Guopeng's next words puzzled Lin Chen. "My Shifu was helpless about Su Yuechan's prohibitions, so we took Su Yuechan to see elder Mi Xuan. Elder MI is especially good at arrays and has a deep study of all kinds of prohibitions in the world. Shifu said that Mi Chang

The old man will certainly be interested in the prohibition of Su Yuechan. "

"Sure enough, elder MI was very interested after learning about Su Yuechan's prohibitions. She tried to strip Su Yuechan's clothes according to what we said. Sure enough, the energy wave appeared again!" "Mr. MI was prepared long ago to use his skills to resist the energy fluctuation. Shifu and I thought that Mr. MI was always a strong man at the level of God and could easily block the energy fluctuation. As a result, the fluctuation seemed to have self-awareness. If he was strong, he would

Stronger, more terrible than before! It was when elder MI was ready that he took her out! " "Elder Mi tried several more times, but they all ended in failure. However, she became more and more interested in Su Yuechan's prohibition. She asked us to give Su Yuechan to her, and she will continue to study Su Yuechan's prohibition! Then,

My master and I left. "

Speaking of the end, guopeng was a little depressed.

In fact, he was not willing to give Su Yuechan to elder MI. The problem was that he didn't dare to say no.

Thinking of bringing Su Yuechan back to the headquarters of the soul temple, he finally got nothing and provoked Lin Chen, the evil spirit. He really regretted it.

If he had known this, he would not have provoked Su Yuechan anyway!

Lin Chen was surprised, but his face was a little ugly.

Su Yuechan's body has a prohibition that can fight against the gods, which really has to surprise him. It seems that Su Yuechan is not as simple as she thinks.

His face was not good-looking, because he did not expect that Su Yuechan fell into the hands of an elder in the temple of time.

In this way, it will be much more difficult to save Su Yuechan.

Lin Chen said in a deep voice, "do you have any way to ask elder Mi to bring Su Yuechan to this place? As long as you can do it, I will spare you!" Guopeng said with a wry smile, "Lord devil, don't joke. I'm just an ordinary disciple of the temple of years. If it weren't for my master, I wouldn't even be qualified to see elder MI. How can I ask her to take Su Yuechan outside for a walk

Times. Even if you killed me, elder Mi would not look at my body! "

Lin Chen frowned.

Just then.


The whole huanxiang building shook violently.

Several people in the room were shocked.

In the huanxiang building, there were bursts of startling cries.

"What happened?"

"This is the first time that I have encountered such a situation after living in Tianmen City for tens of thousands of years!" "This is the city where the headquarters of the temple of time is located, and it is also one of the two most stable and peaceful cities on the land of Lingyue. This is the first time I have encountered this situation! How can this look like a battle between the strong? Come out quickly

Look, not only the huanxiang building, but the whole Tianmen City is shaking! "

"Ah! Look at the headquarters of the temple of time. There seems to be someone over the palace!"


Guopeng and several women were full of doubts when they heard all kinds of voices coming into their ears. However, Lin Chen didn't speak. They didn't dare to stand up. Lin Chen went to the window and pushed the window open. He saw that not only the huanxiang building, but also the whole Tianmen City was shaking violently. Countless panicked people ran out of the house and gathered in the street towards the direction of the headquarters of the years temple


There were gusts of wind, stirring from the direction of the temple of years.

A majestic voice came into Lin Chen's ears. "Qi Yuan, you are really hiding deep! If it hadn't been for the news from Che Jinghuan that he learned from the remaining evils of Yanhuang temple that there was a man among the elders of my years Temple who had hidden in hundreds of thousands of years ago, I would never have

I would never have thought that you were from Yanhuang temple. Now it seems that the encounter between us was also directed by your Yanhuang temple? "

Lin Chen looked in the direction of the sound and saw two people standing high above the palace of the headquarters of the temple of time.

On one side, there are more than a dozen people, led by a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, who looks dignified in his forties and fifties.

On the other side, there was only one person, an old man in his sixties and seventies, with white temples, upright posture like a gun, and holding a long sword.

The man who spoke just now was a middle-aged man with dignified appearance.

Seeing these two people and hearing the words of middle-aged people, there was an uproar in Tianmen City in an instant! "He is the leader of the left Hall of the temple of years! Opposite him is Qi Yuan, the elder of the temple of years. Qi Yuan is also known as one of the two most powerful elders of the temple of years! The leader of the left Hall says that Qi Yuan is a man of the Yanhuang temple. How can that be possible, Qi

The elder is a man who has been famous in the temple of time for hundreds of thousands of years! "

"Old Zhang, didn't you hear me just now? Old Zuo said that Qi Yuan has been lurking in the temple of time for hundreds of thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands of years, he is really a deep city. He hasn't been exposed for so long!"

"Yanhuang temple was indeed the only force that dominated the land of Lingyue in those years. After so many years, there are still so many powerful people. Even one person is one of the core elders of the temple of years!"

"Hiss! No matter how powerful it is, first he was killed by the Lord of the soul temple. Now Qi Yuan is doomed. The Yanhuang temple is completely destroyed!"

"What the left hall master means is that the owner of the chariot Hall of the soul temple has provided him with information. How good is the relationship between the years temple and the soul temple?" "The relationship between farts is good. We all know why Che Jinghuan sent this message to the temple of time. First, it is to completely eliminate the possibility of making waves again in Yanhuang temple. Second, Qiyuan is a member of the temple of time anyway

If he is cleaned up, the temple of time will be weakened! The news came from chejinghuan with a bad intention! "

... Lin Chen listened to the people's noisy comments below and looked at the masters of the years temple in the distance. He was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yanhuang temple was hidden in the years temple for hundreds of thousands of years, and became the strongest leader of the years temple

Old one! "This Yanhuang temple is really a good means! It's a pity that the years temple and the soul temple are not vegetarian. Three of them were killed by the leader of the soul temple before. Now with this man, four true gods have been lost in a row. It's almost impossible to make a comeback

Impossible. "

Lin Chen said to himself, and suddenly thought of something. He reached out and grabbed guopeng in the air, pointed to the group of people in the distance, and asked, "is elder MI in your mouth among them?"

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