Lin Chen was so cold in his heart that he already knew that zuoqiu Qianyu was a monk in the later stage of immortality. At the moment, zuoqiu Qianyu's breath locked him in. The pressure was much greater than when he faced zhufeifei

Compared with zuoqiu Qianyu, zhufeifei is one level worse.

"Although both are royal families in the divine realm, zuoqiu Qianyu, the first genius of the zuoqiu family, is obviously not comparable to zhufeifei." Lin Chen said in his heart.

Seeing that the atmosphere becomes depressed, zuoqiu Qianyu seems to be about to start, Zhen Mei quickly explains:

"Although Lin Chen spanked your sister, he didn't use his hands, let alone disrespectful. In addition, the reason why Lin Chen did it was because of me. It was she who pushed me away first and then pushed me forward in the name of zuoqiu family -"

"Shut up! Shut up, or you will be beaten together!" Zuoqiu's tears stopped immediately and looked at Zhen Mei angrily.

"Not by hand? Aggressive?"

Zuoqiu thousand rain was stunned. The terrible pressure was eliminated. She looked at zuoqiu thousand fog and said helplessly, "what's going on?"

"He is the one who insulted me! Sister, help me clean him up!" Zuoqiu Qianwu began to cry again. When she said she would cry and stop, everyone who looked aside was speechless.

Zuoqiu Qianyu's face sank slightly.

Zuoqiu Qianwu immediately stopped her tears and stood well. Although this sister usually spoiled her, it would be very frightening if she was angry.

"What the hell is going on?" The sound of thousands of rain on the left Hill became severe. Zuoqiu Qianwu pursed his lips and said, "I went to Tianlin Dan pavilion to buy pills, but I met a thief. I chased the thief. I accidentally pushed this guy's woman down on the way, and he stopped me. He not only beat me, but also

That made the thief run away! People's shoulders and buttocks are still hurting! "

People on the other side, hearing her words, felt that there was a big problem.

She pushed people out wantonly, which was not careful!

Moreover, her words directly omitted the matter that she started to fight Lin Chen first, then carried out her identity aggressively, and finally angered Lin Chen.

Although the thief ran away, he was finally caught back by Lin Chen. He didn't explain it at all!

It's all about what's good for her!

Zuoqiu Qianyu waited for her to finish, then looked at Zhen Mei and said, "tell me what happened?"

Zhen Mei naturally had no opinion. She told the whole story, but she didn't add any more. In fact, she didn't need to add any more. This matter was completely arrogant and arrogant. No wonder others.

Lin Chen didn't say a word. Although he was responsible for this, zuoqiu Qianyu did it to him. He wasn't surprised. There are many unreasonable people in the world.

In particular, the more powerful people are, the more arrogant and unreasonable they tend to ignore the rules.

To Lin Chen's surprise, after listening to zuoqiu Qianyu, he looked at zuoqiu Qianwu, and his voice was harsh: "is what they said true?"

"False -"

Zuoqiu Qianwu wanted to deny it, but he shrunk his neck and said coldly:

"Even if it's true, he spanked me! Sister, if you don't help me clean him up, you should help outsiders talk. I won't talk to you anymore!"

After saying that, a tearful expression of grievance.

Zuoqiu Qianyu sighed helplessly and said to Lin Chen, Zhen Mei and all the people around him:

"Everyone who was pushed out by this girl is really sorry. This girl was spoiled by me. If any of you were injured, you can tell me and I will compensate you accordingly." People nearby were flattered when they heard that zuoqiu Qianyu was the first day of the royal family to apologize to himself and others. Those who had been pushed out by zuoqiu Qianwu and had grievances in their hearts were all saying that they had not been hurt,

No compensation is required.

They were not polite. Although zuoqiu Qianwu pushed people away, he still knew how heavy it was. With his strength, he would only push people out for a few meters, and then fall to the ground. He would not end up bleeding.

Zuoqiu Qianyu smiled apologetically at Lin Chen and Zhen Mei, and then said to zuoqiu Qianwu, "go home and reflect on yourself. When I get back, see how I can deal with you!"

Zuoqiu Qianwu is not afraid at all. She knows that her sister is a knife with a mouth and a heart of tofu. She is not willing to clean herself up.

She seems to have forgotten that she just said that she ignored zuoqiu Qianyu, and immediately hugged zuoqiu Qianyu's arm. The aggrieved look on her face disappeared in an instant, and she said curiously:

"No! It's boring to stay at home. It's meaningless! Where are you going, sister? Take me with you? If you take me with you, I won't cause trouble. If you don't care about me, I may cause trouble again!"

"And you threatened me?"

Zuoqiu Qianyu had a headache and stared at zuoqiu Qianwu with a wry smile. It was a pity that she was not fierce at all. Instead, many men on the side looked a little stupid. "Bailihongxi and zuoqiu talked to them at the Tianxing restaurant outside the Bailijia palace. They have invited me many times. I haven't been free before. Today, I just have some time, so I plan to go there. You want to come with me

It's OK in the past, but you must be good and don't make trouble. Do you know? "

The soft voice of thousands of rain on the left hill. Zuoqiu Qianwu said with a smile: "gathering to discuss Taoism? Elder sister, when you go there, where do they still want to discuss Taoism? Especially the hundred Li Hongxi, it's estimated that they just want to please you. But it's also fun. I'll go with you. They want to please you

You have to please me first! Anyone who wants to be your sister's man must pass me first! "

Zuoqiu Qianyu said helplessly, "if you continue to talk nonsense, I won't take you!"

Zuoqiu thousand fog put out his tongue playfully and stopped talking.

Seeing that she was honest, zuoqiu Qianyu took her hand and walked towards the other end of the street. The people in front made way for her automatically, and she gave a kind smile to the people who made way.

People looked at her and looked at the thousand fog on the left hill. They all wondered how the two sisters could be so different. My sister was like a fairy, and my sister was a little devil.

Thousands of rain and fog on the left hill, hundreds of meters out.

Zuoqiu Qianwu turned around and glared at Lin Chen, who was following them, and said, "what are you doing with us?"

Zuoqiu Qianyu also turned around and looked at Lin Chen and Zhen Mei, who were following behind him. If these two people made up their minds about themselves and their younger sister, it would be like seeking death!

Lin Chen gave zuoqiu Qianwu a cold look and said, "Why are you so fond of being amorous? We are going to the palace of the hundred mile family. If we don't go in this direction, will we still go in the opposite direction?"

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