"I don't know if it's my illusion. When I see the forbidden mountain, I feel familiar, but I'm sure I've never been here in the future!"

Su Yuechan hesitated. "Maybe it's just my illusion!"

Lin Chen frowned slightly. She had never been here, but she had a familiar feeling. Either it was the illusion of suyuechan, or she had been here, but she had forgotten?

"Lin Chen, look over there! The forbidden mountain! There is a mountain exactly like the forbidden mountain!"

Suyuechan pointed at Lin Chen's back with a surprised face.

Lin Chen turned around. Sure enough, he saw a towering mountain tens of thousands of meters away. It was not only the same as the forbidden mountain, but also hidden in the clouds in the sky from the mountainside. Even its shape was the same.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Lin Chen skimmed the mountain, and Su Yuechan hurriedly followed.

"This mountain is not the taboo sacred mountain we have seen before. The time flow around it has not slowed down."

As he approached, Lin Chen didn't notice anything strange. He glanced at the distance, and the speed of the fallen leaves was normal in his eyes.

However, just when he was still thousands of kilometers away from the mountain, the mountain shook and became crystal transparent, generating amazing energy fluctuations, which surged towards Lin Chen and Su Yuechan.

Lin Chen was shocked, and immediately pulled Su Yuechan to retreat. However, it was still slow. The energy fluctuation hit them instantly.

Just when Lin Chen thought that his body would grow old again, he came back to his senses, but found that he and suyuechan had just been beaten out by that force, and his body had not grown old or been injured!

Lin Chen looked suspiciously at the lofty mountain in the distance. He sat down with his knees crossed, adjusted his body to the peak, and then let Su Yuechan back. He began to attack the mountain by means of temptation at first, and then even used the secret method and "Yantian Shura hand" at the same time. However, whenever Lin Chen's attack fell on the mountain, energy fluctuations appeared, which made Lin Chen's attack easier


Lin Chen's palm print, six arm Shura, and a palm falling from the sky, under the impact of the energy fluctuation, dissipated like smoke and fog in an instant!

Lin Chen's face became a little ugly.

"This mountain should not be the taboo mountain we saw before, but it should have something to do with the taboo mountain!"

Lin Chen tells Su Yuechan his judgment and asks Su Yuechan to wait for him for a while. He sweeps away in the distance. After flying thousands of miles, a barrier invisible to the naked eye appears in front of him and stops him.

Lin Chen was shocked again, and used all kinds of means again. However, he still couldn't destroy the barrier and couldn't leave.

He changed his direction. After a while, he encountered the barrier again, still tried to destroy it, and still failed!

Lin Chen returns to Su Yuechan and tells her her her findings.

"This is a closed space. There are barriers in all directions, including the sky. It is impossible to leave."

He glanced at the old house in the distance, and his mind spread from the middle of his eyebrows. He searched the small world, but found no one except the two of them!

"Nobody!" Lin Chen looked at Su Yuechan and shook his head.

Suyuechan was also full of doubts. She searched the old house and found nothing. "Before, someone should have lived here for a period of time and left. If this is a closed space, how did the person leave? Could it be that the barrier here was set up by the person who once lived here, or even

, this small world was created by that man? "

When she finished, her pupils narrowed and looked at Lin Chen. Her eyes were full of horror.

Lin Chen understood what she meant, and his face became very serious.

It's nothing to open up a small world with one's own efforts. The problem is that there is a big mountain that must be related to the forbidden mountain in this small world.

This towering mountain may also be the work of that man.

In this way, will the taboo sacred mountain in the outside world also be the work of that person?

If so, the man's strength is unimaginable. It is far more terrifying than the years Temple Lord and the soul Temple Lord, who are now known as the strongest in the spirit moon continent!

Lin Chen even had an idea in his mind.

If the person who once lived here is the pioneer of this small world, and the taboo sacred mountain is his handwriting, will the spirit moon continent also be pioneered by him?

Previously, Lin Chen had speculated that the space where the land of Lingyue was located might have been opened up by a powerful existence from the outside world.

Because on the land of Lingyue, although the appellation of each realm of the cultivator is different from that of the outside world, the appellation of alchemy materials and other things is the same.

Lin Chen's heart was lifted up.

Su Yuechan's face became very dignified, and they all thought of a problem.

Maybe the powerful existence is still in this small world, but Lin Chen can't find him?

Maybe he's staring at both of them now?

At the thought of this, both of them felt a little worried. Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "even if there is a strong presence in this small world, since he doesn't appear, it means that he is not hostile to us. Therefore, we don't need to worry about anything. What we have to do now

The only problem we face is how to get out of here! "

"Also, a question suddenly occurred to me." Lin Chen looked at the towering mountains in the distance.

"What's the problem?" "This mountain should have something to do with the taboo sacred mountain. Around the taboo sacred mountain, the velocity of time is extremely slow. Will the small world where this mountain is located, that is, where we are now, be different from the outside world? I

Do you think everything around you is normal because the overall time flow rate of this small world is different from that of the outside world? "

When Lin Chen said this, suyuechan was also curious and said, "but even if the time flow rate here is different from that of the outside world, we have nothing to compare, and we can't detect it at all?"

"There is a contrast!"

Lin Chen smiled, and a streamer flew out of his eyebrows. Then suyuechan saw a dark tower the size of a palm of a hand on his hand.

Lin Chen hands the tower to suyuechan: "take it." Suyuechan looked puzzled, but she still took it over. She didn't understand what Lin Chen had just said.

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