The area of the global city is too large. Lin Qizhi's parents are located on the edge of the eastern region. When what happened here reached the city master's mansion in the center of the global city, there was only a mess of collapsed buildings and residences

Nearly half of the tens of millions of people here have disappeared.

Lin Chen happens to be in seclusion. This kind of thing is handled by yeyi and Su man.

When yeyi found out the specific location, he could not help but change his face.

"What's the matter?" Su man asked suspiciously when he saw that her face had become ugly.

Ye Yiren: "this is the area where Qiqi's parents live!"

Su man's face changed: "are you right?" Yeyiren affirmed: "absolutely right. When I arranged accommodation for her parents, according to the requirements put forward by her parents, I specially helped them select more than a dozen villas for them to choose. Finally, they chose here. I still remember

Well, her mother said, she really likes some artificially built landscapes nearby. "

She rubbed her temples. "There's even worse news. Yesterday, two little girls came to me and said they would go to Qiqi's house. They have been there these days."

In a few minutes!

The hall of the Lord's residence.

Lin Chen's face was livid. Ye Yiren, Su Xiran, Su man and other women were also in the hall, looking anxious.

"Have you tried to contact them with the jade slips?" Lin Chen looks at Ye Yiren. Ye Yiren nodded: "I tried at the first time, but there was no response. Not only that, I also asked someone to search Qiqi's parents' house immediately, and then summoned them to report to me. I didn't find anyone in the house, either of them or qi

Qi's parents should have had an accident... "

Lin Chen's face turned black. He said in a cold voice, "have you figured out what happened?"

"You say it!" Yeyi people looked at the middle-aged man standing by respectfully.

At that time, not all the people who saw the black shadow Python were taken away, and many of them escaped. This middle-aged man was one of them. The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "at that time, I was staying in the house. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise outside. The earth shook. Many people ran out to see what was going on. I... I was cautious. I didn't go out, but just opened the door

Gap, look outside. As a result, I saw a black Python hundreds of meters long in the sky. It seemed that it had made the movement. Then it suddenly turned into a middle-aged man. With a wave of his hand, there was a black wind, which rolled up countless people in the street,

People flew towards him uncontrollably. The strong wind was like a huge dark cloud, which stuck everyone, and then he left with the huge 'dark cloud' and disappeared into the sky! "

Although the overall strength of the earth people has been greatly improved, they are still the same as ants in the face of the strong immortal.

From the beginning to the end, it took only a dozen seconds for the middle-aged man to say a few words.

Hearing that those people were just captured, not killed, Lin Chen was a little relieved.

"Hundreds of meters long black Python?"

Lin Chen thought of something and looked suspicious. "Is there any feature on the black Python? Also, how does the middle-aged man look? Please describe it to me in detail!"

In front of Lin Chen, the middle-aged man was like an ancient Chinese people who were afraid of seeing the son of heaven. Lin Chen immediately answered whatever he asked.

After hearing his description, Lin Chen was even more surprised.

A black python with back wings and black scales hundreds of meters long?

A feminine looking middle-aged man?

These characteristics remind him of a person, or a monster!

Black shadow Python‘ Is that him? If it's him, is he here to revenge me? incorrect. If he knows that I am the leader of the global city and wants to revenge me, he should come to me directly! Last time, though he suffered a loss in my hands,

But my attack was a sneak attack. He would never think that the face-to-face fight would be inferior to me! Not a black shadow Python? Who the hell is that? "

Lin Chen was puzzled, but he soon drove all these thoughts out of his mind. It doesn't matter who they are. The important thing is to find out quickly where they have taken the snow marks!

Just then, two men came in from the door.

"Lord Li, why are you here?"

Lin Chen was surprised to see the visitor.

The visitors are Li Junji, the king of Yuding Dynasty, and Gu Yong, the imperial commander of Yuding Dynasty.

Lin Chen once asked Li Junji to look after the global city, but after he came back, Li Junji returned to the capital with Gu Yong.

After Li Junji and Gu Yong left, there were still some people from the Yuding Dynasty. If the Earth City needs help from the Yuding Dynasty, just go to find them directly.

After all, the global city is in the Yuding Dynasty. It will be easier for the Yuding Dynasty to help with many things. During the expansion of the global city, a large-scale space transfer array was built to connect with the large-scale space array of the imperial capital of the jade tripod. In this way, it is convenient for people from the global city to go to the imperial capital of the jade tripod, or lijunji and others to come here

Lijunji looked grave and asked, "my people here sent me a message saying that there was an accident in the east of the earth city not long ago, and millions of people were missing. They were taken away by a middle-aged man transformed by a snake monster?"

Lin Chen nodded.

Li Junji suddenly said, "maybe I know where the monster's nest is!"



Just like throwing garbage, the middle-aged man turned into a black shadow Python shook his arm, and the black fog dispersed. Millions of people were thrown into the hall.

The area of the main hall is very large. The problem is that the number of people here is really amazing. How can hundreds of thousands of square meters accommodate millions of people? Therefore, people are like a pile of sand. When they fall to the ground, they scream incessantly.

"Let me warn you a few words first. Don't think about running away, and don't touch the dark light shrouding the hall. Otherwise, with your strength, you will die right away. If you don't want to die, be honest."

Looking at the screaming people, Li Junji's eyes were cold. He didn't care about their lives, but if they died, they would have no value to swallow.

He noticed that his body was getting hot, and said to himself: "this method is getting less and less effective, but the trouble is not getting smaller at all. After swallowing the blood essence every time, the Qi and blood are hot and the mood is restless, which is really some trouble." He stretched out his overgrown tongue and licked the corners of his mouth with a lustful light in his eyes: "in that case, as usual, let it out first, and then meditate! I noticed just now that there were several women with outstanding looks

。” Snakes are obscene and evil. In this regard, he is essentially no different from snake monsters.

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