The power of the spirit, like a flood breaking the dike, poured out of Lin Chen's eyebrows, and then turned into lines of silk as thick as ox hair. One end was wrapped around the Xuanyuan gun, and the other end was wrapped around the woman.

The Xuan Yuan gun sent out a buzzing sound and trembled slightly.

There was a murmuring voice of the ancient gods and demons, which appeared in this space. The gray air flow emerged in all directions. In an instant, the surrounding space was broken. The space where Lin Chen and the woman lived seemed to have been isolated from the outside world.

After a long time, an unreal figure flew out of the Xuanyuan gun. The figure was too vague, as if it would disappear when the wind blew. It could only be seen that it was a person's image, but his face could not be seen clearly. The figure was drawn by the silk thread transformed by the power of the divine spirit, and finally entered the woman's abdomen. However, this is not over yet. More power of the divine spirit poured out of Lin Chen's eyebrows, turned into silk thread, and wound around the woman. If the power of the divine spirit

If you can see it with the naked eye, the woman is now wrapped like a cocoon.

Lin Chen's mouth sent out obscure syllables. The next second, strange symbols appeared in the gray air around him, and a mysterious force shrouded the woman.

I don't know how long it took, the gray air around finally dissipated, and everything returned to its original state.

The Xuanyuan gun clanged and fell to the ground. Lin Chen's eyes fell on the woman. Seeing that her face was ruddy for a few minutes, he checked again and found that the vitality in her body had stopped flowing. He couldn't help but look happy. He used his mind to sense the situation in the woman's stomach. Only then did he really know that

A sigh of relief.


He sensed that the soul energy in the woman's stomach was no longer dissipated, which meant that the Xuanyuan God Emperor had been reincarnated into the woman's stomach after the secret arts were successfully performed.

As the tense nerves relaxed, the sense of fatigue from the depths of the body and soul immediately swallowed Lin Chen's consciousness like the tide.

Although he was able to use this soul skill, he almost emptied his soul power. It was still somewhat reluctant to use the early soul of the divine realm to use this soul skill.

In addition, just now he used his secret method to deal with the old man in black robe with all his strength. At this moment, the sequelae of "flame spirit demon body" is also coming.

Within a few seconds, Lin Chen only had time to take back the Xuanyuan gun in the middle of his eyebrows, then his eyes closed and fell to the ground in a coma.

I don't know how long it took.

There was a moist feeling on his face, and the sound of strong grass blowing in the wind came from his ears. Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes.

He was still lying on the grassland, surrounded by shaking weeds, and a colorful snake was sliding on him. The moist feeling was because the first half of the snake was just on his face.

The colorful snake monster with crystal scales seemed to be startled when Lin Chen woke up. He opened his mouth and bit Lin Chen on his face!

"唳 -"

However, its sharp teeth could not bite the skin on Lin Chen's face. Instead, it gave a sharp cry of pain, and the two tusks broke.

Lin Chen grabbed its body and threw it away. The snake monster disappeared into the sky.

"What about the woman?"

Lin Chen stood up and found that there were only endless weeds around. The pregnant woman had already disappeared!

His face turned ugly.

At present, there are two possibilities. One is that the woman woke up and ran away without herself. The other is that the old man in black and his accomplices took the woman away.

However, in the second case, the accomplice of the old man in black would probably kill himself and then take the woman away.

In other words, the woman woke up and left by herself? "If that's the case, that woman would be so heartless! I saved her life at least. Besides, I'm going to make it clear to her about what happened earlier. She left by herself. Where should I look now

She? "

Lin Chen didn't want to ask the other party to repay his kindness, but the emperor Xuanyuan was still in the other party's stomach. The woman left, which means that the emperor Xuanyuan was also taken away!

Although his body was still a little tired, Lin Chen hurriedly used his mind to explore and search around, trying to find the woman.

One day later, Lin Chen almost searched for the woman in tens of thousands of miles, but he couldn't find the trace of the woman!

"That's all. Anyway, at least this reincarnation method will not forget the memories of previous lives. When Shifu Shendi grows up, he will also come to me and Shifu! We must meet again one day!"

Lin Chen thought from a different angle. Anyway, now it's all about the successful reincarnation and resurrection of Xuanyuan God Emperor. This is not a bad thing.

He did not stop any more, but turned into a streamer and went in the direction of the Yuding Dynasty.


Yuding Dynasty. The global city, once the capital of an immortal Dynasty, has declined. Now it has become prosperous again. With the special care of the Yuding Dynasty, no one dares to look for it after some crooked people eat it

Trouble. But now, the Yuding Dynasty, once the protective umbrella of the global city, is facing a huge crisis. The building is going to collapse, which in turn has brought a huge crisis to the global city. After all, the global city is a part of the Yuding Dynasty. If the Yuding

With the disappearance of the dynasty, the global city is also destined to usher in a disaster.

Goose feather heavy snow, fluttering in the world.

People in the earth city looked at the scene above the city with fear in their eyes.

"It's from the Sakon dynasty!"

"It will be all right! On our side, however, there is a super strong man of the Yuding Dynasty, commander Gu Yong. He is a super strong man in the middle of the immortal kingdom. He is a top-notch presence in the original continent, and nothing will happen!"

"Commander Gu Yong is a super strong man. It's true, but the other party can't be unaware of commander Gu Yong's strength. Since they dare to come here, they have the confidence to deal with Commander Gu Yong!"

"Now... What should we do now?"

"Where's the Dragon tooth? How come the Dragon tooth of our earth hasn't appeared until now?"

"Idiot! Did you ask Lord Longya to come out and die? Lord Longya is powerful, but it has only been a few years since we arrived in the mainland of origin! If you let Lord Longya and these super strong men in the mainland of origin fight, wouldn't you let him die?"

"Now we can only hope that commander Gu Yong can win, or that we will not be implicated!"


Above the global city, there are many people standing in the air. Two of them are fighting. The space is constantly annihilated, setting off a violent wave. The scene is frightening, as if they are going to knock down the stars in the sky. There were more than a dozen corpses on the ground, all wearing the clothes of the imperial guards of the Yuding Dynasty.

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