Suyuechan soon felt that Lin Chen's fingers fell on her face.

It's warm and rough. Is this the touch of a man's fingers?

Her body tightened. Just when she thought Lin Chen would do something else, a cool air flow came from Lin Chen's fingertips. For a moment, the burning pain on suyuechan's face disappeared without a trace.

Suyuechan only felt unspeakably comfortable. She felt as comfortable as if she were having a dream and didn't want to wake up.

"All right." Lin Chen sounded with a magnetic voice.

Su Yuechan opened her eyes and said, "OK?"

"Yes, your face is ready." Lin Chen said.

Su Yuechan's face was no longer red and swollen, but it turned red again immediately. She was embarrassed: "did you just want to heal me?"

She touched her face. It really didn't hurt at all.


Lin Chen was stunned by her words. "What else could he do? Do you think it would hurt when I treated you, so you were scared to close your eyes?"

Su Yuechan's face became redder. She didn't mean to say that she thought you were trying to take advantage of me. She nodded: "yes. I didn't expect that you would heal people in addition to your strength!"

Lin Chen said with a smile, "I am not only a monk, but also a doctor. Naturally, I can heal people."

"Doctor?" Suyuechan looks a little strange. Seeing Lin Chen killing shenhongxi and huozhong, she would rather believe that Lin Chen used to be an executioner than believe that Lin Chen was a doctor.

"What are you going to do next? If you want to return to moduo City, I can take you back. However, you and shenhongxi came here together. Now shenhongxi is dead, but you are still alive. I am afraid that the people in the soul temple will trouble you."

Lin Chen's words were apologetic. "I didn't want to implicate you. I let him go once, but he -"

"I'm not unreasonable. I don't blame you for killing shenhongxi. On the contrary, I want to thank you for helping me out and avenging my four younger martial sisters!"

Suyuechan said later that she was sad. The four younger martial sisters grew up with her even though they had some personality problems. It was sad to think that they were all dead.

Lin Chen heard that Su Yuechan's four younger martial sisters had been killed by shenhongxi. Except for some surprise, there was no emotional fluctuation. He said:

"What are you going to do next? I suggest that I take you to moduo City, and then take your master and them to leave together. You can hide in a place where you can't find the soul temple?" Su Yuechan shook her head and said, "it's useless. You don't know how powerful the soul temple is. If they want to find a person on the Lingyue Road, they will rarely fail to find it unless the person is dead. What's more, there are more than 100 people in Jianxia gate, let alone

May have escaped their eyes and ears. " She said slowly: "I don't plan to go back to moduo city. As long as I don't show up, even if people in the soul Temple know that shenhongxi is dead, they will think that I and the four younger martial sisters are also dead. Since they think that we are all dead

If I die, I won't go to trouble my master and younger martial sisters! "

"Where are you going next?" Lin Chen asked.

"I... I don't know." Su Yuechan shook her head and was worried. From childhood, she was accompanied by her master and a group of younger martial sisters. Even if she traveled abroad, she would return to Jianxia gate within oneortwo months at most.

But this time, I can't see my master and them again in a short time. The world is vast, but she can't figure out where she should go.

"Well, think about it. After you decide, I will escort you there."

After Lin Chen said a word, he stretched out his hand to swallow the sky dragon Yan, who had calmed down. The dark flame, like a surging river, flew towards him.

His body was like a black hole that devoured everything. Flames poured into his body and disappeared.

Lin Chen closed his eyes, sensed how much the power of swallow sky dragon inflammation had increased, and confirmed that the power of swallow sky dragon inflammation had indeed increased, but not too much.

"The so-called supreme flame, put outside, is just an ordinary flame that can't even enter the flame list. Originally, the power of swallowing the sky dragon was supposed to be 90 to 92 on the Shenhuo list, but now it may be able to barely enter the top 90. "

Although the improvement of swallow dragon Yan power was not too great, Lin Chen was satisfied. Looking at all kinds of materials in the medicine garden, even if he had a high vision, today's harvest was enough to satisfy him. Lin Chen stretched out his hands and put them flat in front of him. The palm of his hand was facing up and pushed upward. The earth shook. Then the medicine garden in front of him, all kinds of precious materials, together with the ground up to threeorfour meters thick, took off, turned into a streamer, and flew into Lin Chen's

Between the eyebrows.

All kinds of materials and medicine fields were collected into the God prison tower by him.

Looking at this scene, Su Yuechan was shocked again.

"Well, have you made a decision?" After putting away the materials, Lin Chen turns to look at Su Yuechan.

Suyuechan shook her head helplessly.

Lin Chen said, "don't worry. Just think about it."

"Lin Chen, he was the best among the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now he is not far away from the true gods. Such a powerful man has been defeated by you. Could it be you -"

Suyuechan couldn't help being curious and wanted to ask Lin Chen if he was the real God, but before he finished, Lin Chen shook his head and said:

"You are wrong. The old man is not as strong as you think. He is still a long way from the true God!"

Su Yuechan was stunned. That is to say, she thought too much of huozhong. It is very possible that he had not made any progress in his strength during the hundreds of thousands of years of imprisonment. On the contrary, he might have regressed?

In this way, Lin Chen's ability to defeat him at most shows that Lin Chen is also very powerful at the divine level, which does not mean that he is a true God.

On this thought, suyuechan felt much easier to accept. Lin Chen didn't look much older than herself. When you think about it carefully, she really couldn't be a true God.

Suyuechan said curiously, "what about you? Where are you going next?"

Lin Chen said: "I didn't find the necessary alchemy materials in moduo city. I will continue to look for them. As for where to go, I haven't decided yet."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen asked, "do you know where you can find the material to refine the flawless divine Pill on the land of Lingyue?"

"The material of wuxianshen pill?" Su Yuechan was startled, shook her head and said, "I have only heard of this kind of thing in the story. I don't know where it is. However, if you want to say that on the land of Lingyue, the place where you are most likely to find the materials you need is definitely Lingyue

The thousand star city where the headquarters of the soul temple is located!

In the soul temple, there are the most powerful alchemists in the whole continent. Therefore, the trade between pills and alchemy materials in the thousand star city where the headquarters of the soul temple is located is the most developed in the whole continent! "

She saw that Lin Chen was silent after hearing this, and was startled: "you have just killed the soul temple, so you don't plan to go to the star city next?"

"Yes! Go to the star city!" Lin Chen nods.

Su Yuechan was speechless. A few seconds later, she suddenly said, "I've decided where to go!"

"Where to?" Lin Chen looks at her. "I'll go wherever you go!"

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