Xiaoyuan had a pair of smart eyes. At this time, she fell in front of Lin Chen. Her voice was weak and said, "master."

Lin Chen saw that she was still in pity, and secretly said that her problem was really stupid. The Xuanyuan gun was like Xiaoyuan's body, which was destroyed like that. How could Xiaoyuan be ok!

Seeing Lin Chen's face was very ugly, Xiaoyuan comforted him in turn:

"Don't worry, master. Xiaoyuan will be fine. As long as you don't continue to use the Xuanyuan gun and fight with the immortal's existence above Da Yuan man, the Xuanyuan gun won't be broken and Xiaoyuan won't disappear. As long as you find a Shinto tool Zun and repair the Xuanyuan gun, Xiaoyuan will be able to recover."

"Don't worry, I will not only repair the Xuanyuan gun, but also find someone to upgrade your product level to the top-grade artifact level this time."

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Xiaoyuan's head. As a result, he saw that there were cracks on her head, so he stopped in the air and said solemnly.

The best artifact is a precious thing of the same level as the wuxianshen pill. It is difficult to upgrade the Xuanyuan gun to the best artifact. However, Lin Chen believes that he can do it with his current skills if he just needs help to upgrade the Xuanyuan gun to the best artifact.

Xiaoyuan was delighted and rubbed his head on Lin Chen's palm. "The Xuanyuan gun has been upgraded to a top-grade artifact. Will Xiaoyuan grow up again and become an adult?"

"I don't know. I should grow up again." Lin Chen was dumbfounded and smiled. She thought that the girl's attention was strange. What she cared about was this.


Yangyu city is one of the most prosperous cities in the Haotian divine domain except Haotian city.

Here, there is the Wanyan hall, which is famous for the Heavenly God realm!

Wanyan hall is a name of a faction. Behind it is the famous Wanjia in Haotian divine domain. Wan kaihong, the leader of the Wanjia family, is a top power in the immortal realm, a god of Taoism, and the leader of Yangyu city!

In addition to him, there are several Shinto worshippers in Wanjia.

At the same time, wanyantang is also the name of the shop. Its branches are all over the Haotian divine realm, selling all kinds of weapon refining materials and weapons. It is said that as long as you can afford enough money, you can even buy artifacts!

When Lin Chen came to Yangyu City, he came to Wanyan hall.

Since you can buy artifacts in Wanyan hall, as long as you can afford enough money, you can naturally let the people in Wanyan hall repair Xuanyuan guns for yourself and upgrade Xuanyuan guns to the level of top-grade artifacts.

Lin Chen walked in the bustling street and went in the direction of Wanyan hall.

"This is the headquarters of thousands of families. It seems that it is the influence of thousands of families that has led to so many weapons shops here."

Lin Chen looked around the street and found that sixorseven of the ten shops were selling weapon refining materials or weapons. He couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Lin Chen?"

A hesitant voice came from the crowd.

Lin Chen was stunned and turned to look in the direction of the voice. He saw a woman with long hair and waist, looking at him in surprise.

Women are extremely beautiful, and they have a unique temperament, a sense of dust and a sense of earthly chivalry.

"A thousand rains on the left hill?"

Seeing this woman, Lin Chen was also a little surprised, and then showed a smile. Unexpectedly, he would meet a friend in such a place.

At the beginning, he went to Tianyan Shenyu to save Bai Jiaojiao. With the help of zuoqiu Qianyu, he successfully entered Baili's home and rescued Bai Jiaojiao.

Later, with the introduction of Qianyu from zuoqiu, I saw the domain master of Tianyan God domain.

"It's really you! Why are you here?"

Zuoqiu Qianyu surprised Lin Chen. She didn't expect to go out for training and meet people she knew in such a place.

"Let's do something." Lin Chen smiled.

Zuoqiu Qianyu said, "by the way, how is your master now? You haven't returned to the Tianyan divine realm and asked my grandfather to help you. Have you found a better way to revive your master?"

Lin Chen did not expect that the other party was still thinking about his own affairs, and his smile was softer: "it can be understood that master Shendi has indeed been resurrected."

I just don't know where he is now.

Lin Chen added in his heart, thinking that now, a few years later, master Shendi should have been born long ago in the woman's stomach. I don't know what's going on now. Can there be a day of reunion in the future?

"Go! We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'll buy you a drink." Zuoqiu Qianyu pulls Lin Chen to a restaurant nearby.

Lin Chen hurriedly said, "next time, I have something to do."

Zuoqiu Qianyu rolled his eyes and said, "next time? The next time we meet, it may be a few years later. What are you going to do and how long will it take?"

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "success or failure, within an hour, should be able to talk about a result."

Zuoqiu Qianyu looked to the side, and Lin Chen looked along her line of sight. Only then did she find that she was accompanied by a young man in Chinese clothes.

Young people are handsome in appearance and slender in stature, enough to attract the favor of many women.

However, Lin Chen didn't like this man very much at the first sight. With his eyesight, he could see that although the young man had an easy-going expression, when he looked at him, his eyes were a little high, as if everyone should look up to him.

"Which is the best restaurant in Yangyu city?" Zuoqiu Qianyu asks the young man in Chinese clothes.

The well-dressed young man smiled: "if you want to say that the best restaurant, it is well deserved to be 'Chunfeng restaurant'! 'Chunfeng restaurant' is a unique restaurant in Yangyu city. Among them, the most famous --"

Before he finished, zuoqiu Qianyu looked back at Lin Chen: "I'm waiting for you at Chunfeng restaurant. After you finish your work, ask about the location of the restaurant, and then come to me. OK? If that doesn't work, you won't take me as a friend."

Huafu youth's words were interrupted, somewhat embarrassed, and did not say anything.


Lin Chen smiled bitterly and said that he couldn't say no. he nodded and agreed.

After Lin Chen left, the young man in Chinese clothes asked curiously, "miss zuoqiu, is this your friend?"

"Don't you think you're asking nonsense? If he isn't my friend, how could I just say that if he refused, he wouldn't treat me as a friend?" Zuoqiu Qianyu frowned and asked.

The young man in Huafu was secretly angry. He just felt that zuoqiu Qianyu's attitude towards himself and the young man just now was too different!

I'm a legitimate member of thousands of families. What is the other person?

However, he also knew that his identity was much worse than that of zuoqiu Qianyu. He didn't dare to get angry with zuoqiu Qianyu at all.

He asked: "if you can be your friend, his strength must be very strong. I don't know what kind of state exists?"

Zuoqiu Qianyu was stunned when he asked him, because she didn't know what Lin Chen was now. According to the truth, Lin Chen was in the early stage of immortality, but now it's only a few years past, so it should still be in the early stage of immortality.

However, she suspects that Lin Chen probably died at the hands of Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen can kill the hundred Li cloud cover at the later stage of immortal's realm, he should also be a immortal's realm later stage.

She was also too lazy to explain too much to the young man in Chinese clothes, and said: "at the beginning of the immortal realm, why do you ask this? What is his realm? It has nothing to do with you, Wan Yucheng?"

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