Lin Chen thought so.

At the same time, the middle-aged man's gentle eyes fell on Lin Chen. "Here you are at last."

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