Some people get along with each other all their lives. Their hearts are still separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. They are no different from strangers.

Some people don't need to know each other for long, just like they have been together for countless years. They are not only close, but also trust each other.

Lin Chen and Su Yuechan didn't spend much time together, but he had already regarded Su Yuechan as a trusted friend. After thinking about it, he told her that he came from another world and would leave in a few decades.

To his surprise, Su Yuechan did not say no, but asked if she could take her with her when she left.

Although surprised, Lin Chen still answered truthfully. He shook his head: "I don't know how to leave the spirit moon continent. According to my world, people who have been here say that as long as they stay here for 60 years, they will be sent out automatically! So, instead of saying, when the time comes

When I left, I would rather be driven out of the world. "

He didn't know how to leave. He could only passively wait for 60 years. Naturally, he couldn't leave with Su Yuechan.

Seeing that Su Yuechan was in a low mood, Lin Chen smiled, trying to ease the atmosphere: "there is an old saying in my hometown, that is, all the world comes to an end! When we leave, I will give you a gift as -"

"I don't want it!" Su Yuechan suddenly shouted, with a sharp voice.

When she saw Lin Chen looking at herself in surprise, she turned her head to one side and didn't look at Lin Chen. Her eyes were red.

Lin Chen was silent. He could not see that Su Yuechan had a different idea for him.

The problem is, he doesn't know how to respond.

Also unable to respond.

Without saying anything else, in a few decades, she will leave, and Su Yuechan still wants to stay in this small world and respond to her feelings, which is undoubtedly irresponsible.

Lin Chen and suyuechan were silent, and the atmosphere was somewhat solidified.

A few seconds later.

Lin Chen suddenly reaches out his hand and grabs Su Yuechan's hand. Su Yuechan looks happy, but then he listens to Lin Chen: "go!"

Before she knew it, Lin Chen had already pulled her and swept away toward the far sky.

Seeing Lin Chen's face was ugly, Su Yuechan realized something. She turned her head and looked back. She just saw the space behind her. There was a huge crack, and several shadows came out of the space crack.

"It's her!"

Suyuechan was startled to see one of the old women, who was the elder of the temple of time who had imprisoned her in the dungeon. Then I saw Mi Xuan and several other people standing behind a dignified middle-aged man, looking like his horse's head. Su Yuechan's heart beat a level faster. What kind of existence can make Mi Xuan like this

The elder of the temple of years, standing behind him respectfully?

"Lin Chen?" Suyuechan looks at Lin Chen in panic.

Lin Chen also saw the people who appeared behind him. His face was so gloomy that it seemed to be dripping water. "The first one was the Lord of the temple of years, and the others were the elders of the temple of years!"

"Damn it! I've been tens of thousands of miles away. I also used some methods to make them unable to track the residual breath in the air. How can they still track it? If they knew so, they would wait millions of miles away and stop!"

Lin Chen didn't know that by the means of the Lord of the temple of time, he would still find it, not to mention millions of miles away, even tens of millions of miles away.

"Lord of the temple of time?"

Suyuechan only felt that her eyes were dark and confused.

This is one of the two strongest beings on the land of Lingyue!

Now he is taking several elders of the temple of years to pursue them. Even though she knew that Lin Chen was very powerful and even had a blind trust in Lin Chen, she also understood that Lin Chen could not fight against the Lord of the time temple on her own, let alone the elders of the time temple


"Lord Black Yan! You are famous all over the world now. How can you see me, but you are scared like a lost dog? You don't dare to stop and fight with me? You are scared to death just because you see me!"

The Lord of the temple of time said coldly when he saw that Lin Chen was leaving with Su Yuechan.

At his words, MI Xuan and several elders of the temple couldn't help laughing.

"The dark Yan demon lord knows himself a little. He knows that he is not the opponent of the hall Lord at all!"

"It's not as simple as the opponent. He can't even catch the move of the hall Lord!"

"Escape? He thought that he might escape in front of the temple Lord? He was dreaming!"


Lin Chen didn't stop at all, and at the same time, he turned to scold: "if you have the ability, just wait a hundred thousand years, and we can compete again! If I were half as old as you guys, and you guys go together, I could beat you so that your mother didn't know you! But

I have been practicing for several years. What can I be proud of? Old shameless, I bah! "

Mi Xuan and the other elders all stood still with a triumphant smile on their faces.

Su Yuechan is silly. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen still wants to mock these people for their age and scold them for being old.

Lin Chen may not be old, but his heart is too big!

The Lord of the temple of time passed a cold light in his eyes and chased Lin Chen. He was as fast as he could. He was like a sharp blade, cutting the space all the way and getting closer to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen changed his countenance and used the secret method. His body turned into a dark flame. Thunder came from his body. He used his body method and martial arts to move forward at a faster speed. He didn't want to fight with the other party.

Not to mention, he was not sure of defeating the Lord of the years temple. Just not far away, the elders of the years Temple such as Mi Xuan stared at him, which was very detrimental to him.

"The speed is not slow. No wonder we can escape from the star city!"

The Lord of the temple of time said something slowly, and then his body disappeared out of thin air. The space vibrated, and a trace of invisible ripples rushed to Lin Chen at the extreme speed.

As the leader of the temple of time, he naturally controls powerful body methods and martial arts!


In the blink of an eye, he had reached behind Lin Chen, clenched his right hand and hit Lin Chen.

With one blow, the world changed, the wind and clouds surged, and the fierce and unparalleled pressure shrouded Lin Chen and Su Yuechan. In just a moment, Su Yuechan was so shocked that she spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Chen raised his heart.

After all, I still have to fight with one of the two beings who really stand at the peak of the spirit moon continent! The sense of oppression brought to him by the Lord of the temple of time was a little worse than yanwumo and ChiYan giant beast, but it was not much worse. It could be said that it was a level of existence!

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