The Huangting divine domain is far away from the Lingjia divine domain. Lin Chen took linghuaxuan on his way day and night with the help of some transmission arrays. Even so, it took him an extra time to finally arrive at Danyun, the divine city of the Huangting divine domain


The Zhangjia that Linchen and linghuaxuan are looking for is in the Danyun city.

Walking in the busy street, Lin Chen glanced at the street vendors and shops. She was a little surprised.

Ling Huaxuan looked around and said to Lin Chen, "this is my second time here. When I first came here, I was a little surprised. It is normal that Danyun city is very prosperous. As a divine city in the Huangting divine domain, it would be strange if it is not more prosperous. The problem is, whether it is those stalls or not

Peddlers, or shops on both sides of the street, are basically all related to pills. They either sell pills or alchemy materials. There are few others! "

Lin Chen nodded, and he was aware of this.

Danyun city is as prosperous as other holy cities in the supreme divine realm he has visited before.

The difference is. Although other sacred cities in the divine realm are also very prosperous, on both sides of the street, in addition to the vendors and shops related to pills and alchemy materials, there are many other places, such as restaurants, brothels and weapon shops. Here, at a glance, it is clear that

All of them sell pills or alchemy materials.

The names of those shops all carry the words "Dan Pavilion" and "Dan Hall", which are related to Dan medicine.

It feels like people in the Huangting divine realm don't care about anything except pills!

A little boy of threeorfour years old, led by an old woman, passed by Lin Chen. The child held a yellowing book in his hand and seemed to be silently reciting something.

"Dan Fang?"

Lin Chen glanced over the book and found that what was written on it was a kind of inferior holy pill called "Tianyu pill". In addition, it was about the explanation of this pill.

The child was so absorbed that he began to whisper.


Lin Chen looked at this scene and smiled. He looked around again and said in his heart that there was a strong atmosphere of alchemy in the Cloud City.

The reason why this happens is probably influenced by the Yan Family of the royal family!

Just like the original QIANJIAO City, the city leader Bai Jiaojiao hated men. Influenced by her, people in QIANJIAO city also thought that men were not good things and hated them.

The Yan family, the royal family of the Huangting divine realm, is famous in the western part of the original mainland for its alchemy. It is not surprising that people here are affected and aspire to become an alchemist.

Moreover, in the world of monks, alchemists are called the most noble profession.

Unfortunately, to be an alchemist, there are congenital restrictions.

Need to understand the law of fire!

No matter how much people here yearn to become an alchemist, only some people can really do it.

This makes the status of the alchemist here more noble!

"Lin Chen, come this way. Zhang's residence is not too far from here. It will be here soon."

At a crossing, Ling Huaxuan took Lin Chen and walked to the left.

As soon as they walked out of a distance of more than 100 meters, they saw that there were a sea of people in front, surrounded by many people. In the middle of the crowd, there was a challenge arena about three or four basketball courts in size and three meters high.

People looked at the stage with envy and yearning in their eyes and whispered to each other.

Linghuaxuan glanced curiously.

Lin Chen said, "go and have a look?"

Linghuaxuan nodded, and they walked towards the crowd. The voice of people's conversation was also heard in their ears.

"Zhou Yu is really a genius of the famous Danyun city. It's not difficult for him to refine the nine level Taoist realm holy Pill - Tengjiao red blood pill!"

"Of course, it won't be difficult! As far as I know, his soul state has already stepped into the early stage of the divine realm. Even refining the inferior divine pill has a success rate of 50% to 60%. What is it to refine the Ninth level Taoist realm holy pill?"

"That's right! For him, the qualification of Dandao Dabi is something that can be captured easily!"


Lin Chen and Ling Huaxuan walked into the crowd and saw several people on the challenge arena. One of them was refining pills. He was a young man who looked like twenty-five or six years old. In front of him, there was a head size, Dark Jade like Dan Ding suspended.

An orange flame was burning in the tripod, a golden material was bathed in the flame, and dozens of alchemy materials were suspended on both sides of the youth.

Obviously, the young people are refining pills. What they are refining is a kind of nine grade Taoist realm holy pill called "Tengjiao red blood pill"!

"Excuse me, Dantao Dabi, is it the alchemy competition held here now? Why is there only one person on the stage, and is there only one participant?"

Linghuaxuan asked a young man nearby curiously.

When the young man heard that someone asked such a "hillbilly" question, he hissed and disdained to answer it. He glanced at linghuaxuan from the corner of his eye, and his eyes were filled with amazement. The disdain on his face disappeared, and people became enthusiastic.

He introduced her: "the Dandao Dabi refers to our once-in-a-thousand-year alchemy competition in the Huangting divine realm. The competition will not officially begin until next month. What is in front of us is the entry-level competition to obtain the qualification.

The introduction competition has been held for a whole year. Such a long time is also convenient for alchemists from other places in the Huangting divine domain to have enough time to catch up.

However, basically, the previous 11 months were nothing to look at. Those with strong strength came to participate in this competition in the last month to obtain the qualification.

The man on the stage is named Zhou Yu. He can definitely rank in the top 50 of the young generation in the Huangting divine realm for his ability to refine pills! When everyone heard that he was coming to the competition, they all came to watch the excitement. "

He said with some pride: "Miss, you don't even know about this' Dandao Dabi '. I'm afraid it's not from the Huangting divine domain. If you don't hurry, this Dandao Dabi must have a look and learn a lot!

This kind of grand event will never happen again in the western region of the mainland of origin! At that time, there will be many Shinto Dan zuns. Well, Zhou Yu on the stage is a Shinto Dan Zun! "

"Shinto Dan Zun..."

Linghua Xuan repeated, looking at Zhou Yu on the stage, her eyes were full of envy.

The Alchemist is the most noble profession in the mainland of origin. The Shinto Dan Zun is the top of the alchemists. She also dreamed of becoming an alchemist. Unfortunately, she has no talent in alchemy.

Lin Chen looked at it for a while, and his face showed disappointment. Can this also rank in the top 50 among the young generation in the Huangting Shenyu?


Above the sky, dark clouds and thunders.

"When the thunder comes, the young pill has been made! The alchemy is successful!" Someone shouted.

Ling Huaxuan seemed to be afraid that Lin Chen would miss some beautiful scenery in the world. She pulled Lin Chen and said excitedly, "Lin Chen, look! It's the thunder of the holy pill in the ninth grade Taoist realm!" Lin Chen was speechless. He just succeeded in refining a holy pill in the Ninth level Taoist realm. What's so good about this?

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