Night fell.

It is rare to see stars and a bright moon in the city sky tonight.

It's about nine in the evening.

On the balcony, Lin Chen was closing his eyes, dancing and swimming like a dragon, sometimes with gusts of wind, sometimes without a sound, when there was no sound, but with a kind of shocking and formidable momentum.

After practicing a set of palm techniques in her mind, Lin Chen was about to go back to her room to take a bath when she heard a knock on the door.

When the door was opened, Leng Hanyan was standing outside in a loose cotton Pajama in pure white. Although the dress covered her figure, it was still tall and charming, and added a little cute.

"Han Yan, what's up?" Lin Chen smiled.

"Nothing, just come and have a chat with you." Leng Hanyan's face was slightly red. She was a little embarrassed. There was nothing like an iceberg goddess.

"Was it pushed by your mother?"

When Lin Chen finished, he put his head out of the door. Sure enough, he saw Leng Hanyan's mother, Jenny, stretching out half of her body from the next room. She was making a gesture of cheering Leng Hanyan.

When she saw Lin Chen's head sticking out, she didn't panic. Instead, she directly came out and smiled at Lin Chen: "my good son-in-law, why are you still in a daze? Didn't you hear Han Yan say that she would like to talk to you? Although I know that Chinese men are more introverted and reserved, when it comes to a man, you should order a man!"

With that, she winked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's face was black, and he felt that he was the mother of his daughter!

"Han Yan, come in." Lin Chen opened her body sideways and smiled at Leng Hanyan.

Leng Hanyan nodded and walked in with some embarrassment. Behind her came Jenny's encouraging voice: "Han Yan, come on! Mom will always support you!"

Leng Hanyan's face turned crimson when she heard the speech. She hurriedly closed the door.

Then he looked at Lin Chen and said, "my mother... She is like this..."

Lin Chen smiled. "I'll take a bath first. You can sit down."

When Lin Chen came out after taking a bath, she saw Leng Hanyan lying on her bed, holding the quilt, shaking her two white jade feet in the air, pouting, looking at the ceiling, as if thinking about something.

Lin Chen was stunned. Unexpectedly, Leng Hanyan would have such a childish side. How to say, it's special... Cute!

He found that he felt more and more pity for this woman and was more and more difficult to refuse.

"Ah! You're out!" Leng Hanyan then realized that Lin Chen was coming out. Seeing that he was staring at his feet shaking in the air, she couldn't help blushing and hurriedly sat up.

Lin Chen walked to the bedside with a smile and said, "Han Yan, do you have something you want to tell me? Should you come to me in the middle of the night to discuss traditional Chinese medicine?"

Although Jenny urged Leng Hanyan to come over, Lin Chen knew that according to Leng Hanyan's character, if she didn't really want to say something to herself, she couldn't come over.

Leng Hanyan nodded and said with a smile, "sit up first."

Lin Chen smiled and climbed into bed. At this time, both of them were wearing pajamas, just like an old couple.

Lin Chen felt a warm current flowing in his heart. He could not help rubbing Leng Hanyan's silky blonde hair and said with a smile, "are you still worried about something that might happen to me at the ancient martial arts conference?"

"Lin Chen, I don't believe you. I'm afraid -"

Before Leng Hanyan finished speaking, Lin Chen directly interrupted, "don't be afraid. I'll be fine. No one can hurt you with me."

Leng Hanyan showed a very gentle and sweet smile on her face, nodded, and leaned her head against Lin Chen's shoulder.

Lin Chen's body trembled, and Leng Hanyan sent a refreshing faint fragrance, which made his heart beat faster.

"Lin Chen, if you want me, I will give it to you now." Leng Hanyan suddenly said.


Lin Chen was startled. Although he was not an infant, he still couldn't help his heart beating wildly. His body seemed like a flame burning. He quickly ran his Qi and suppressed the agitation.

"Han Yan, as I said, I have a girlfriend, you -" although Lin Chen wanted to throw down this beautiful, sexy and lovely woman, she still couldn't help saying.

The woman was so silly and lovely, but the more so, the more afraid he was of hurting her.

"I wipe, Han Yan, you are peeking at me again, you little girl!" Seeing Leng Hanyan didn't answer, Lin Chen turned around and saw that she was looking at a place. She couldn't help blushing blush.

Leng Hanyan also blushed, but she still didn't respond. It seems that she can only be like her mother said!

As for what Lin Chen just said that he had a girlfriend, she didn't listen. In her opinion, it was just an excuse for Lin Chen to cover up his physical defects. She didn't have the heart to attack the man's self-esteem.

Leng Hanyan smiled, kissed Lin Chen on her face and said, "well, I know you have a girlfriend."

Lin Chen is a little confused. She knows she has a girlfriend and kisses herself. What does this mean? It's like leading yourself to commit a crime!

Just when some lewd thoughts began to emerge in Lin Chen's mind, Leng Hanyan said softly, "Lin Chen, promise me not to have an accident at the ancient martial arts conference. As long as you are safe, I will give you a gift after the ancient martial arts Conference!"

"What gift?" Lin Chen has a wonderful way.

Leng Hanyan blushed like a monkey's ass, stood up and walked to the door in her slippers. Then she turned back and said, "a gift to make you a real man!"

With that, she opened the door and left with a red face.

"What? What real man? I am a real man!" Lin Chen shouted. But Leng Hanyan has disappeared. Where can I hear him.

Lin Chen couldn't help feeling bored. What's all this? After teasing brother, he ran away again. It's better not to tease him!


Xiang family compound.

At this time, several key figures of the Xiang family gathered together, and Xiang Huowu was also among them.

"Xiao Wu, do you say that the boy doesn't want to sell us his martial arts? Hum! In my opinion, why bother so much? Just grab it directly. Those who achieve great things don't care about small details!" An old man with sharp eyes said angrily.

"Uncle Ping, don't be angry. Since this man has this kind of martial arts and knows that our Xiang family wants to buy his martial arts, he dares to refuse. I think he has some background." A middle-aged man who looks handsome and elegant, but gives people a sense of non anger and self prestige.

This middle-aged man is Xiang Changtian, the leader of the Xiang family. He is the strongest of the Xiang family and is called the first person in the ancient martial arts of Nanhua province! He is also the father of Xiang Huowu!

The old man is Xiang pingning, the elder of Xiang family!

Xiang Huowu brought back the news that Lin Chen didn't want to sell his martial arts skills, which made the Xiang family a little angry. They all thought that Lin Chen, a little man, was really unkind and shameless!

How dare you even refuse the deal proposed by Xiang Jia!

Xiangpingning didn't yell any more when he saw the family leader speak, but he was still unwilling to say: "the family leader, is he allowed to be so rampant? In this South China province, who is qualified to say not to sell what the Xiang family wants? This thing can't be done like this?"

"Uncle Ping, don't worry about it. Of course, there is nothing we can't do without“

Xiangchangtian nodded and said, "isn't the Zhou family going to deal with this man at the martial arts meeting? In that case, we'll help the Zhou family and teach him some lessons. But at least before he hands over his martial arts skills, don't let the Zhou family kill him. As long as you don't die, it doesn't matter if you lose your hands or feet“

His tone was extremely casual, but he was extremely overbearing, as if Lin Chen's life and death were in his hands, and he said it.

Xiang Huowu opened her mouth and said nothing at last, because it was related to the interests of the family, and it was useless for her to say so.

Who makes him so ignorant of heaven and earth? I hope he can stay alive. Xiang Huowu sighed in her heart.

But she also knew that with the help of the Xiang family, even if Lin Chen didn't die in the end, he would have half a life left at most!

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