As time passed, more than a year passed in the twinkling of an eye.

More than a year is very short for the creatures on the original continent, because their life span is generally much longer than those on the indigenous planets of distant galaxies. However, over the past year, many things have taken place in the original continent, including the rise of powerful people and the collapse of ancient immortal dynasties. Lin Chen once made some noise in Longshan County, Wuling City, but after more than a year, except for some

Apart from the witnesses of that day, it has long been forgotten by people.

Zhuhaoyan's top-grade divine pill was taken away by Lin Chen. He was unwilling to leave. He suspected that Lin Chen might still be hiding in his home.

Although he left the Baili family, he was hiding somewhere outside the Baili family, staring at the gate of the Baili family's palace all the time, expecting to find Lin Chen escaping from there, and then snatch back the top-grade God Dan.

After about a year, he finally gave up and went back to the Dongyang divine realm.

The outside world has been changing for more than a year. Nearly 130 years have passed since the fourth floor of the divine prison tower. There are no waves. Only Lin Chen is like a dead tree and practices cross legged.

There was a flood like sound in his body, which was hot and with a trace of dead breath. It was surging around him. It seemed that there was an independent world in his body.

One person, one world, has a sense of mystery, which is difficult to explain in words.

Lin Chen doesn't know the name of the top-grade divine pill obtained from Zhu Haoyan, but now he can judge that it is a kind of divine pill that is purely used to improve the realm and has no other effects.

Therefore, it has a greater role in promoting the realm.

In the 43rd year after Lin Chen took the pill, he destroyed everything and stepped into the middle of immortality.

He continued to turn the power of the stars into the power of the world with the help of the power of the top-grade divine pill. Now he even felt that he might break through the later stage of immortality.

At this moment, the power of 20 stars has been transformed into the power of the world in his body. The breath on his body is stronger and heavier, as if his body had the weight of a world.

As long as we take a step closer and turn the power of the 21st star into the power of the world, it means stepping into the later stage of immortality!

The harvest this time is really huge. Zhuhaoyan paid countless prices to get the unfinished top-grade divine pill first, and then went all the way to Tianyan divine city to pay the price. He asked the leader of the hundred mile family to finish the last step of the top-grade divine pill. In the end, Lin Chen didn't pay any money

Price, pick the fruit directly!

If Zhu Haoyan had not had a strong soul, it would not be impossible for him to become an ordinary monk and become mad.

On this day, Lin Chen finally opened his eyes.

"No breakthrough to the later stage of immortality?" Ling'er flapped his transparent wings and said so beside his face.

Lin Chen's breath did not change again, so although she was asking, she already knew the result in her heart.

Lin Chen frowned and said, "it is more difficult to transform the power of the 21st star into the power of the world than to transform the power of the 20th star into the power of the world. It is a little worse!" Ling'er naturally said: "of course. Every breakthrough in the realm will be blocked by a barrier at the last step. It will be difficult to take that step. Many practitioners in the middle of the immortal realm are stuck at the end

a step.

You didn't realize before that the difficulty of breaking through from the initial stage of immortality to the middle stage of immortality was just because of the devastating power of the top-grade God Dan. "

Ling'er saw that there was no lost look on Lin Chen's face and understood that he didn't need his own comfort at all.

In fact, Zhu Haoyan should be comforted. This top-grade divine pill, which Lin Chen obtained without any effort, was in the realm of cultivation. It directly transformed the power of the five stars into the power of the world in the early stage of immortality. It broke through the middle stage of immortality and was only one step away from the later stage of immortality

The gain is too great! "In the divine prison tower, nearly 130 years have passed, and more than a year has passed since the outside world. The Bailijia Palace should no longer be under martial law. They all think that I have left. After mastering the last three moments of the nine moments of magic fire, I can do it

Left. "

Lin Chen is full of war in his heart and wants to fight with Zhu Haoyan again. Now he has made a great leap in strength. He is confident that after all the means are available, he can easily defeat the later stage of the ordinary immortal realm. Even though zhuhaoyan seems to be one step away from the peak of the immortal realm, Lin Chen has absolute confidence to compete with him

War. "When I have mastered the nine moments of magic fire, the combat power I can burst out should reach the peak level of the immortal realm. After that, I will have some difficulties to continue to improve my strength. Maybe I can try to swallow the sky dragon fire

To devour the divine fire, after all, the strength of "nine moments of magic fire" and "flame spirit demon body" will be affected by the power of swallowing the sky dragon fire! "

Although it is only one step away from the later stage of the immortal realm, it is not so easy to take this step unless there is another adventure.

As for the martial arts and soul skills, it is impossible for Lin Chen to obtain more powerful skills than the Yan Tian Shura hand and the soul seal of Shanhai town in a short time.

The improvement of the soul realm is not something that happens overnight.

However, he swallowed the sky and Long Yan. He had never even entered the Shenhuo list and had a huge space for growth.

Listening to Lin Chen's words, ling'er whispered in her heart, "I don't know which unlucky guy who controls Shenhuo will come to provoke him."

The outside world, in a twinkling of an eye, has passed for nearly half a month.

In a servant's residential area, a well-dressed man in his 30s is dragging a beautiful and weak looking maid into the room.

"Lord Jingsheng! Please, forgive me? Please forgive me. Please, if madam knows about this, I will be killed alive!"

The maid was full of panic, crying and begging the other party to let her go. Baili Jingsheng said with a smile, "what do you mean by forgiving you? You must understand that I want to spoil you. That's your good fortune. It's a great good thing for you. As for that bitch, as long as you are my lover, she doesn't know us

Relationship, how can I trouble you? Why, don't you want to be my woman? "

The maid still begged him to let go of herself. Obviously, she didn't want to be his lover.

Baili Jingsheng's face was cold, and he slapped the maid in the face. With a bang, the maid flew out.

"What kind of thing are you? I want to spoil you. That's your good fortune! You don't want to be shameful! Today you have to be willing if you want to, and you have to be willing if you don't!"

Baili Jingsheng took off his clothes and walked towards the maid. He didn't notice that a dark tower the size of a palm fell out of the maid's arms and rolled aside. Or, I noticed it, but I didn't take it seriously.

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