The first floor of the divine prison tower.

The dark flame turned into a sphere with a diameter of threeorfour meters. The surface moved slowly. After a long time, it turned into a fire dragon, gave out a happy Dragon Song, and returned to Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen closed his eyes, sensed for a moment, and whispered, "what Che Jingyao controls is only an ordinary divine fire, which is not enough to be included in the list of divine fire in the mainland of origin. However, after devouring it, the power of swallowing heaven and dragon inflammation still has some growth."

He is already very satisfied with this.

"When my body is completely recovered, I will go to Gulao city to take Su Yuechan with me. Then I will find a place to go into the holy prison tower and practice in seclusion. As long as I am on the land of Lingyue, after 60 years, I can return to the outside."

In Lin Chen's heart, he has made plans for the next step.

In fact, he doesn't need any plans. After all, he has got the purpose of coming to the spirit moon continent this time - "crossing the soul grass". What he needs to do now is to wait for the time to leave the spirit moon continent.

Lin Chen disappeared and appeared on the fourth floor of the divine prison tower. Before, facing the stormy attack of Ling Daoyuan and Wei Feng, Lin Chen was beaten out several times. Although he could not see anything on the surface, there were also some injuries inside his body. He planned to adjust his body in the divine prison tower

Get to the top and then leave.

At the moment, the divine prison tower is located in the deep underground of the forest that Ling Daoyuan and Wei Feng are looking for.

Now, it is possible to go out immediately. Lingdaoyuan and Wei Feng found out that it is undoubtedly the most rational choice to stay in the divine prison tower and adjust your body. After a few days, you can leave the divine prison tower.

Lin Chen is cultivating and recuperating in the divine prison tower. Today's war has been widely spread in the whole land of Lingyue. For a while, he has become the focus of discussion in the whole land!


Two days passed.

Soul Temple headquarters.

In the hall.

Lingdaoyuan and Weifeng stood respectfully. In front of them was the back of a slender man. Just looking at the back of the man, people felt that he had a ethereal temperament.

"Alas! I am to blame for this. If I had found him at the beginning, he would not have been able to enter the inheritance hall with Jingyao and take away the inheritance!"

Wei Feng said with a ashamed face. "No! It would be better to say that if I saw him at the beginning, I could find that he was also a true God, or that Ji Tong was under his control, things would not go so far! The strongest array we arranged was in the palace of the headquarters

If we fight with him in the palace, he will never escape! " Lingdaoyuan felt guilty.

The man turned his head.

This is a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties. He looks ordinary, but his eyes are dark blue, just like the twinkling stars in the night sky, which is very eye-catching.

When people's eyes fall on his eyes, it is difficult to look away. These eyes are so beautiful that countless women are jealous.

It was unexpected that such a pair of soul stirring eyes would appear on the face of a middle-aged man with ordinary facial features.

"You two, don't blame yourself. According to your description, the man's ability to hide his breath is very clever. Plus, you don't have any prevention at all. It's normal that you didn't notice anything at first."

The middle-aged man is Che Jinghuan, the Lord of the soul temple.

Even if such a big event happened in the soul temple, he was still very calm. His dark blue eyes did not stir waves. He spoke in a gentle tone without any emotion.

But when he said so, lingdaoyuan and Wei Feng were even more ashamed. Wei Feng said, "hall leader, it's said that a young man who came out of nowhere, beat one of them seriously and captured our soul God when he was besieged by three real gods in the soul temple

Tianjiao of the temple finally ran away. We have nothing to do with him.

This event has almost spread all over the spirit moon continent. It really... Really makes our soul Temple look pale! "

Lingdaoyuan said, "please give us the order. What should we do next?"

Wei Feng pondered for a few seconds and said slowly, "what should we do? Naturally, we should find him. Draw his appearance into a notice and post it in various places on the land of Lingyue. With all the energy of our soul temple, we must find him."

"This... This is not very good?"

Wei Feng was surprised and hurriedly said, "now people say that the boy ran away, but it's just speculation. We are searching for his tracks now, and we are also searching for his tracks secretly! If we post a notice, that is to look for it in the open, then it's equivalent to telling the world that the boy really injured one person under the siege of three true gods in our soul temple, and also captured a Tianjiao younger brother in our soul temple

Son! "

Che Jinghuan looked at him and said, "do you have any trace of him these two days?"

Weifeng shook his head in embarrassment.

Che Jing sighed and said, "since it doesn't work in the dark, you can only look for it in the open, regardless of the cost. I know that you are worried about losing face in the soul temple. But at this stage, the face of the soul temple has long been lost. There is no way for us to save face by concealing the facts. The only way to save face is to catch him. Killing him is the only way to save face

Method! "

Killing him is the only way to save face!

This sentence, like a slap in the face, made Wei Feng and lingdaoyuan wake up!

In the afternoon of that day, notices were posted on many cities in Lingyue mainland. On the notice, it is directly written that the above portrait is the person who fought with the three true gods in the soul temple in the star city. If someone gives the soul Temple information about this person, he can immediately become a disciple of the soul temple, and also

There are many other benefits.

Such an attractive reward is enough to drive countless people crazy.

At the same time, countless surprised voices were heard all over the land of Lingyue!

"Before, I thought that the rumor was false. Now it seems that it is true. There was a young man who fought against three true gods in the soul temple, seriously injured one, and captured a disciple of the soul temple!"

"What exactly is that man? He should not be a man in the temple of time. If he is a strong man in the temple of time and a man in the temple of soul, he cannot be unknown!"

"It is said that the young man was in control of an extremely terrible supreme flame. When he shot it, the black flame was towering and he had the power to destroy the sky and the earth!"

"What is the name of this mysterious strongman?"

"I don't know! The notice didn't mention his name!"


People on the land of Lingyue are very curious about this powerful man who was born in the sky. Countless people are talking about it. It's a pity that they don't know the name of this mysterious strong man. It will be a lot of trouble to talk about it.

I don't know when or who it is. I gave the mysterious strongman a nickname, calling him "dark Yan demon lord". For a time, the name of "black Yan demon lord" spread all over the land of Lingyue!

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