Seeing Lin Chen's speed, the red Yan beast sank in his heart. He already knew that it was impossible for him to escape from the other side.

His eyes fell on the "sword fire divine wing" behind Lin Chen.

"This guy's speed is so amazing, mostly because of the wings behind him! What's this treasure? Damn, he's just a lowly human from a remote star region. How can he be so lucky!"

The red Yan monster was jealous. He thought that the other party could never compare with him in terms of talent. It was only because he had better luck.

The red Yan monster was only tens of meters away from the light curtain like a big bowl. Suddenly, a figure flew out of the light curtain.

It is the supreme admiration of the Muling clan!

"Master, I have a grudge against this guy. Please let me deal with him myself. Don't interfere!" Mu Huaxian was about to rush to the red Yan monster when Lin Chen's voice came from a distance.

Mu Huaxian was stunned. He looked at Lin Chen, who was only a few hundred meters away from the red Yan monster, and said, "OK. Then I'll watch. If you can't defeat him, I'll help you at any time!"

The eyes of the red Yan monster flickered with cold light, and the body lit a red flame, showing a huge body, blocking out the sky and the sun, and shrouding many Muling people who rushed out of the star shaking tree in the shadow!

He roared so loudly that the heaven and earth were trembling, and rushed to Lin Chen, as if a red Flaming Mountain had pushed sideways.

In an instant, the red Yan beast had understood that his only way out was to take the boy as a hostage!

Although he is not a member of the Muling clan, he helped the Muling clan to expose his plot, which is equivalent to that he became a benefactor of the Muling clan.

As long as the boy is in his own hands, the Muling clan can only let him leave honestly!

It seems that all the potential of the red Yan monster, who was cornered, has been stimulated. Its speed is even more amazing than when it ran for its life just now!

Looking at the red Yan monster, Lin Chen looked calm and said: "I said that I would settle accounts with you one day. At present, I represent not only myself, but billions of people on earth." The red Yan giant beast said with a grim smile: "little devil, you were like a mole ant in front of me at the beginning. Do you think there will be any change now? I don't believe that you, a guy from a remote star region, can really compare with me! Even if you are both supreme, I will

Still stronger than you! "

"If you hadn't been so arrogant, you wouldn't have come to this end." Lin Chen said coldly.

The red Yan monster didn't want to admit it, but at this time, he really regretted that he shouldn't have provoked Lin Chen. Lin Chen seemed to know his idea clearly, which made him extremely ashamed.

"Roar -!"

With a roar, the red flame converged in front of his big mouth. A red flame spear, like an arrow rain, blasted at Lin Chen.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are star illusions.

Lin Chen's figure flickered among different star illusions, easily hiding the flame spear.

This scene scared the Wuling people half to death. Fortunately, before the flame spear fell to the ground, there were wildly growing trees intertwined and turned into huge shields to block the flame spear!

This is the home of the Muling people. Naturally, it has some powerful means to defend and trap the enemy. Even if the supreme power wants to destroy this place, it is not so easy.

"This is' I am for the world '? No! No! This is a superb skill of the ultimate Shinto body method. During this time, he not only broke through to the supreme realm and got the wing treasure behind him, but also got a skill of the ultimate Shinto body method?"

The red Yan monster was shocked and angry, and was also jealous.

Although he was shocked and angry in his heart, his movements did not stop at all. When Lin Chen appeared on a star illusion, the red Yan giant beast had rushed to the front of the star illusion, and its huge claws were grasping at the star illusion!

Even if a mountain was caught by him, it would be smashed in an instant.

This claw, however, was empty.

Lin Chen disappeared again. The star illusion was just an illusion. Even though he grasped the space with one claw, he didn't touch anything. It felt like a punch on the cotton.

"This kid's speed is one level faster than me! If I spend so much time with him, I can never defeat him! "

The red Yan beast was anxious and tried to find a breakthrough. Looking at Lin Chen who appeared on another star illusion, he shouted:

"If it weren't for the pair of wings behind you, what would you be in front of me? You, a guy who can only Dodge, deserve to ask me for a settlement?" "Don't worry. Next, I won't dodge. You can dodge. The problem is, I don't think you can dodge. Speaking of you, you're the target I've been chasing for a long time! I'm not going to torture you to kill you now. I will

Give you a happy one. "

Lin Chen said slowly.

"Kill me? Try it if you can!"

The red Yan monster was still hard spoken, but somehow in his heart, he panicked. I don't know when to get up. Looking at Lin Chen's calm face, he would have some fear.

"Roar -!"

He roared again, turned into a long river of red flames, and rushed to Lin Chen. He wanted to start first!

Behind him, red stars and colorless world origins appeared, and energy rivers converged on him, making his breath more and more terrible.

I am for the world!

Behind Lin Chen, there was also a starry sky. The power of the world and the power of the spirit gathered on him, and then gathered on his Xuanyuan gun. Different abilities were intertwined and fused in a moment!

"It's over!"

Lin Chen whispered and threw the long gun in his hand. The gun was so terrible that it made a deafening explosion. The world shook and everything was dark!

The whole world has become dark!

"Supreme skill!" Mu Huaxian, who was watching, was surprised and said to himself, "it is really over."

"No -!"

The red Yan monster was scared to death.

"Yan devil shield!"

The red Yan monster roared madly, and the stars behind him burst out red flames. All of a sudden, they gathered in front of him and turned into a thousand meters high dark red flame shield, which was engraved with ancient images of gods and demons.


Unfortunately, Xuanyuan spear easily pierced the shield, and then his huge body was pierced! "No......" the red Yan monster was full of reluctance.

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