Lin Chen walked all the way towards the center of the valley. Twice on the way, he met other people who came here to look for treasures. When he saw him, he made trouble for him. As a result, he easily cleaned them up.

As for the corpses he saw, they were much more than the living people. In addition, he encountered several small medicine fields. The guard array of the medicine field was easily destroyed by Lin Chen. Naturally, he put away all the materials in the medicine field.

The closer to the center of the valley, the more amazing the concentration of Reiki.

"Roar -!"

"Roar -!"

... when Lin Chen passed by a grassland, the surrounding boulders suddenly moved and shifted. The aura within a hundred miles was like a vortex, converging here. Then there was a brutal animal roar not far away, and nine golden flames condensed

A strange animal appeared out of thin air and rushed towards him.

Obviously, he triggered a certain array here.

The nine flaming monsters, about ten meters long, had a python like head and a body like an eagle. The terrible heat burned the space and twisted it. In an instant, they were in front of Lin Chen.

Eighteen sharp claws grabbed Lin Chen's head at the same time, and the billowing heat wave slapped Lin Chen, not only with amazing temperature, but also with a terrible sense of massiness, like countless mountains, at the same time.

"Yes, the power of this array is much stronger than those before. Even in the early days of immortality, if you are not careful, you may be seriously injured. Those guys in moduo City dare to come here to look for treasures. They simply don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Chen smiled as he spoke. The more powerful the array was, the happier he was.

He stretched out his palm, which turned into a dark flame and clapped it on the sharp claws on the top of his head.

Bang Bang——

With the sound of explosion, the claws of the fire beast were shattered, and then the whole explosion turned into a little golden light and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Lin Chen's figure flashed, and he had already appeared hundreds of meters ahead and continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen came out of the dense jungle.

In front of it was a huge manor, almost as big as a palace. What was shocking was that there were more than ten bodies outside the ten meter high wall, just in Lin Chen's sight!

These people have no scars on their bodies. Their eyes are still full of excitement and greed. It seems that at the moment before their death, they never thought they would die. They are already dreaming of something good. "Before they died, these guys thought that they came here only one step away from the treasure in the valley and would soon get it. Unfortunately, they were too happy. Even in the periphery of the valley, there are many array mechanisms, not to mention

Here. "

Lin Chen looked at the manor not far away, and finally a trace of dignity appeared in his heart. He was more concerned about whether there was anyone in the manor than the array mechanism arranged outside the manor.

He has now basically confirmed that this valley was originally a powerful force belonging to the spirit moon continent, and even he, the top power of the spirit moon continent, dare not underestimate it.

There was only one life, and he didn't want to risk it.

Lin Chen flew to an altitude of more than 1000 meters. Looking down at the inside of the manor, he saw that all the houses were very old and many of them were dilapidated. I don't know how many years of wind and rain had passed before they became like this.

"There should be no one. If there were anyone, they wouldn't let anyone intrude here. Moreover, they wouldn't be so bad that the corpses outside the wall were left unattended. Looking at the appearance of these houses, they don't seem to be inhabited."

Lin Chen made a judgment in his heart, and a huge mind rushed out of his eyebrows and swept towards the manor. Soon, he simply sensed the whole manor.

He didn't feel any breath of life. Instead, he realized that there was a place in the manor where his mind could not penetrate, nor could he feel the internal situation.

He looked over there, but he saw that there was only a common back garden. But it was just because it was so common that Lin Chen felt something was wrong. "These houses and other places look old and dilapidated. The back garden looks like it is often maintained. But I just can't feel that there are people in the manor. In addition, if it's just an ordinary back garden

It is impossible to block my mind.

In other words, a special array similar to the blindfold method has been arranged? "

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, no longer hesitated, turned into a flash of streamer, and flew towards the back garden. Just when he was about 30 meters away from the ground, several stone statues in the manor, which were 34 meters high and looked a little rough and inconspicuous, suddenly vibrated violently, and then an amazing energy wave broke out, like a storm, heading towards

Lin Chen swept in.

In Lin Chen's heart, he was always on guard against the array mechanism in the villa, and looked at the stones at the first time.

There was a red air flow in his body, and the blood colored scales appeared on his body surface. The amazing energy fluctuation impacted Lin Chen, but it did not affect him.


With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, the dark waves of fire appeared out of thin air. They turned into ten meter long guns and shot at the villa. They soon pierced the stone statues, and the flames burned them to ashes!

When Lin Chen landed on the ground of the back garden, before he could carefully observe the surrounding conditions, the earth shook, and there were huge cracks, and then there were eighteen red magma giant pillars gushing out of the ground.

The diameter of the giant magma column is more than ten meters, which is more terrible than the volcanic eruption. Soon, it has changed into a magma giant with a height of tens of meters.

Each magma giant held Trident weapons in his hands, staring at Lin Chen like the scorching sun.

"Those who break into the mysterious medicine garden of Yanhuang temple will be killed without mercy!"

Eighteen cold drinks piled up like thunder!

Then, the mountain like giants rushed to Lin Chen, their eyes full of murderous intent, and they were filled with violent authority, so thick that even the strong at the top of the immortal realm would probably feel frightened.

"Yan Huang Temple xuanzi pharmacy?"

This is the second time that Lin Chen heard of the "Yanhuang Temple", and he became more curious.

He looked at the 18 magma giants coming, and became a little excited: "these 18 big guys should be the guardian array arranged here, but they are much more powerful than the previous array mechanisms. Even the strong at the top of the immortal's realm will suffer in their hands if they are not careful! That is to say, can I expect to find some treasures here?"

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