His mind shrouded the area for hundreds of miles, but he didn't notice Lin Chen's breath. Lin Chen seemed to disappear out of thin air. The black shadow Python couldn't help changing his face.

What the hell is going on?

Even if the other party is an immortal realm peak, the realm is still not as good as you. Why can't you feel the other party's breath?

On the soul realm, I am not prominent but not weak in the great perfection of the immortal realm. How can I not feel the breath of the other party in the middle level of the soul realm?

And how did he do it when he hid his breath and fought with himself?

The black shadow Python was shocked and didn't understand.

"Is it because of the chaos and fire? The special ability of chaos and fire seems to be the hidden breath! But no, the flame he controls is clearly black! But it's not that chaotic fire. What is the situation at present? "

The black shadow Python was shocked and angry. He could not think of a reason. At this time, a strange wave of soul rushed into the black fog to suppress him!

"It was the last time he used that soul skill!"

The black shadow Python was shocked. Fortunately, he was always on guard in his heart, and immediately shouted: "the ghost shadow is forbidden!"


In the black fog, there was a strange cry that made people's hearts bristle. Countless dark shadows stole away from the black shadow python, and then they overlapped around him, turning into a substantial black ball to protect him in the middle!

The terrible soul waves, bumps into the black ball, makes a buzzing sound, and produces an amazing storm.

The defense means of the black shadow Python did not completely block the "soul seal of Shanhai town". The soul felt intense pain if it was pricked by a needle, but that was all. It did not fall into a dreamland like the last time.

"Hahaha! I said long ago that as long as I am on guard, you can't win me by this means alone, although it can bring me some influence! This time, you will definitely die!"

Although the soul felt intense pain, the black shadow Python thought he would win. Instead, he laughed. His snake face was very ferocious, and his eyes were full of fierce cold.

At this time, the black shadow Python suddenly realized that the temperature in this world was rising sharply, and had reached a point where ordinary people could not survive.

"What's going on?"

Startled, he looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds in the sky had turned into a dark sea of fire and were burning.

"Yantian Shura hand!"

A cold drink.

First, a palm print flew in, rushed into the black fog and hit the black ball on the surface of the black shadow python.

The sphere formed by the black shadow was almost to the limit when the "soul seal of Shanhai town" was blocked. At this time, it was directly smashed by the palm print, producing an amazing heat wave.

Without giving the black shadow Python any reaction time at all, the huge six armed Shura came and killed the black shadow python. The six palms exploded on the black scale of the black shadow Python's body. The roaring sound was like six giant planes hitting the Tianshan mountain one after another. The black shadow Python's seven orifices burst into blood, and his body flew sideways, but before he could fly far away, the sea of fire in the sky dropped a flaming palm, which was larger than his body, like the stars falling, and blasted him mercilessly

The black fog around him was dispersed, and he flew down with the black shadow python, and finally hit the ground below.


The earth shook and sand flew away. When the dust settled, a huge pit with a diameter of more than 100000 meters appeared on the ground, and the bottom was stained with dark flames. A black Python hundreds of meters long had a lot of black scales falling off, and there were waves of barbecued meat


"I hit with all my strength, but I didn't destroy this guy's body directly. The body of the immortal realm great circle level monster is really terrible!"

Lin Chen murmured, then fell down and stopped several tens of meters above the black shadow python. Looking at him, he asked, "now, I still feel that the poison fog is covering you. Can't I win if I don't get close to you?"

The black shadow Python looked at Lin Chen angrily. He was defeated by a human cultivator at the peak of the immortal realm?

"Let me go, and I will return those people in the earth city to you!" The black shadow Python is also very receptive. He knows that he has lost, so he threatens.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and the Xuanyuan gun appeared in his hand. The dark flame poured out of the Xuanyuan gun. Like a long river of flame, with Lin Chen's anger, it hit the head of the black shadow python, and directly cracked his head.

"Roar -! You, do you want to see those people die?"

The black shadow Python screamed and threatened at the same time.

Lin Chen sneered. If he was a crazy tiger, the Xuanyuan gun in his hand kept falling. Soon, the physical recovery ability of the black shadow Python reached its limit, and huge cracks appeared in his head. It looked terrible.

"No! Don't kill me! As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything! Please!"

The black shadow Python finally collapsed, and the giant beast with a body of hundreds of meters was begging Lin Chen for mercy.

Lin Chen ignored him. He was still beaten violently. Finally, with a bang, the head of the black shadow Python exploded, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere, becoming a headless corpse!

A huge transparent figure rushed out of the black shadow Python and was about to escape.

"There are only souls left. Do you think you can run?" Lin Chen drinks cold.

That huge figure was also the soul of the black shadow python. Hearing this, he stopped and looked at Lin Chen with fear in his eyes.

He didn't expect this guy to be so powerful and so ferocious!

Without a word, he will destroy his own flesh!

In his heart, fear of Lin Chen grew out of control.

"Tell me, where is the man you captured now? And where is the red Yan monster now?" Lin Chen asked coldly. The black shadow Python hated Lin Chen deeply, but he didn't dare not answer. "I can tell you anything you want to know, but you have to swear. After I tell you, you can't do anything to me, and you can't do anything to me. Let me go

All gone! "

He is obviously not as easy to deceive as zhurongzhou. If Lin Chen promised him, he would not be able to deal with him as he did with zhurongzhou in the Dongyang Shenyu last time.

Lin Chen looked at him coldly. The next moment, he turned into a streamer and rushed towards him.

"You -"

The black shadow Python was scared out of his wits. Now he was really afraid of Lin Chen. This guy was just a madman. He didn't give him any room to discuss!

But he didn't know. From the beginning, Lin Chen couldn't let him go.

Whether he captured Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi, or threatened him with Lin Chen's relatives, it was all against Lin Chen's scales. The dragon has an inverse scale. Those who touch it die!

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