Su Yuechan's hands were tied with leather ropes and hung in mid air with her feet 34 meters off the ground.

Lin Chen waved his right hand. The black flame, like a sickle, cut off the rope, and Su Yuechan fell down.

Suyuechan seemed not to notice that the rope was broken and her body was falling. Her eyes were still staring at Lin Chen, and she was about to fall to the ground without any reaction.

Lin Chen appeared beside her and caught her. Seeing that she was "stupid", she worried and said, "are you all right?"

Suyuechan didn't answer. Lying in Lin Chen's arms, she stretched out her hand on Lin Chen's face, touched it with the palm of her hand, and then with the back of her hand, which made Lin Chen cry and laugh.

"You are confirming me, are you hallucinating?" Lin Chen smiled.

Su Yuechan's eyes turned red, her tears came down, her nose twitched, her tears flowed faster, and she sobbed: "Lin Chen, is it really you?"

"It's me."

Lin Chen saw that she was crying like a pear blossom with rain. She was also a little distressed. She wanted to straighten her body and let her stand well. Su Yuechan dragged his clothes and didn't cooperate at all. "The Lord of the years temple and a group of elders are fighting with a spy who lurks into the years temple in the Yanhuang temple. We need to leave now. I know you have a lot of questions in mind. You can ask them after we leave!" Lin Chen said


Su Yuechan nodded. "I... I have no strength and can't stand up."

Lin Chen secretly said that he was confused. Unexpectedly, he said, "I will first put you in a different space that I can carry with me. When I get to a safe place, I will release you."

Su Yuechan panicked and shook her head desperately: "no! I don't want to. I don't want to be alone anymore. Don't leave me, please!" Lin Chen felt a chill in his heart. He saw that Su Yuechan seemed to be unharmed, so he thought that Su Yuechan was OK. At this time, he found that she might have had some psychological trauma, and the trauma in her heart was often more serious than that in her body

Potential, more trouble!

"Well, you won't be left alone. I'll take you away now."

Lin Chen picked up Su Yuechan, disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of guopeng.

He looked at guopeng coldly. Dark flames poured out of his body. He soon burned guopeng to ashes, and even his soul disappeared. Then he held Su Yuechan in his arms, turned into a flash of streamer, and swept away.

Lin Chen left along the road that guopeng had brought him. The journey was smooth. He quickly left the palace of the headquarters of the temple of time. He did not stop and continued to rob the gate of Tianmen City.

When he stepped out of the city gate, he turned his head to look over the headquarters of the years temple, and then his eyelids jumped violently.

It originally seemed that Qi Yuan was a little old, but his body was as straight as a gun, making people feel majestic. At the moment, his hair had fallen off, his skin was as dark as the bark of a dead tree, his body was rickety, and he became extremely thin and old as a mummy.

His eyes had lost their luster, and the body fell downward.

"Set." The Lord of the temple of time said a word lightly. The time around Qi Yuan's body was still, and he stagnated in the air.

"Collect his body and bury him thickly!" The Lord of the years temple looks at an elder behind him.


The law of time!

Lin Chen looked back with awe in his heart, holding Su Yuechan in his arms, turned into a streamer again and rushed out of Tianmen City.

Stepping out of the gate of Tianmen City, Lin Chen felt relieved. He finally relaxed a lot, but didn't stop. Instead, he flew to the far sky. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared with Su Yuechan.


Half an hour later.

Mi Xuan took the Lord of the temple of time to the place where Su Yuechan was imprisoned, which is the basement under her residence.

The Lord of the years temple was very interested in her description of Su Yuechan's internal prohibitions. He planned to come and have a look. There were several other elders who were interested.

The strange prohibition can only be triggered when Su Yuechan wants to be innocent. If she is strong, she will be strong. Even Mi Xuan can't resist the energy fluctuation caused by the prohibition!

This kind of prohibition, even if these people are strong men standing at the peak of the spirit moon continent, everyone is well-informed, but they have never heard of it.

However, when we got to the basement, it was already empty, and only the cut rope was left hanging in the air.

"What's the matter? Where are the people? Why are they missing?"

Mi Xuan looked at the empty basement in amazement. Her face became ugly. She was not a fool. After a little thought, she realized that the only explanation was that someone came to save Su Yuechan when she left.

Several other elders also wanted to go with her.

"Who is it? How dare you come to the temple of time and take people away!"

"He is definitely a cunning fellow. He took advantage of us to eradicate Qi Yuan!"

"But no matter who it is, it's a miscalculation! If he goes to another place to save people, even in the spirit temple, maybe people can't be saved. But if he goes to our years temple to save people, it's death!"


Several elders opened their mouths one after another. The round faced elder who finally opened his mouth gave a sneer. His tone was full of ridicule. It seemed that he saw someone do a ridiculous stupid thing!

Hearing the words of the round faced elder, the others laughed.

Mi Xuan's face returned to normal. She looked at the Lord of the temple of time, who was very calm from beginning to end, and said respectfully:

"Please also ask the hall leader to go back to the time to see which thing has no eyes and dares to break into our temple of time!"

The Lord of the temple of time raised his right hand, and the index finger of his right hand was a little ahead. Immediately, the space in front was like falling into the water surface of a stone, causing ripples. The ripples became larger and larger, and soon spread to the whole basement space.

Time goes back!

It's like playing a movie. Someone pressed the back button, and the picture kept going back. Soon, the previous scenes came into the eyes of the people present.

They saw Lin Chen leaving with Su Yuechan.

See Lin Chen kill guopeng.

Seeing Lin Chen and guopeng appear together, Lin Chen saves Su Yuechan. Su Yuechan cries in Lin Chen's arms.


"The one who was killed was a disciple of the temple of time. He dared to kill the people of the temple of time. Now it seems that he is even more damned!" Mi Xuan said coldly.

"How does this person feel familiar with his appearance? It seems that he has seen him somewhere?" Another elder looked at Lin Chen's face and wondered.

When he said this, the other elders also looked suspicious, because they also felt that the man's appearance was somehow familiar. The Lord of the temple of time, with a look of surprise on his face, immediately smiled: "Lord Black Yan!"

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