Yin Kui's face sank in. It was like a football that was severely hit by a baseball bat. His facial features twisted into a ball and flew backward.

As soon as he uttered a scream, he saw that Lin Chen had arrived in front of him. He was almost scared out of his mind.

At this time, Yin Kui thought of Yin Feng.

The man of the spirit family who fell into the hands of the Red Sun Tribe explained that Yin Feng was defeated by a young man named Lin Chen.

Yin Kui seemed careless on the surface, but in fact, he was also very cautious in his heart. When he saw Lin Chen, he was secretly wary of whether the other party would be the one who defeated Yin Feng.

But even in the worst case, the other party was the one who defeated Yan Feng, and he was not afraid, because he still had a backhand!

Even if he is stronger than himself, he can turn over his cards before losing to him. At that time, his side will still be the ultimate winner.

He never thought that the other side was not only stronger than himself, but also so strong that he could not even turn over his cards, so he lost his fighting power!


The palm wrapped with black flame cleaved on Yin Kui's head.

With a bang, Yin Kui's head shattered.

Lin Chen grabbed Yin Kui's soul and grasped it with five fingers!


Yin Kui's soul gave out a sharp scream, and then exploded!

In the blink of an eye, the second person of the Chiyang tribe is now dead!

Looking at this scene, not only those people of Chiyang tribe were stupid.

Even Ling Huaxuan and her daughter are stupid!

In linghuaxuan's father's and daughter's opinion, Lin Chen must spend some time and means to defeat Yin Kui, but he didn't expect that the victory would be decided in the blink of an eye. It was as easy as a tiger killing an ant!

"Hurry! Run for your life!"

"Stupid! He can kill Kui Changlao instantly. How can we run away! Now the only way to survive is to start the transmission array immediately and let the leader come in person!"

"That's right! Come on! Move the transmission array!"


The rest of the Chiyang tribe, like frightened birds, screamed loudly.

Lin Chen was going to solve them, but after hearing their screams, he stopped and stared at them with a cold face.

Several people of Chiyang tribe took out a jade slip, used their right index finger as a carving knife, carved a mark on it, and then immediately crushed it.

The shattered jade slips turned into streamers and flew to the barren mountain where they had originally appeared. In fact, as long as any one of them carves a mark on the jade slips and then crushes them, they can trigger the long arranged transmission array. However, these people are scared to death at this time. They are afraid that others will not successfully trigger the transmission array, so they

They all carved the jade slips on their bodies and crushed them.

With just one breath, the barren mountain in the distance will burst into golden light.

A complex mark with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the mountain, turning slowly, just like a gate opening.

Looking at this scene, Lin Chen looked calm and said slowly: "no wonder he dared to guard outside the spirit clan. It turned out that he had arranged a transmission array. The leader of your Chiyang tribe can come at any time."

Think it over.

If Yan Kui was the only one, even if the leader of the spirit family had an accident now, elder Shan Yun and other strong members of the spirit family would still be able to deal with him.

The other side is nothing more than the people of the Chiyang tribe who can support them at any time, so they dare to intercept the people of the lingzu here!

This transmission array was also Yin Kui's card.

His idea was that even if there were people he couldn't deal with, it would be a big deal to let the leader Yin Cang come in person, but he didn't think that he didn't even have time to start the transmission array in front of Lin Chen!

When linghuaxuan and her daughter heard what the rest of the Chiyang Tribe said, they saw the strange image of the barren mountain in the distance, and their faces changed. Linghuaxuan's father hurriedly said to Lin Chen: "little friend, the leader of the Chiyang tribe will come soon! Yan Cang's strength is not much worse than that of our clan leader. Even if our clan leader wants to clean him up, it will take some time! And, yes

He is probably not the only one.

We don't want to fight with him. We should go back and heal the patriarch. After the clan leader recovers, it's not too late to clean up the Chiyang tribe! "

Lin Chen hasn't answered yet.


Hundreds of boulders on the grassland are automatically suspended in the air, shifted and transposed, and soon arranged into a strange formation.

Each boulder shines brightly

The light converged in mid air and then turned into a gate.

The gate opened slowly. In the middle was a huge whirlpool. Several figures came out of the whirlpool.

Seeing the old woman, Ling Huaxuan shouted in surprise: "Grandma!"

It was elder Yun and several other strongmen of the spirit clan who came.

Inside the spirit clan, they noticed what was happening outside, so they came out to see what was going on. As a result, they saw three people, Lin Chen, and the people of the Chiyang tribe not far away, and the strange image of the barren mountain in the distance.

Seeing Lin Chen, elder Yun didn't ask what happened here at the first time, but said nervously: "little friends, xuan'er, you are back. How about 'luo'e Du soul pill'

Not only she, but also the people around her were a little nervous.

If there is no "luo'e Du soul pill", not only the leader of the spirit clan will fall, but also the next situation of the spirit clan will become very bad. It can almost affect the fate of the whole spirit clan!

Linghuaxuan smiled and said, "grandma, don't worry. We have brought back the 'luoe Du soul pill'. Grandpa, the patriarch, he will be saved!"

"Good! Good! That's great!"

Elder Yun was overjoyed, and her face turned a little red. It's really that the "luo'e Du soul pill" is too important for the spirit family at present. Even in her nature, she was too excited.

At this time, she was in the mood to ask what had happened here. She learned from linghuaxuan's father and daughter what had happened. She was shocked to hear that Yin Kui was killed by Lin Chen in an instant.

Elder Yun thought for a while, just like linghuaxuan's father before, said to Lin Chen:

"Little friend, hurry up and join us in the spirit family first. Yan Cang was afraid of the array inside and dared not break in. When the clan leader recovered, it was time to clean him up!"

In their view, this is undoubtedly the safest way!

At this time, people were flying out of the mark over the barren mountain in the distance. It was obvious that people from the Chiyang tribe came. There were a large number of people. At a glance, there were probably hundreds of people. Lin Chen didn't answer elder Yun's words. He looked at the barren mountain suspiciously. Among these people, he felt the breath of Jiuyou God Huang and Jiuyou tianluan!

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