"What are you doing, asshole!"

Yechenglin said angrily, "you guy, even if you didn't bring a gift, you've come to destroy my father's favorite things. Just because of your small bellied character, you still want to chase my sister. Have a dream!"

Ye Fu and ye Mu looked very ugly. They didn't look down on Lin Chen because of his birth. However, at this time, they really hated him!

"Lin Chen, do you know what you are doing? What the hell is going on!" Yemenghuang was surprised. She couldn't believe that Lin Chen would make such a stupid behavior.

"I said it was a fake." Lin Chen smiled lightly.

Father ye frowned in a knot. His face was dignified and his eyes were sharp with some impatience: "just because you think it's fake, we don't believe you, so you're going to destroy this word? What's your mentality? It's a mess and unreasonable!"

People who love calligraphy and painting hate that calligraphy and painting were destroyed by others. Such works of ancient people are national treasures. One piece is missing. It can be said that father ye is extremely angry at this time!

If Lin Chen hadn't helped yemenghuang, he would have let Lin Chen get out of the Ye family!

"Lin Chen, if you follow Meng Huang with this attitude, I can only say that you really let us down!" Cold channel of leaf mother.

Lin Chen said, "give me a blower?"

The people were stunned by his words, and some were confused.

Qiuzhenwei sneered: "ha ha! Why, now you know you are wrong and want to atone for your sins? Hum! Even if you blow this word dry, it has already caused damage to it! I am too lazy to investigate your responsibility. Hurry up and get out!"

His mother also disdained: "yes, I'm too lazy to talk to people like you. If it's useful to admit my mistake, why should the police do it? I think you are a narrow-minded little farmer. You don't deserve Meng Huang at all. Don't leave here soon!"

"Sin? Why should I make atonement? I just want you to know that this word is false." Lin Chen wondered.

"Use a hair dryer to prove that this word is false? Ha! It's really novel! Who are you fooling!" Qiuzhenwei sneered.

When yemenghuang saw that Lin Chen didn't look like a liar, she took a deep look at him, then ran back to the room, brought a ventilator and handed it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took over the hair dryer, plugged in the power, picked up the picture and blew it.

After a while, the picture was blown dry.

Lin Chen took it to her nose and smelled it. Then a funny smile appeared on her face.

Seeing this, everyone was puzzled, while ye Fu's face changed and said, "Lin Chen, can you give it to me?"

"Of course." Lin Chen smiled.

Ye Fu took the word from Lin Chen's hand. He also took it to his nose and smelled it. Then his face became very ugly!

Seeing this, qiuzhenwei could not help but feel a bad feeling.

"Lao ye, what's the matter?" Ye Mu wondered.

Ye Fu handed the picture to Ye mu in front of her nose and said, "do you have a strange smell?"

Yemu asked, and there was a strange smell.

Father ye said, "I've heard that there is a kind of medicine extracted from some deep-sea fish in Korea. It can fake Korean paper into a look that has gone through hundreds of years. It is specially used to make fake! This kind of fake has almost no taste. However, if it is wet and then dried, the taste will come out!"

At this point, the meaning of Ye Fu's words has been clearly understood. Others have changed their faces!

This picture is really fake!

Qiuzhenwei's mother and son were so embarrassed that their faces almost turned pig liver!

After working for a long time, they brought a fake as a gift. Just now, father ye said he would pay for it. That is to say, they almost ruined him!

Qiuzhenwei was embarrassed and said, "Uncle Ye, I'm sorry. I really don't know if this word is fake! I -"

Ye Fu waved his hand to interrupt her and said, "it doesn't matter. I guess you were cheated."

Although he said so, there was no intimacy in his words at this time!

Who knows whether the other party really doesn't know whether the word is fake or deliberately wants to pit him!

As a member of the provincial Calligraphy Association, he almost spent more than a million yuan to buy a fake. If he is known, he will make people laugh!

Ye Fu looked at Lin Chen curiously. "Lin Chen, how did you see that this character was a fake?"

At this time, all the people reacted and looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

Just now, they thought Lin Chen was really messing around. Unexpectedly, this character is true or false. This guy's eyesight is stronger than ye Fu's. It's incredible!

Yemu thought Lin Chen was making trouble for nothing just now, but she felt that Lin Chen was very capable. If it weren't for him, her family might have lost more than a million dollars today!

Yemenghuang was also shocked. She wondered at the bottom of her heart how many skills this guy had that she didn't know!

Lin Chen said with a smile, "actually, it's nothing. Although I don't have much research on dongqichang's character, in my opinion, although the character is OK, it's far from being a master calligrapher, so I think it's fake. It is said that one of the means of making fake products is to professionally treat the paper with special dyes, and then dry it after wetting it, just to see if there will be any flaws!"

What he didn't say was that his nose was better than that of a dog in Turin. He could smell the strange smell close to nothing on the word. When it was dried after wetting, the strange smell naturally became obvious!

When ye Fu heard the speech, he seemed to hear something incredible. He was shocked and said, "what did you say? Do you think this character has not reached the level of a calligrapher?"

Although Lin Chen's words are simple, they convey two messages: first, Lin Chen knows how to be a master of calligraphy; second, Lin Chen's eyesight is so strong that he can see the realm of this character at a glance!

Lin Chen nodded and said, "the creator of this character has a good foundation and a little verve, but his spirit is not enough. Ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting are an abstract carrier. What he expresses is not the thing itself, but the spirit and spirit of the creator. The so-called master needs to completely integrate his spirit and spirit into calligraphy and painting. Although this fake is a good work, it has not reached that stage!"

"This -"

When ye Fu heard the speech, his eyes were round. What Lin Chen said was absolutely right. What Chinese calligraphy and painting stress is a spirit!

He looked at the picture again, but what made him helpless was that he did feel that there was something missing in the picture, but he just couldn't say it. He didn't feel it clearly!

This only shows that his eyesight is not enough. He is far inferior to Lin Chen!

Seeing Lin Chen's words, qiuzhenwei calmed Ye Fu. He was a little upset and sneered:

"Where did you hear people say your theory? If you say something beautiful, who won't? It looks like you are really proficient in calligraphy!"

Qiuzhenwei's mother also felt ashamed at this time. Seeing Lin Chen showing off, she was full of resentment and agreed:

"That's right. You can just say something. If you have read several related books, who can't? It looks like you are a master of calligraphy!"

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing: "OK, in that case, I'll let you know that I can't just say it!"

He looked at Ye Fu and said with a smile, "uncle, I forgot to bring a gift for my first visit today. Otherwise, I'll write a word for you!"

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