Lin Chen and Ling Huaxuan are standing in front of a palace like building. This is the destination of their trip. Zhangjia, Danyun city!

Zhangjia belongs to a first-class family in Danyun City, and even has some friendship with the royal family Yan family.

The zhangjias, who advocate keeping the Tao, are the strong ones in the great circle of immortality.

Along the way, Lin Chen also learned something about zhangshoudao from linghuaxuan.

Many years ago, the leader of the Ling clan traveled abroad and once saved Zhang Shoudao's life. The latter two became friends, and their friendship continues to this day.

According to Ling Huaxuan, Zhang Shoudao's strength should be on the same level as her grandmother's. in the great perfection level of the immortal realm, it is not too strong, but it is not weak. Even if it is placed in a supreme realm, it is also the top power.

Linghuaxuan led Lin Chen to the gate of Zhangjia. Soon, guards stopped them and asked their identities. Linghua Xuan showed her identity and told the other party that she was looking for the leader of the Zhang family. The guard didn't have enough vision. She didn't know what the lingzu represented. However, when she heard that the other party was looking for the leader, her face became respectful. No matter what the other Party's identity was,

But anyone who has some relationship with the owner of the house can never be provoked by himself.

He asked Lin Chen and linghuaxuan to wait at the door for a while and ran to report to the Zhangjia family leader.

After a while, a dignified old man with a Chinese character face, with a group of people, quickly walked towards this side. The former guard followed with a worried face.

Linghuaxuan saw the old man, showing a happy face, and took Lin Chen to meet him.

Lin Chen immediately understood that the old man who was the first was mostly the Zhangjia family who advocated guarding the Tao.

"Grandpa Zhang!"

Ling Huaxuan took Lin Chen and walked to Zhang Shoudao to say hello.

"OK! Ha ha! It's really you, Hua Xuan. I thought I heard you wrong when I came to give a briefing just now. Grandpa Zhang was very happy when you came to visit him!"

Zhangshoudao looked enthusiastic, as if he had seen his own granddaughter. He immediately gave a cold look at the guards following him and scolded:

"Something without eyes! When Hua Xuan arrives, she will be a guest of our family. You don't take her directly to see me, but let her wait here?"

The guard was so scared that he turned pale and fell on his knees to beg for mercy.

Linghuaxuan hurriedly said, "Grandpa Zhang, he also performs his duties. He doesn't mean to embarrass me. Don't blame him. I'll wait here for a while. In fact, it's nothing."

"Since Hua Xuan pleads for you, I will spare you this time!"

Zhangshoudao said coldly to the guard, looked at linghuaxuan and said with a smile, "you are a kind girl."

He smiled and looked at Lin Chen: "is this your peer in the spirit family?"

Ling Huaxuan shook her head and said, "his name is Lin Chen. He is my friend, not a member of our Ling clan!"

Zhangshoudao nodded to Lin Chen and asked them to go to the main hall. The Zhangjia people he brought followed the three of them. Lin Chen secretly said that Zhang Shoudao was very enthusiastic to the people of the spiritual family, but it was right to think about it. Even if the spiritual family was the controller of the divine domain, but Zhangjia was just a big family in the divine domain, the two were completely different

Not a hierarchy.

It is normal for Zhang Jia to show his kindness to the lingzu. After arriving at the hall, Zhang Shoudao exchanged greetings with Ling Huaxuan, and then said with a smile: "Hua Xuan, remember, brother Jingshan and I are brothers and sisters. If something happens to you, or brother Jingshan, you must

Tell me the first time! "

"Our spirit clan -"

Linghuaxuan was moved when she heard the speech. She subconsciously wanted to tell the other party about the current situation of the lingzu and their ancestors, but Lin Chen interrupted her.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Master Zhang, we have something to do this time. I hope you can help me!"

Zhangshoudao looks at him.

Lin Chen said: "we came here this time to look for some alchemy materials. We hope we can help find them with the help of Zhangjia's contacts in the Huangting divine realm! If you have any clues about these alchemy materials, please let us know." "It's just a small matter. It's no problem." Zhangshoudao didn't even think about it. He said, "as long as you can find the alchemy materials in the western region of the original mainland, you can basically find them in the Huangting divine domain. We Zhangjia have accumulated in the Huangting divine domain for many years,

It is not difficult to find some alchemy materials. Just list out the alchemy materials you need and give them to me. "

Linghuaxuan was delighted when she heard this.

Lin Chen had already made a list. At this time, he took it out and handed it to zhangshoudao.

Zhangshoudao took the list and looked at it. The smile on his face was frozen and he was stunned.

The people beside him also saw the alchemy materials listed in the list,

These people, who are the core personnel of Zhangjia, have extraordinary knowledge, but at the moment, their eyes are full of surprise. Some even doubt whether they are mistaken and rub their eyes.

"Luo Erguo, Du Hun grass, lanxinming snake vine, Guiming blood ginseng, Lianxin chalcedony..."

Some people swallowed saliva. These materials are the lowest in value and are comparable to the inferior God pill. Most of them have only been heard of, but never seen!

Zhangshoudao was embarrassed and looked at Lin Chen and linghuaxuan: "even I have never seen many of these materials. For example, I have never seen Luo ergo. I have heard that this material is the reward for the first place in the Dandao contest in the Huangting divine realm. If you want to find these materials, even

With the accumulation of my family, I'm afraid it's impossible... Or it's impossible. Find all the clues! "

Linghuaxuan was disappointed.

Lin Chen had expected the other party's answer, and said with a smile: "Master Zhang, just do your best. No matter how much you can find, the spirit family owes you a favor!"

"Don't worry, I will use all the energy of Zhangjia to find it for you!"

Zhangshoudao's eyes flashed a different color, and he answered with a smile. It seemed that he asked casually:

"As far as my relationship with brother Jingshan is concerned, I don't need to say anything about human feelings. However, according to what you mean, it should be the spirit clan who needs these materials.

I think there are many materials in it, such as ghost blood ginseng, heart linked chalcedony, etc. as far as I know, most of the pills that can be refined have healing effects. Could it be that someone in the spirit clan is injured and needs these materials?

Those who need this grade of material are afraid to be the strong ones in the immortal realm who are deeply hurt! I don't think so. Is brother Jingshan seriously injured? " Speaking later, he looked worried and stared at Ling Huaxuan: "Hua Xuan, if your patriarch is seriously injured, you must tell me!"

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