As soon as Lin Chen's words came out, the audience was so quiet that the needles could be heard. Gu was also stunned, and then became very ugly. He also remembered what xiewenlong had just said: only a good pen can call him a miracle doctor!

At this point, xiezhenren was almost crying. He wanted to slap xiewenlong in the face. Why was this guy so mean just now.

You know, in China, there may be some disputes between students and teachers in ordinary schools, but for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, it is very important to respect the elders and children. One day is a teacher, and life is a father.

Their family said that Gu laoshabi was deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors!

"What the hell is going on? Say it!" Gu stared at xiezhengren and shouted loudly.

Xiezhengren was like a terrified student at this time. His body trembled at Gu's voice, and then he said the whole thing with a bitter face.

In front of Gu, he did not dare to hide anything.

Moreover, he is not a villain. At the beginning, he thought Lin Chen was a God's staff with little ability but full of nonsense, so he became disgusted with him. At this time, he didn't know that the young man's medical skills were even better than him!

After hearing xiezhengren's words, Gu was so angry that he scolded: "with your ability, you have the good intention to question other people's medical skills? Do you think you are a great president of some bullshit association? Can you imagine Doctor Lin's ability to be short-sighted? You have the good intention to laugh at him? It's really a mayfly shaking a big tree. It's ridiculous not to look at yourself!"

Xiezhengren felt his face was burning at this time, and he lost his face to his grandmother's house. He also wanted to cry without tears in his heart. The other party said that his medical skills were self-taught. Who could have thought that he could become so good by self-study!

This is not logical at all, okay? I just use normal thinking to think!

Aunt Xie suspected that she was dreaming. Her husband, the president of the Provincial Association of traditional Chinese medicine and the vice president of the first people's Hospital of the province, was being taught a lesson. But it was because of the loser she despised from the beginning!

Of course, she now knows that this young man is definitely not a loser, let alone her son!

After giving xiezhengren a lesson, Gu glanced at xiewenlong and said, "Wenlong, you'd better stay in your medical school, so you don't have to come to me."

Xiewenlong seemed to be struck by lightning. He was so excited that he even forgot the pain in his hands.

Gu's words mean that he doesn't have to learn from Gu. He wanted to improve himself and gild himself by learning from Gu. Now, it's all over!

"Shigong, i... I didn't know he was really a miracle doctor!" Xiewenlong has some perseverance.

"Don't you know that he is a miracle doctor? You still don't know where you are wrong! This is not a problem that God is not a miracle doctor, but that you have no tolerance. The doctor is immoral and arrogant!" Gu shouted angrily.

"I......" xiewenlong was sad and could not say anything. His intestines were green with regret. He knew that it was impossible to change his mind according to the Shigong's character.

The people present saw that old Gu had taught all his disciples and grandchildren because of Lin Chen, and their eyes turned to Lin Chen completely.

If Lin Chen didn't have real skills, Gu couldn't be like this!

"Doctor Lin, I'll make you laugh. My disciple is so good that he runs to you and talks big!" Gu apologized to Lin Chen.

"Ho Ho, you're welcome, Gu. I'm not going to take their words to heart." Since the other party has given such a face, Lin Chen naturally can't continue to be aggressive.

Besides, Xie Zhengren really didn't pay attention to these people. How could he care about their ridicule.

"Ha ha, that's good, that's good. I left in a hurry last time and didn't thank doctor Lin. if it wasn't for you, we still don't know what happened to Xiao Li's face." Gu smiled.

At this time, the three members of the Xie family looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Naturally, they knew about Liu Li. Gu told them before that he met a real miracle doctor, who not only cured Wang Lao of the four families, but also saw Liu Li's illness. He also pointed out the way for them to know how to treat Liu Li's face.

Gu's eyes were full of admiration and admiration when he talked about the man!

I didn't expect that the miracle doctor was the guy who was just looked down upon by himself and others!

When Lin Chen heard the speech, he also remembered the woman whose face was ferocious and terrifying, but who would surely turn the country into the city after being cured. He could not help saying: "Gu Lao, have you found the other shore flower?"

Gu Lao looked disappointed, shook his head and said, "old Wang has also helped, but there is still no news."

"Don't be depressed, Gu. I believe your granddaughter is a blessed person. She will find the other shore flower sooner or later." Seeing that the other party was a little depressed, Lin Chen could not help comforting her. In fact, she knew that it was almost impossible to find the other flower.

Gu nodded. Soon, the depression on his face faded. He smiled and said, "let's not talk about this. I was going to go to see Doctor Lin after the conference. I didn't expect to find you here."

"Is that the troublesome patient Gu just mentioned?" Lin Chen said.

Gu nodded and said, "yes, so I hope Doctor Lin can go and have a look."

With that, he seemed to be afraid of Lin Chen's refusal, and added: "this patient is a real big man. If Dr. Lin can cure him, with his kindness, basically no one can get you in China!"

Hearing the speech, the people looked at Lin Chen with envy. This kind of patient is hard to find.

Lin Chen also showed some curiosity on his face. He was so exaggerated by Gu. However, he said that no one could do it. He did not know whether the seven top aristocratic families in China were included in the "basic" or whether they were the people of the seven aristocratic families.

At the same time, he has seen Gu's medical skills. He is really interested in the diseases that Gu can't cure.

He nodded and said with a smile, "OK, let me go over there with Gu."

Gu was overjoyed at the speech, but he didn't immediately pull Lin Chen away. After all, the exchange conference hasn't ended yet.

At the invitation of Gu, Lin Chen also went to the stage to talk about some opinions and ideas about traditional Chinese medicine. People, especially those old people, were full of doubts at first, but later they became respected. Finally, they understood why the other party disdained their previous speeches!

Sitting back on the stage, seeing Gu discussing the way out and development of traditional Chinese medicine with some elders, Lin Chen listened with some admiration.

These people may not have the same medical skills as him, but in fact, they have made more contributions to traditional Chinese medicine than themselves. If they can, they are willing to do what they can for the traditional Chinese medicine community.

Lin Chen felt that something was looking at her face all the time. Turning around, she saw Leng Hanyan staring at her face. She couldn't help laughing and said, "the old Gu you worship is talking on the stage. If you don't listen carefully, what are you looking at me for?"

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