Before the Zhou family could react, Zhou Yuanwei had already made a move. His move was so fast that no one in the Zhou family could see it clearly.

As a result, he died faster than he did!

The young people of the Zhou family only saw that Zhou Yuanwei shot, rushed to Lin Chen, said a self righteous word, and then he died

"No! How could this happen? How could this guy be so powerful?" Zhouxueling is silly. She has already thought about how to torture Lin Chen. As a result, the picture in front of her doesn't follow the script in her mind at all. It is clear that Zhou Yuanwei easily abandoned her opponent. What she sees is Zhou Yuanwei Qing

All of a sudden, he died in Lin Chen's hands.

In her mind, even if Zhou Yuanwei underestimated the enemy, he should not die at Lin Chen's hands.

Zhou Yuanwei did underestimate the enemy, but there was only one reason why he died at Lin Chen's hands. Lin Chen was much stronger than him.

Zhouxueling thinks that Zhou Yuanwei is much stronger than Lin Chen, but the reality is the opposite.

The gap between the immortal realm and the great perfection can reach the difference between heaven and earth. Even if Zhou Yuanwei does not underestimate the enemy, he will die! Seeing Lin Chen rushing towards the third elder, zhouxueling was shocked and angry, and said with hate: "this guy must have had some adventure. His strength has grown to this level. However, he is not the opponent of the Third Elder anyway! He dares to kill Grandpa Yuan Wei

, then the end will be no survival, no death! "

The ranking of the elders of the Zhou family is not based on seniority, but on strength!

The reason why the three elders are the three elders is that his combat power ranks third among the elders. The power of the 88 stars in the body is transformed into the power of the world. It also uses the law of earth and the law of thunder to enter the Tao at the same time. The speed and power are extremely terrible. It also masters many powerful martial arts of the Zhou family and pushes the same level horizontally, even if it is at the source

The central part of the land is also a first-class strongman.

In any case, this guy is not a small global city leader who can compete! "That damned bastard, there is such a powerful master. But how, compared with my background, it is still far behind! You have no qualifications to compare with me! Neither of you, the master and the apprentice, will survive in the end. Both of you will die on me

In the hands of the Zhou family. "

Zhouxueling said to herself, feeling proud again. No amount of accidents can change her. She is the ultimate winner. Xiao Qi has become her substitute. Sometimes, the elders of the clan will compare Xiao Qi with her. As a result, Xiao Qi is not only more able to endure hardships than her, but also has a better understanding than her. She clearly has a natural "Hao Tian Divine Body" and the speed of realm improvement

But he was left behind by Xiao Qi all the time.

The elders of the clan, such as the three elders in front of them, sometimes take Xiao Qi as an example, saying that she doesn't practice hard enough. At most, she just works hard, but others work hard!

This makes zhouxueling hate Xiao Qi even more. In her opinion, Xiao Qi is not qualified to compare with her at all. Comparing Xiao Qi with her is insulting her.

"You dare to kill our Zhou family elders. According to our Zhou family rules, you will be skinned and boned, and your soul will be burned for 100000 years, making your life worse than death!"

The third elder of the Zhou family looked at Lin Chen, who was rushing towards him. He calmed down again. What he said was extremely cold, even more frightening.

Although Lin Chen killed Zhou Yuanwei, Zhou Yuanwei and the three elders of the Zhou family were not at the same level.

The third elder of the Zhou family was confident enough to stop Lin Chen's shot just now, and hit Lin Chen hard with his backhand. He thought he was stronger than Lin Chen!

When Lin Chen rushed to him, he stamped his right foot on the ground. With a bang, the ground under his feet collapsed and huge cracks spread far away on the ground.

The third elder of the Zhou family was wrapped around Lei Mang and rushed to Lin Chen. He was not only faster than Zhou Yuanwei, but also had a mountain like momentum that Zhou Yuanwei could not compare!

"The rules of your Zhou family are none of my business. I not only killed him, but also you now!"

Facing the fierce three elders of the Zhou family, Lin Chen has no fear at all. He holds a long gun and sweeps forward. At this time, the three elders of the Zhou family rushed right in front of him. Their right hand became like a yellowish brown crystal, giving people a sense of invincibility. On the surface, there was lightning moving. The space around the lightning seemed unable to withstand the power of terror. A

Every crack.

The right fist of the third elder of the Zhou family smashed at Lin Chen. With a roar, the stone was shattered!

Before waiting for his fist to fall on Lin Chen, the Xuanyuan gun was first sweeping at his waist.

The third elder of the Zhou family exploded.

Lin Chen was not happy, but his pupils narrowed. When Xuanyuan shot at the three elders of the Zhou family, the other party's body turned into a rock. The rock statues exploded, turning into sharp spikes with thunder, and shot at Lin Chen.

"Da Wei divine fist!"

A violent drink sounded behind Lin Chen. At the same time, there was a deafening sound of space collapse!

A terrible pressure enveloped Lin Chen. He was squeezing his body. He wanted to hold him in place. It was like squeezing him directly into powder!

Facing the torrential spikes in front and the terrible punch in the rear, Lin Chen burst out a dark flame like a raging wave, flapping countless spikes out in front.

At the same time, he turned around and didn't look at it. He shot out!


The Xuanyuan spear collided with the crystal fist of the third elder of the Zhou family. Unexpectedly, a series of sparks were generated. The space at the collision collapsed, and the violent energy waves rushed in all directions, uprooting many towering trees.

Standing in the distance, the young people of the Zhou family, many of whom screamed loudly, were swept by the violent waves and did not know where they had flown.

Even more, a pillar of Qi rose up into the sky, pierced the huge clouds in the sky, and then scattered the white clouds with an area comparable to several cities in an instant!

Shua! Shua!

Lin Chen and the three elders of the Zhou family both rushed out towards the rear and retreated a few meters away. They were all staring at each other.

The eyes of the third elder of the Zhou family were full of horror. The strength of this guy shocked him again.

"Zhou Jingchen has really died in your hands?" The third elder of the Zhou family looked gloomy. At this time, he did not take Lin Chen's words as nonsense.

"That's right. Shall I send you to accompany him now? You have a nest of snakes and mice in the Zhou family. I'll send you all to the road together!" Lin Chen's tone was cold.

The third elder of the Zhou family snorted coldly. His long hair danced in the wind. His breath was rising like an angry Beast. He shouted: "it seems that you can't kill you without real skills!"

Until now, he still doesn't think that he has the slightest possibility of losing! Lin Chen pursed his lips. What the old man meant was that he thought he had come up with real skills?

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