Wu Boyu kept the posture of turning around to escape. His whole body had been frozen into an ice sculpture. His eyes were full of despair.

That violent force entered his body, like a wild beast, which destroyed everything. After a while, the stars in his body appeared cracks, and his body, like an air leaking balloon, the power of the stars, overflowed uncontrollably.

When people look at Wu Boyu, they are full of schadenfreude. Everyone knows that this guy is finished. For a powerful monk, it is more cruel to abolish his accomplishments than to kill him.

"The ice will melt automatically after two hours. Do it yourself. Don't appear in front of me again in the future!"

Baijiaojiao said, then looked at Lin Chen and said, "let's leave here first."

Lin Chen naturally has no opinion. He and situ CAI are obviously not suitable to continue talking here.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. Next, let situ Cai help promote Xuanyuan gun to a inferior artifact.

Seeing baijiaojiao take the initiative to let Lin Chen leave with her, people look at the hundred mile spark in the eyes, and the irony is even stronger.

At this time, the hundred mile spark suddenly rushed at Lin Chen, and hit Lin Chen's head with a fist. The space was shattered, and the wind was fierce. The power of this fist made people's hearts seem to be gripped by a palm, and they were out of breath.

Lin Chen didn't expect that Baili Xinghuo would suddenly be in trouble. He crossed his hands and blocked in front of him. The fist of the hundred mile spark hit Lin Chen's hands and made a terrible noise. The heat wave surged in all directions. Lin Chen snorted and flew backward for a distance. His feet plowed a 30 cm deep gully on the ground, and his face rose


"I thought you were so good that you dared to shout with me! After a long time, it was just the beginning of immortality. You deserve to rob women with me?"

Hundred Li Xinghuo stood still and took back his fist. He sneered coldly.

"Lin Chen, are you all right?" Zhen Mei runs to Lin Chen and stares at Baili Xinghuo with angry eyes.

Lin Chen shook his head at her and looked at Baili Xinghuo. She was trying to fight back. Bai Jiaojiao stood in front of Lin Chen and frowned at Baili Xinghuo:

"What are you doing? I'm not interested in you. It has nothing to do with him!"

Her words, let alone a spark, were not believed by the onlookers.

Over the years, Bai Jiaojiao has never pretended to be any man, but she is different from this man. She says that there is no special relationship between him and Bai Jiaojiao. How can this be possible?

"Where on earth is he better than me? A waste man who needs a woman to protect. It's a pity that you can look up to him!"

The hundred mile spark gave a cold hum, stared at Lin Chen, and said with a grim smile: "if you are kind and still a man, don't hide behind a woman! Dare you fight with me and take your 'meteor blood Jade' as a bet!"

From the performance of Lin Chen at the previous auction, he can see that the "meteorite blood jade" must have a special effect on Lin Chen, which is very important.

In that case, he would snatch the "meteor blood jade".

In addition to Bai Jiaojiao, it is also necessary to recover the face lost at the auction.

Hearing the words of a hundred mile spark, the people on the side were somewhat speechless.

"A hundred mile spark is too bullying. He first tests the strength of the other party, confirms that the other party's strength is not as good as him, and then puts forward a competition. Is he treating others as fools?"

"That's right! If you are really confident, you should directly propose to fight with the other party at the beginning, rather than say such words after temptation!"

"Bailixinghuo is cunning, but the young man is not stupid at all. It can be seen from his previous performance of spitting blood when bailixinghuo was angry at the auction."

"Only a fool will know that he is not an opponent and still have to fight with him!"


Everyone agreed that Lin Chen would not fight against Baili Xinghuo. However, Lin Chen did not refuse and said faintly:

"If I lose, the 'meteor blood Jade' will be yours? What about you? Give me 6million Saint yuan pills?"

A hundred miles of spark was stunned, and then his face became a little embarrassed. In his space ring, except for the just photographed nine moments of magic fire, the value of others added up to more than one million Saint yuan pills, which could not add up to six million Saint yuan pills.

He said: "if I lose, I will let people return to the clan and bring 6million Saint yuan Dan to you!" Lin Chen chuckled, "are you kidding me if you want to cover up the white wolf? If you want to compete with me, you can now take out 6million Saint yuan pills face to face, or the baby worth more than 6million Saint yuan pills! If you don't have them, get out of here


Originally, Bai Jiaojiao wanted to persuade Lin Chen not to fight with Baili Xinghuo. At this moment, she saw that Baili Xinghuo could not get 6million Saint yuan pills. She thought she could not fight, so she didn't speak.

"You -"

Bai Lixing was so angry that he clenched his teeth. This guy just knew that he could not get 6million Saint yuan pills. In this way, he not only didn't need to compete with himself, but also saved face in front of Bai Jiaojiao.

How can I let him do what he wants!

"If I lose, I will give you the jade plate of nine moments of magic fire! Is that all right?" The hundred mile spark sank into a deep voice.

This was an uproar!

"Young master!"

The old man behind the hundred mile spark turned pale.

A hundred miles of spark looked at him and said in a cold voice, "do you think I will lose?"

"This -" the old man thought of the scene that Lin Chen was hit by a hundred mile spark just now, and silently closed his mouth.

The crowd of onlookers were all excited. Those who had missed the scene in the auction and were very sorry were very glad to be here today.

The next scene, the brilliance, is never below the previous one!

"Are you crazy about the hundred mile spark? The value of" nine moments of magic fire "is far above the" meteorite blood jade ", but it took him 110 million Saint yuan pills to shoot it! He even used it as a bet equal to the" meteorite blood jade "

"He is not crazy, but confident enough! If I were him, I would do the same. The fight just now, it is obvious that the man is not his opponent. For him, this is a fight that is impossible to lose!"

"That man is probably stupid. He would never have thought that the hundred mile spark would take out the nine moments of evil inflammation as a bet!" "Look at that man. He was so sure to win the 'meteorite blood Jade' that the 'meteorite blood Jade' was worth more than 6million Saint yuan Dan. Moreover, if he lost, he would not just lose the 'meteorite blood Jade' to Baili Xinghuo! Maybe, Baijiao

Because of this war, Jiao turned into the arms of a hundred Li spark! "

... the crowd talked about it. Although they all thought the bets were not equal, they also thought that the party who earned from this fight must be a spark in the middle of the immortal realm.

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