
Hearing Leng Hanyan's cold words, Xie Wenlong's face froze and became extremely embarrassed.

When Aunt Xu saw something cold, she pretended to be angry, hit Xie Wenlong's hand in the air, and said with a smile: "silly child, Han Yan is a western medicine. Many people in western medicine are obsessed with cleanliness. Don't you even know this?"

Xiewenlong immediately stepped down the slope, took his hand back, and said with a smile, "yes, I really don't know much about western medicine, but I also plan to learn western medicine in the future, keep pace with the times, and combine Chinese and Western medicine. By the way, Miss Leng, my mother said, you are an expert in western medicine, and you are a doctoral student in Harvard University School of medicine. Please give me more advice in the future."

Leng Hanyan met aunt Xu after all. At this time, it's not easy to embarrass her. She only said, "it's good to learn western medicine, but I don't know much. I really can't teach anything."

With that, without waiting for the other party to speak again, she said to Aunt Xu, "aunt Xu, is the conference going to start? If so, let's go in now?"

Aunt Xu said with a smile, "almost. Let's go in now."

As she said this, she winked at xiewenlong and told him to be more positive. Xiewenlong immediately understood.

At this time, his heart simply liked Leng Hanyan to the extreme. This woman has a mania for cleanliness. Doesn't it mean that no one has touched her body at all?

He is a top-notch beauty, and he is still pure and clean. At this moment, xiewenlong feels that he is really lucky. As long as he gets this woman, he feels that his life has been half successful!

He smiled and went on to talk to Leng Hanyan. However, the next moment, he turned pale. Not only he, but also aunt Xu looked ugly!

Leng Hanyan even took the initiative to hold Lin Chen's hand and pulled him forward!

Originally, xiewenlong didn't pay attention to a loser riding a bicycle at all. However, at this time, he just felt jealous and wanted to tear Lin Chen to pieces!

At the same time, he was scolding in his heart. Didn't he say that he had a mania for cleanliness? As a result, how could I hold the boy's hand again!

The current situation undoubtedly shows that even if Leng Hanyan has a mania for cleanliness, at least it doesn't affect her to have intimate contact with the man around her!

Lin Chen didn't expect Leng Hanyan to suddenly hold her hand, smiled, and said to Aunt Xu, "I shouldn't have taken my car in. If you hadn't waited here, I would have put my car away. I can't put it directly at the gate of someone else."

Xiewenlong was so jealous at this time that he couldn't help sneering at the speech: "car? Haha, just your bike, you mean to call a car?"

"Wenlong, what are you talking about?"

Aunt Xu glared at xiewenlong, and then said to Lin Chen with an ugly face, "OK, go and put your car away first. We'll wait for you."

Lin Chen smiled, glanced at xiewenlong, then took lenghanyan in one hand and pushed his bike to find a parking place.

When xiewenlong saw Lin Chen and Leng Hanyan walking away, he said angrily, "Mom, why do you help that boy talk? Just a broken bike is good for calling a car. He's really an ignorant hick!"

When Aunt Xu saw that Xie Wenlong was so angry that her face turned red, she frowned and said: "well, look at what you look like now? She can't hold her breath! Han Yan should have a good impression on that boy now, but so what, do you think you can't compete with him? Calm down, your father and I helped you, and she was yours in the end!"

When xiewenlong heard the speech, he realized that he was too excited to help. He really liked the woman just now. After thinking for a while, he thought his mother was right and nodded: "I'll ask my father to come over and meet Han Yan. My father is a celebrity in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He also presided over this exchange conference. Leng Han Yan likes traditional Chinese medicine. She should be very happy when my father comes to talk."

"You know, since she likes traditional Chinese medicine, you are also a master of traditional Chinese medicine. With your father's help, you are afraid you can't win the guy just now?"

When Aunt Xu saw that her son finally wanted to understand, she smiled and said, "if it's really not possible, your Shigong will come today anyway. Just tell Han Yan that she is going to introduce her to your Shigong and his old man. She must be very excited!"

Xuwenlong's eyes lit up when he heard the speech. His Shigong was one of the most famous masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China!


Lin Chen found a place at random, parked his bike, looked at lenghanyan who seemed to want to say something, and smiled:

"Han Yan, I found out today that you used to be very good at beating your face. Hey hey, first you said you were obsessed with cleanliness, and then you pulled my hand. That xiewenlong just now turned pig liver."

Leng Hanyan heard the words and whispered, "you still say that you are not afraid of misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding what?" Lin Chen pretends to be confused. When I speak, I feel warm in my heart.

Leng Hanyan explained, "I didn't know that Aunt Xu was going to introduce her son to me. I thought she invited me because she knew I was interested in traditional Chinese medicine. If I had known this, I wouldn't have come."

Lin Chen looked at her pretty face, which was more gorgeous than the flower capital, and said with a smile, "ha ha, you are so beautiful. You can't go anywhere without wild bees and butterflies."

Leng Hanyan's face was bitter. Lin Chen was right. She was always buzzing around a group of men from childhood. She really didn't like it.

"So you need a flower guard."

Lin Chen pointed to his face and said with a smile, "what do you think of me? I'm really handsome. If you don't believe me, take a closer look?"


Leng Hanyan couldn't help laughing, and then her face turned slightly red. She bowed her head and said, "Lin Chen, why don't we take part in this TCM exchange meeting and go somewhere else?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "since they are here, at least we should have a look."

As he said, he took Leng Hanyan's hand and walked back, "it's just a buzzing little bee. It can't affect my mood."

Back at the door, Xie Wenlong also behaved politely this time. He didn't try to get close to Leng Hanyan. He just looked at Lin Chen, and there was still a thick hostility in his eyes.

A few people arrived at the 9th floor of the building. After a while, they entered an auditorium where hundreds of people could sit.

At this time, there were already dozens of people inside. Many of them were gray at the temples and were not young. Lin Chen could smell them. They all had a faint smell of herbs. This was only after many years of dealing with Chinese herbal medicine.

"Ha ha, Han Yan, you can find a place to do it. Aunt Xu will leave first." With that, aunt Xu quickly walked towards a middle-aged man who looked very dignified on the podium.

Lin Chen and Leng Hanyan casually find a seat to sit down. Xiewenlong had planned to sit next to Leng Hanyan. Who knows, Lin Chen found a seat for Leng Hanyan. The right side is the aisle, and the left side has already been taken by Lin Chen. This makes him uncomfortable again. He can only do it in front of Leng Hanyan.

Then he turned his head and smiled at Lin Chen. "Brother Lin, I haven't asked you what you do yet. Are you a traditional Chinese medicine when you come here?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.


Xiewenlong brushed his lips at Yan and said proudly, "which hospital are you working in now? Or do you want to open your own hospital?"

Lin Chen is also a traditional Chinese medicine. In his opinion, it is impossible to compare with him. Traditional Chinese medicine does not have a perfect learning system like western medicine. Now it mainly depends on teachers. His teachers are top in China. His teacher is the top person and object in the field of traditional Chinese Medicine. His father is also famous in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He is also the organizer of this Exchange Conference!

"I am a traditional Chinese medicine, but I don't mean to be a doctor in a hospital or open a hospital." Lin Chen said casually.

However, this almost made xiewenlong laugh. In his opinion, Lin Chen undoubtedly has no contacts and can't enter the hospital. He has no money to open a medical school, and his medical skills are estimated to be not very good. The result is very high sounding. He also said that he doesn't want to be a doctor in the hospital and doesn't want to open a medical school. It's ridiculous!

At this moment, Lin Chen was not worth mentioning in his heart. He didn't deserve to give him shoes!

"Hehe, that means you don't have a job? Do you need me to introduce you? I still have some contacts in Guangyang City, or you can work in my hospital. My requirements are not high, as long as you know the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine."

Xiewenlong said in a very kind manner, but his tone was a little high above the top. When he spoke, he was still peeping at Leng Hanyan's expression.

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