"Lin Chen! Good news!"

Just when Lin Chen felt a heavy pressure in his heart, a surprise voice came from a distance. He turned his head and saw Ling Huaxuan running towards him with a happy face.

"Good news?" Lin Chen didn't react.

"Yes! Good news!" Linghuaxuan nodded. Before she said anything good, she had already taken Lin Chen's hand and walked to the door.

Lin Chen let her pull her out and said, "what good news should you tell me first?"

"There's news of 'crossing the soul grass'!" Linghua Xuan kept walking, looked at him and said.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and she wanted to ask about the specific situation. However, seeing that she had finished, she had already turned her head and still pulled herself out.

He guessed that the place the other party would take him to at this time was definitely related to the "soul crossing grass", so he didn't hurry to ask.

After a while, Linchen and linghuaxuan met a middle-aged man waiting there at the gate of the holy palace.

The middle-aged man looks like a man in his forties and fifties, with a sense of dignity between his eyebrows and eyes. He looks handsome. It is conceivable that he was definitely a beautiful man when he was young.

Lin Chen knows this man because he is the father of linghuaxuan and linghualian sisters and the son of elder Yun. He met him when he was in the spirit family.

"Lin Xiaoyou!" When the middle-aged man saw Lin Chen, he said hello politely. Although Lin Chen was much younger than him, with the strength Lin Chen showed, he did not dare to treat him as a junior at the same level as his daughter.

Lin Chen smiled: "it seems that it is your uncle who has brought good news about the 'soul crossing grass'. Is it possible that the' soul crossing grass' has been found in the spirit clan?"

"I didn't find the 'soul crossing grass'. However, my father said that there was news of the' soul crossing grass', so I went to bring you here immediately."

Linghuaxuan answered first.

"As long as there is news, it is a good thing." Lin Chen's eyes fell on linghuaxuan's father's face, and he noticed that there was a trace of embarrassment on the other side's face. "With the news of 'crossing the soul grass', the lingzu should get it at the first time. Uncle, you came here to talk to me about it

Love, is there anything I need to do? "

Linghuaxuan's father said in his heart that the other party's mind was sharp, and he no longer hid it. He nodded and said, "I'll tell you what happened first."

"Go ahead, please."

"After you left the spirit clan, the spirit clan was trying to find the 99 Kinds of materials. Later, I got the news about 'crossing the soul grass' from a person who was close to our spirit clan.

He is a descendant of the person who is nice to our spiritual family. He once accidentally entered a different space in the starry sky.

According to what the other party said, there is a continent in that strange space, called the spirit moon continent. The time flow rate of Lingyue continent is different from that of the outside world. One month has passed inside, but only one day has passed on our side. The two strongest forces in the land of Lingyue are the temple of years and the temple of soul. When he was in the spirit moon continent, he learned from the population of the soul temple that there were many precious alchemy pills in the medicine garden of the headquarters of the soul Temple

Materials, including 'soul crossing grass'! "

Hearing this, Lin Chen asked, "what is the strongest strength in the soul temple?" Linghuaxuan's father sighed and said, "that's the problem. The man entered the land by mistake, and his strength was just to mold the Taoist realm. Although he accidentally entered the land of Lingyue, he had never touched the strongest level in the land of Lingyue. I just know,

There are gods in the temples of time and soul! "

"The gods?"

"The so-called gods are the names of the immortal strong on the land of the spirit moon." Linghuaxuan's father sighed and said, "we were very surprised when we heard the news. In the spirit family, an elder who had transformed the power of 43 stars into the power of the world volunteered to enter the strange space and go to the land of the spirit moon

! However... "

"What happened to him?" Lin Chen has guessed something.

Linghuaxuan's father nodded: "the jade slips he left behind are broken!"

Linghua Xuan turned pale when she heard this. She thought she had the news of "crossing the soul grass", so it would not be difficult to get the "crossing the soul grass".

Just as she had looked for other materials before, as long as she had a clue, she soon got it.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all!

The elder of the immortal realm of the spirit family went to the land of the spirit moon to look for the "soul crossing grass", but the result was that the land of the spirit moon was not only dangerous, but also dangerous. It could even lead to the fall of the immortal realm.

"Uncle, did you come to me because you wanted me to go to the spirit moon continent and bring out the 'soul crossing grass'?" Lin Chen said.

"No! That's too dangerous! Lin Chen has just broken through the immortal realm of great perfection. Let him go to the spirit moon continent. He will die if he is not careful!" Linghuaxuan could not help saying. Linghuaxuan's father sighed, looked at his daughter, nodded and said, "you're right. It's really dangerous. If your grandmother didn't want to take charge of the Ling clan, and there were no other strong people in the clan, I wouldn't have the cheek to come

Find linxiaoyou. Linxiaoyou was able to kill Yin Feng before he reached the great perfection of immortality. Now he has stepped into the great perfection of immortality, and his strength is naturally stronger. Definitely better than the elder who fell on the land of Lingyue! As long as you are careful, there may not be

There is too much danger. "

He said later, his voice getting smaller and smaller, his face getting hotter and hotter, and he was very embarrassed.

Considering that the spirit clan, as the controller of the divine realm, could not even send a stronger immortal realm, he could not help bothering outsiders. He could hardly wait to bury his head in the ground!

What a shame!

Linghua Xuan said: "in this world, it is not only the spirit moon continent that has' soul crossing grass'! Even if we don't go to the spirit moon continent, we can find it!"

"It's not that easy. We have asked all the people who have friends with the spirit family, but so far, there is no other news about the soul crossing grass except this news!"

Linghuaxuan's father said helplessly, "if it weren't for this matter, it would have a bearing on the life of the patriarch. At large, it would also have a bearing on the fate of the whole lingzu. I would never have been shameless to tell linxiaoyou."

He looked at Lin Chen, "of course, you can refuse. You are not a member of the spirit clan, and you have no obligation to do this. Even if you refuse, the spirit clan will always remember your kindness to me!"


Linghuaxuan wanted to say something more, when she heard Lin Chen's voice. "I'll go."

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