Lin Chen looked at Mu Ling and others who were begging. Naturally, he knew what they were worried about and said:

"You don't have to be so nervous. If I were afraid of the Baili family, I wouldn't help you deal with zhufeifei at that time. The Baili family is worse than the royal family in the Dongyang divine domain."

Mu Ling and others were relieved. Then they saw that di Kai, whose eyes were dull, turned into a streamer and flew into Lin Chen's eyebrows. They were all stunned.

Just now, Zhen Mei and Chen Mei flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows. They had guessed that there was a space in Lin Chen's eyebrows that could accommodate living people. Although they were surprised, they had accepted this.

The reason why Lin Chen was stunned was that just now, Lin Chen promised the other party that he would wake him up after asking questions. Now, he seems to have imprisoned the man in the space in the center of his eyebrows. He has no intention to wake him up at all. Lin Chen looked at them and said with a smile, "I just said that I would wake him up after asking, but I didn't say that I would wake him up immediately. One day later, a year later, or ten or a hundred years later, it would still be a speech to wake him up again

Count your words.

He is zhuhaoyan's subordinate. He wants to save your city leader. Maybe he can play some role in that time! "

What a cunning man!

Mu Ling and other women in QIANJIAO city all had the same idea in their minds. For the first time, they thought that cunning could also be a beautiful and reassuring quality!

Lin Chen's cunning made them feel at ease.

This cunning also brought them a lot of security. They were more convinced that Lin Chen could save their city master.

Lin Chen looked at Mu Ling and said, "the question now is, what will you do next?"

Mu Ling hurriedly said, "go and save the city master. Don't worry about us!" Lin Chen said: "I will go to Tianyan holy city, but it doesn't mean that I can find your city master and zhuhaoyan. Even if I do, I may not be able to save her. Whether I can't find them or I can't save baijiaojiao, they are

He will return to QIANJIAO city. At that time, you will be the hostage he used to threaten your city master.

Now, no one is watching you here. You'd better get out of here. Think for yourself, is there any place you can go? "

Mu Ling and others also understand what Lin Chen means.

They also don't want to be a drag on Bai Jiaojiao, but after thinking for a long time, they all look sad. Most of them have never left QIANJIAO City, and they can't think of where to go.

Seeing their expressions, Lin Chen already understood what was going on and said, "in that case, I will bring you into the space between my eyebrows. I will release you after I save your city master."

Mu Ling and the people in QIANJIAO City couldn't help laughing when they heard the speech. Mu Ling said: "do you know how many people there are in QIANJIAO city? If we count the men who are regarded as slaves, there are more than 30 million people in total. These people can only be counted down in the cities of Tianyan Shenyu, but we should

It is impossible for more than 30 million people to earn all their income in the center of your eyebrows! "

Although she didn't know the space between Lin Chen's eyebrows, she thought about it and knew that the space between the eyebrows of monks was absolutely not much.

It is incredible to be able to accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is impossible to accommodate more than 30 million people!

Lin Chen was relieved to hear that there were more than 30 million people. As far as he knew, the city of the supreme divine domain would have a population of more than 100 million. If the population of QIANJIAO city also exceeded 100 million, it would be some trouble.

The third floor of the divine prison tower can accommodate tens of millions of people. However, if the number of people exceeds 100 million, it will be a little crowded.

"There are more than 30 million people. It's not a problem. You go and gather all the people. I will bring all the people into my brow space." Lin Chen said.

This plain words, like a thunderclap on the heads of Mu Ling and others, confused them a little.

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, it didn't seem like a joke. Mu Ling asked Lin Chen to wait here for a while, and then he took people to gather everyone here.

Half a day later.

The third floor of the divine prison tower.

Standing high in the sky, looking down, there are a sea of people. Tens of millions of people crowded together. It looks really shocking.

The people of QIANJIAO City, looking at this wonderland, the vast world, let out a loud exclamation and looked incredible.

They knew that there were all kinds of incredible things in the original continent, but they were still shocked to learn that such a vast world existed in the eyebrows of a monk.

"This, this space, really exists in the center of your eyebrows?"

Mu Ling took back her eyes and was shocked. After asking this, she felt that her question was stupid. She was looking at QIANJIAO city and flew into Lin Chen's eyebrows one by one. How could this be wrong.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "in the next period of time, you will stay here. In addition, the time flow here is different from that of the outside world. One day outside, here is 50 days, so you will stay here for a long time."

"50 days!"

Mu Ling's eyes are round and her mind is shocked.


Thousands of meters high, a space gap suddenly appeared, and several figures came out of it.

The first one is a man who looks more than 30 years old, has a tiger back and a heavy waist, looks ugly, and looks a bit more ferocious than monsters.

Beside him, there is a beauty in sharp contrast with him, who reminds people of "beauty and beast". It is baijiaojiao.

In addition to the two of them, four others followed behind them.

Zhuhaoyan took out a map, looked at it for a few times, looked at the situation below, and said with a smile: "it's not far from Tianyan holy city. We can arrive today."

He was about to tear space apart and move on.

Baijiaojiao suddenly said, "wait! When you arrive at Tianyan holy city, you will immediately go to the palace of Bai Li's family, right?"

Zhuhaoyan looked at her and said, "beauty, what are you going to do? I advise you to die. No woman I like can run away!"

"I don't want to play tricks, but I want to tell you something related to the Baili family in advance. If you don't want to hear it, forget it!"

Baijiaojiao said coldly that although she was already a prisoner, she did not have a good face. Maybe the flattering women have seen too much. Zhuhaoyan likes Bai Jiaojiao's cold face very much and says with a smile, "what do you want to say, say it!"

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