"Young master Lin, what happened just now is all my fault. I am just a little girl with long hair and short insight. Please don't quarrel with others. They won't dare again!"

The round faced girl in yellow looked at Lin Chen with a pitiful look. Her voice of apology was soft and waxy. Most men saw her like this and listened to her again. They were afraid that their anger would disappear.

The other three women are also busy apologizing to Lin Chen, trying to restore the image in Lin Chen's mind. In their eyes, Lin Chen looks so young, but he is much stronger than shenhongxi, the elder of the soul temple, and his origin must be extraordinary. If he can get on with him, his life will definitely have a qualitative leap

Unfortunately, Lin Chen is not a person who will forgive unconditionally when he apologizes to a beautiful woman. He only spits out one word coldly: "get out!"

The four girls in yellow, with round faces, were all white and bowed their heads. They didn't dare to say more. Lin Chen's cold eyes made them doubt that if they said more, the other party would kill them.

"Hurry up and leave." Lin Chen looks at suyuechan and says.

"Be careful yourself!"

Su Yuechan nodded and reminded, "although I don't know where this is, it's definitely not easy. Otherwise, shenhongxi, as an elder of the soul temple, would never come all the way here!"

"He didn't pass by by by accident. He came here on purpose?" Lin Chen said.

Su Yuechan shook her head. "No, as far as I know, he came here specially from other places. I heard him say that this might be the place left by Yanhuang temple!"

"Yanhuang temple?" Lin Chen looked at Su Yuechan curiously. "I don't know what the power of Yanhuang temple is. My Shifu may know, but after I met shenhongxi, he brought me here together. I haven't had the opportunity to ask my Shifu." Suyuechan hands Lin Chen an apology

Your eyes.

Lin Chen wondered, "why did shenhongxi take you with him? What is the relationship between you and him or the soul temple?"

Su Yuechan showed a somewhat bitter and helpless look and shook her head: "I don't know him at all. As for the soul temple, even my master can't have anything to do with the soul temple, let alone me."

Lin Chen already knows what's going on. Looking at Su Yuechan's seductive face and matching her concave and convex figure, it's conceivable that a man will take her with him as soon as he sees her.

"But now, if you want to have a relationship with the soul temple, you already have a way." Lin Chen said.

Su Yuechan was stunned, and then realized what Lin Chen meant. Her face turned pale, she bit her lips, and looked at Lin Chen: "in your heart, I am the kind of person who would not hesitate to sell her body in order to get in touch with the soul temple, right?"

"Well... I didn't mean that. Sorry, I take back what I said."

Lin Chen realized that he had said something wrong. He was busy apologizing. At the same time, he smiled bitterly. As you said earlier, we only met once. I don't know you at all. How can I know what kind of person you are.

Once a woman gets angry, she never needs any logic to talk.

However, even if it was not to get in touch with the soul temple, shenhongxi's own strength and appearance were enough to attract the vast majority of women. Now it seems that Su Yuechan doesn't mean much to him.

Lin Chen said no more and said, "hurry up and leave. Follow your way back. Don't walk around the valley."

"Well, be careful!"

Suyuechan told her again, and then she took her four younger martial sisters, turned around and walked back towards the way she came, and soon disappeared from Lin Chen's sight.

Lin Chen continued to go to the deep valley. Even the elders of the soul temple came all the way here. He became more and more interested in the valley.

Su Yuechan's four younger martial sisters were dejected, and there was not a word on the way.

After walking out of a certain distance, the five people saw shenhongxi standing not far away looking at them coldly, obviously waiting for them. They all had a heart flutter.

"Young master Shen, are you all right? I was so worried just now!"

After the round faced girl in yellow froze, her face was full of worry. She ran to shenhongxi and looked at his face full of frozen blood, with a distressed expression.

The other three women were slow to respond, but when they came to their senses, they also ran to shenhongxi and booed him.

Although shenhongxi's strength is far inferior to that of Lin Chen, they are still the elders of the soul temple. If they can have something with shenhongxi, they will benefit infinitely in their life!

"Hum! Worry about me? Do you know that guy's strength? You didn't remind me at the beginning. You deliberately want to see me make a fool of yourself?"

Shenhongxi sneered. His handsome face looked ferocious at this time. His face had already been lost. At this time, he was too lazy to continue to maintain any demeanor. Suyuechan frowned when she heard shenhongxi's words. The elder of the soul Temple thought he was a bit hypocritical. Now she finds that he can't afford to lose. He can't beat Lin Chen. Now it seems that he wants to complain

Vent your anger on yourself and others.

This kind of behavior is really looked down upon.

Su Yuechan's four younger martial sisters scolded shenhongxi in their hearts. If I had known he was so powerful, would I have mocked him earlier?

Just to please, but also to please him, not you idiot!

Although they scolded angrily in their hearts, they did not dare to show it on their faces. How shenhongxi was worthless in front of Lin Chen was not something they could afford to provoke.

"Young master Shen, you wronged others! If I had known he was so powerful, I would have reminded you from the beginning!"

"Yes! That guy hides too deeply, and we don't know him well. How can we know his real strength!" "Young master Shen, winning or losing for a while doesn't mean much. Although you are not as good as him now, he will never be your opponent in the future! He is just a nobody who doesn't know where to come out, but you are the elder of the soul temple. How can he be reconciled

Your comparative qualifications! "


Shenhongxi looked at the girl in green and said coldly, "you say, I'm not as good as him?" The girl in green turned pale. Unexpectedly, she flattered the horse's leg and was about to change her mouth. Shenhongxi suddenly kicked her in the heart. She kicked her mouth with blood and flew out upside down. When she landed on the ground, she saw her chest sunken, her body pumped, and then she disappeared

There was a movement.

"Younger martial Sister Zhang!"

"Elder martial Sister Zhang!"


Suyuechan and the other three changed their faces.

Shenhongxi took another shot and slapped it out. The three women beside him flew out. When they fell on the ground, their heads were flat and they couldn't die any more. Shenhongxi looked coldly at Su Yuechan, the only one standing besides him!

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