Lengyonghao heard Leng Lao's words, with some hesitation on his face. Some people are unwilling to go on like this. After all, it's a shame to go on without fighting!

However, he also knew that since the old owners had spoken, there would be no mistake. After thinking about it, he planned to step down.

However, as soon as he was about to step down, Pang Bohu seemed to have really turned into a fierce tiger. He had rushed over in an instant. The powerful pressure even made lengyonghao gasp for breath and almost fell to his knees!

Leng Yonghao was frightened and said, "stop! I know -"

However, before he finished his words, Pang Bohu's fist as big as a casserole had hit his chest, and suddenly there was a bang. Leng Yonghao flew out like a broken kite!


Then, it directly hit the ground outside the court.

Lengyonghao's mouth overflowed with blood at this time, and his chest was sunken. He rolled his eyes and twitched his body. It looked very frightening, as if he was about to die!

"Brother Hao!"


"Xiao Hao!"


All the people in the cold family changed their faces and rushed to lengyonghao. At this time, lengyonghao had more air out and less air in. He couldn't say a word!

Many people were paying attention to this place. At this time, the huge movement here attracted everyone's attention in an instant!

Those who knew the relationship between Pang Bohu and the Zhou family looked at Leng family, some with pity, some with sarcasm, and some with indifference.

Leng Hanyan squatted down, opened Leng Yonghao's eyelids and looked at him. He saw that his pupils were lax and his eyes were not looking at all. His beautiful face was also full of anger at this time.

"Han Yan, how's it going? Is brother Yonghao all right?" A middle-aged man nearby said anxiously that he was Leng Yonghao's father.

Leng Hanyan couldn't see the extreme in her face and said, "Uncle Chang, I'm sorry."

In an instant, the middle-aged man turned pale and sat down on the ground. Then he got up and pointed to Pang Bohu, who was sneering on the stage, and angrily scolded: "you bastard, haven't you seen Yonghao say surrender? Are you intentional, right?"

"Yes, this bastard must have done it on purpose!"

"Kill him and avenge brother Hao!"

"This damned son of a bitch must have been sent by the Zhou family to retaliate against us!"

The rest of the Leng family also glared at Pang Bohu. Old man Leng's face was dark and his eyes were burning with anger.

"Sorry, I didn't catch what he said just now, but he has no eyes. Can I blame him for that? Haha, it's his own incompetence. He dares to make a fool of himself here. He was looking for death! If you don't agree, you can come up and fight with me!"

Pang Bohu didn't have any guilt on his face. Instead, he sneered. He was so rampant that anyone could see it. He just did it on purpose!

"Well, as I have already said, it is inevitable that there will be some casualties in the Congress. Do you want to make trouble?" A shout came.

When the people looked at him, their faces changed. He was the elder of the Xiang family. Unexpectedly, he stood directly with Pang Bohu without asking!

It seems that the Xiang family's attitude is very clear. They want to help the Zhou family deal with the cold family. Now, the cold family is absolutely finished! Thinking like this, people looked at the eyes of the cold family as if they were looking at a group of dying people.

"If no one dares to take the challenge, then just wait for the second step honestly. Your cold family is a small family. Remember to be honest and don't offend people who can't afford it!" The elder Xiang's words seemed to be aimed at the cold family, but he gave Lin Chen a mocking look, and then turned around and left.

The cold family didn't expect that the old man would stand up and speak to pangbohu. For a while, they all dared to be angry but not to speak!

At this time, Lin Chen's face was cold. Then he turned into a sneer, picked up his eyebrows, and went to Leng Hanyan. He said with a smile: "Han Yan, do you forget there is a miracle doctor here? How can you say that he is hopeless? As long as I am here, he can't die if he wants to die!"

Leng Hanyan was too angry just now. She forgot Lin Chen's magical medical skills. At this time, she quickly turned aside and said, "yes! Lin Chen, please save brother Yonghao."

The rest of the cold family immediately looked forward to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took out the silver needle and began acupuncture for Leng Yonghao. His main problem was that the other party's fist had damaged his heart pulse directly. As for the broken ribs, it was not a big problem.

After a while, he took back the silver needle. Lin Chen said, "well, now take him to the hospital. Take the broken bone back and recuperate for a while. I'll prescribe some medicine for him later."

Hearing the words, Leng's family all showed their happy faces, while Lin Chen, with a cold face, was about to walk towards the stage.

"Lin Chen!" Leng Hanyan's face turned pale and she held Lin Chen's hand.

Lin Chen looked back and said with a smile: "don't worry, this kind of garbage doesn't pose any threat to me! He really owes a lot to clean up. If he doesn't give him some color to see, he probably thinks he is really invincible."

"Then be careful." Leng Hanyan bit her lips and finally let Lin Chen go.


Lin Chen smiled. The next moment, he jumped directly onto the arena. He was about four meters away from the challenge arena. The challenge arena was more than two meters high. This skill directly made many people's pupils shrink!

Pang Bohu looked even more excited when he saw this. He looked at Lin Chen with an excited expression like seeing a prey on his face and said sarcastically, "are you the guy who killed Zhou Yi?"

"It's me. Are you the dog sent by the Zhou family?" Lin Chen said.


Pang Bohu's eyes flashed, and then he said with a grim smile: "boy, your mouth can speak, but you are arrogant in front of me. You are really looking for death! Even if you are a born expert, I can do a few moves. Believe me, you are a thin skinned and tender guy. I will tear you up alive! If you are sensible, you will kneel down and kowtow to me right now. In that case, I can make you die happier!"

"Are you going to kill me?" Lin Chen said faintly.

"Hum! Of course I will kill you! Otherwise, why do you think I would do it! If you offend the Zhou family, you will die!" Pang Bohu sneered.

"The Zhou family? Ha ha! It seems that the Zhou family is almost invincible in your eyes! You'd better not call it pangbohu, but call it Zhou family dog instead." Lin Chen laughed disapprovingly.

"Bastard! Since you want to die so much, then I will help you! Just now old Zhou told me to save your life. In that case, I will destroy your hands and feet first!"

Pang Bohu uttered a wild animal like roar, which made people's eardrums hurt and rushed towards Lin Chen in an instant!

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