Qimansha's sharp and strange laughter made the people below feel creepy. A cool breath rushed from the bottom of her feet to her forehead. She could not help shivering, like falling into an ice cave.

Then they saw that Lin Chen's space was broken in all directions, and black skulls rushed out of it, just like skeleton soldiers. Looking at it, there were thousands of them.

Each skeleton soldier, with a metallic luster on his body, rushed to Lin Chen with a black blade. Even more, there was a gray air current, which wrapped around them and spread to all directions. Some gray air currents spread to the bottom. Some people who looked up and watched were contaminated and screamed. Their skin and flesh melted like ice and snow. In the blink of an eye, there was only one left

With a gray skeleton, it fell to the ground and was fragmented.

Many people screamed at the sight of the terrible scene.

"Stand back! Keep back, and the farther you go, the better! Qimansha understands the law of death. When she takes the shot, she is dead with terror. If her strength is not enough, as long as she is infected with it, that will be the end!"

Someone shouted as he skimmed into the distance. Hearing this, the crowd moved away at a faster speed. However, their eyes were still staring at Lin Chen and lingdaoyuan in the air. This kind of battle might only happen once in a lifetime. They didn't want to

Miss any picture.

As soon as Lin Chen shot to meet him, it was lingdaoyuan and qimansha's fierce attack.

He gave a cold drink, and the Xuan Yuan gun in his hand was dancing, so fast that he could not see the shadow clearly. He hit the dark purple flames and black skeletons nearby one after another, making a loud noise. The dark purple flame and black skeleton were smashed by the Xuanyuan gun and dissipated immediately. However, the number was too large for Lin Chen to get rid of for a while. He was like a man surrounded by mountain torrents and tsunamis. He was about to be surrounded by fires from all directions

Flames and black skeleton soldiers drown.

"Roar -!" Lin Chen was like a raging beast. With a roar, his body was like a dam that opened the gate. Black flames and gray air rushed out. He patted with dark purple flames and black skeleton soldiers. With a roar, the dark purple flames dissipated and black

Skeleton soldiers were photographed flying out and disintegrated like sand dunes in mid air.

"This boy controls the highest flame!"

"The kid has also understood the law of death!"

Lingdaoyuan and qimansha's surprised voice sounded at the same time.

Boom! At this time, the sound of space smashing came from behind Lin Chen. The violent wind blew his clothes hunting loudly, and his hair danced wildly. His heart was cold, and he suddenly turned his head. He saw that Wei Feng had arrived behind him at some time and was looking at him

Sneering, he swept a long stick at him.

Lin Chen didn't have time to react. He was swept in his chest by the long green and gold staff. With a roar, like a moving star hitting him, his space was shattered, and he flew out upside down.

"As I said, it's just a stupid struggle to fight back in front of the three of us! You can't leave the star city alive!"

Wei Feng looked at Lin Chen, who had been beaten out by himself. He only felt that the depression in his chest was swept away, and his face was full of a proud smile. Lingdaoyuan and qimansha also smiled. The other party not only controlled the supreme flame, but also understood the law of death in addition to the law of fire. But even so, it is impossible to leave the three of them alone

When Che Jingyao saw that Lin Chen had been beaten away, he smiled excitedly and shouted proudly at Lin Chen who had been beaten away: "unexpectedly, you will finally fall into my hands! You dare to take away my inheritance. I will not spare you. I will strip your skin, dig your eyes, torture your soul day and night, and use your body to refine pills. This is your sin

My fate! "

She was so excited and happy that she didn't expect that this guy would fall into her own hands soon after this.

Thanks to this guy's stupidity, he even ran back to the star city to die!

My luck is not too bad. I can get revenge so soon!

Her excited smile didn't stay on her face for too long, and then she froze, because she stopped when she saw Lin Chen flying backwards several tens of meters away, without any injury at all!

Lin Chen's body was full of bloody air. Bloody scales appeared on his body surface, making him look like he was wearing a bloody armor.

Weifeng's face changed slightly.

Lingdaoyuan snorted, "this guy has a lot of tricks, but so what? Since one stick can't destroy him, he can't hold on to it. It's hard to find such a man's meat bag if he wants to find it at ordinary times!"

Weifeng laughed. "That's right."

"I haven't done it with anyone for a long time. I happen to feel itchy. I just take this boy to practice my hand!"

Qimansha also laughed. This battle is a battle that must be won. The defense ability of the other side is much stronger than expected. It doesn't matter. At this level of strength, it's not easy to find an opponent. Just take the other side to test yourself.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Almost at the same time, lingdaoyuan, Weifeng and qimansha rushed to Lin Chen.

Lingdaoyuan first rushed to Lin Chen's face and clapped his palm at Lin Chen's chest. Between his hands, he burned the space with a fierce flame and twisted it. His momentum was unparalleled.

Lin Chen's eyes were cold and Xuanyuan spear stabbed out. As a result, it was blocked by the surging flame on lingdaoyuan's palm. In an instant, Xuanyuan spear was squeezed and bent like a crescent moon.


Weifeng rushes in, sweeps the long stick and smashes it at Lin Chen's head.

Lin Chen looked very solemn and wanted to defend with Xuanyuan gun.

The flame between lingdaoyuan's palms turned rapidly into a whirlpool, like a mouth, biting the tip of Xuanyuan's gun. Lin Chen was unable to take back Xuanyuan's gun for a while.

Lin Chen is busy releasing the Xuanyuan gun. There is a sound of thunder in his body, and he quickly retreats. But when he wants to take back the Xuanyuan gun, his body finally stops for a moment, and Weifeng's long stick has arrived in front of him.

Lin Chen blocked his head with both hands. With a bang, he was beaten out again by Wei Feng's long stick.

"Kid, you are so young and powerful. I guess you have a lot of secrets? Hey! Look at this. Maybe you can get a lot of good things from you!"

A gray shadow, like a ghost, followed Lin Chen like a shadow. It was Qi MANSA!

At this time, her body was a little hazy, not like an entity, but like smoke. When the palm of the dead tree branch grasped Lin Chen, it was shining with cold light and filled with a strong sense of death. Lin Chen, who flew backward, had a dignified face. At this moment, he suddenly grinned at qimansha, who appeared beside him. His body changed in an instant and turned into a dark flame!

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