"Nine moments of magic fire" is based on the power of the world and led by the special flame controlled. It transforms the power of the world into the form of flame, then compresses it to the extreme, and then explodes at an amazing speed.

The so-called nine instants refer to nine bursts, one faster than the other.

It seems very simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to do it. Both the transformation method and the compression method are extremely mysterious and complicated.

Lin Chen's mind entered the jade plaque, and a huge stream of information poured into his mind. For a moment, Lin Chen's mind was swollen, just like it was full.

Click click——

The jade plate in his hand became dull and made a crisp sound, which turned into powder and dissipated.

Lin Chen's consciousness was immersed in the vast amount of information. When he had a further understanding of this body method and martial arts, he could not help but marvel at its complexity. It was not clear in words or words.

The repeated transformation and compression process, as long as there is a slight error, will not only fail, but also cause no small harm to itself.

According to the records, the stronger the fire you control, the harder it will be to use this body method and the faster it will be if you successfully use it!

When Lin Chen browsed and pondered the contents of the nine moments of magic fire, he came back to God. It has been more than a month since the fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

The outside world hasn't arrived for half a day. Lin Chen is not in a hurry to go out.

He went to the third floor of the divine prison tower and began to try to use the method of "nine moments of evil fire" to use this body method.

After several failures at the beginning, Lin Chen finally took the first step and successfully performed the first moment of nine moments of magic fire. Lin Chen's body surface was filled with dark flames, and then the hot smell from his body became more and more terrible. Finally, with a "bang", Lin Chen disappeared and appeared in another place hundreds of meters away. A

A faint burning smell.

The dust in the air turns to ashes.

Where Lin Chen passed, the space was distorted, as if it were melted plastic.

"How fast!" Zhen Mei, who was not far away, exclaimed that she could not see Lin Chen clearly. For her, Lin Chen's speed was no different from that of a blink.

"It's finally successful. However, this is only the first moment of nine moments of magic fire. It will be more and more difficult later!"

Lin Chen looked happy. Although he knew that this was just the beginning, the speed of this first moment was almost twice that of his ghost step. It was hard to imagine how amazing the speed would be if he cast the ninth moment!

Although the power of devouring the sky dragon fire is not as good as the flame on the divine fire list, it is also stronger than the ordinary divine fire. Therefore, it is more difficult for Lin Chen to display the nine moments of magic fire than to learn other inferior Shinto body methods and martial arts.

However, Lin Chen has higher expectations for this body method and martial arts.

In a twinkling of an eye, the fourth floor of the divine prison tower has passed for more than seven years.

"Nine moments of magic fire!"

On the third floor of the divine prison tower, Lin Chen stood in the middle of the air. His body surface was filled with dark flames. With his low voice, six sounds exploded in the air, like thunder.

Lin Chen was like a beam of light jumping between several mirrors. The speed was amazing.

When Lin Chen's figure appeared in the air again, he sighed and was disappointed: "now I can only cast the sixth moment at most, but can't cast the seventh moment. It's not a technical problem, but my level is too low. If I want to cast the complete nine moments of evil heat, I'm afraid I need to break through to the middle of the immortal realm


The first step in the nine moments of magic inflammation is to continuously transform the world power in the body into the form of fire.

The higher the realm is, the more stars the power of stars will be transformed into the power of the world, and the faster the transformation speed of this first step will be.

The later the nine moments of magic fire, the higher the requirements for the transformation speed. With Lin Chen's current state, the speed at which the power of the world is transformed into the form of fire can only enable him to cast the sixth moment at most.

Although he was disappointed, Lin Chen was satisfied. "The nine moments of evil fire is an unexpected harvest. Moreover, even if it can only cast the sixth moment, its speed has been comparable to the ordinary inferior Shendao body method and martial arts. If it faces zhufeifei and other immortal States, it will still be unable to attack

But she can't keep me! "

Considering that he had been on the fourth floor of the divine prison tower for more than seven years, and that more than 20 days had passed since the outside world, situ CAI should have promoted the Xuanyuan gun to a inferior artifact, and it was time to go out.

Lin Chen leaves the divine prison tower with Zhen Mei and appears in the alchemy room. He immediately realizes that someone is guarding the door.

After opening the door, an old man turned around and said respectfully, "Sir, our princess has upgraded your weapon to a inferior artifact. She asked me to wait here. When you come out, I will take you to her."

Before long, Lin Chen met situ CAI in a hall.

Lin Chen gives the refined four "red phosphorus fire pill" to situ CAI. Situ Cai is surprised. Her original expectation is that Lin Chen can successfully refine three pills, which is enough.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen's success rate in refining the inferior divine pill reached 80%.

Lin Chen also took back the Xuanyuan gun that had been upgraded to a inferior artifact from situ Cai's hands!

Starting with Xuanyuan gun, the strange feeling of flesh and blood grew in my heart.

The damaged marks on the surface of the Xuanyuan gun have completely disappeared. Just looking directly at the tip of the gun gives people a sense of sharp edge on the back, and it also has an amazing sense of sharp edge. It seems that it can pierce all hard things in the world.

A hazy and transparent figure flew out of the Xuanyuan gun.

"Master! Master! I've seen you again!"

A very intimate soft waxy voice rang out.

It seems that she is about ten years old. She is a very cute little girl with pink carving and jade carving. She flies around Lin Chen happily.

The little girl has two dragon horns on her forehead.

"Small margin?" Lin Chen looked at the innocent little girl and was surprised.

"Hee hee! Master, don't you know someone else?" The little girl turned around in front of Lin Chen and said with some embarrassment.

"I almost didn't know you."

Lin Chen smiled. He didn't expect that with the promotion of Xuanyuan's spear rank, the shape of the spear spirit would grow accordingly. Moreover, he also found that Xiaoyuan's body was more solid than before. After a while, Xiaoyuan returned to the Xuanyuan gun. Lin Chen put the Xuanyuan gun away and was about to say goodbye to situ CAI. Situ Cai took the lead in saying, "something happened in QIANJIAO city!"

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