Lei Xu was stunned. Did he hear it right? The boy wanted to fight with the patriarch. He really thought he was invincible after breaking through the supreme realm?

A guy who has just broken through to the early stage of the supreme realm thinks he can support 10 breaths in the hands of the patriarch?

Are you kidding me!

10 breaths sounds like a short time, but it should be noted that it is enough to use the means of pressing the bottom of the box!

If the difference in strength between the strong is a little larger, let alone ten breaths, one breath is enough to win.

The leader of the Reggae clan was overjoyed. He was so arrogant. But that's good. I just cleaned him up!

As long as we abolish him and control his consciousness, even if he repents and is unwilling to release him, he can only do it according to his own orders!

"Lin Chen, this -"

Mo TU was startled and tried to persuade Lin Chen not to be rash.

Lin Chen said to him, "don't worry, sir. I know what I'm doing. I'll put you in the divine prison tower first. When I get to a safe place later, I'll release you and snow trace from the divine prison tower together."

MOTU smiles bitterly in his heart. He is afraid that when he comes out, you will already fall into the hands of the Lei GUI clan leader.

However, when he saw that Lin Chen had made up his mind, he would not say any more. Cooperating with Lin Chen, he was included in the God prison tower!

Lin Chen looked at the leader of the Lei ghost clan and wondered, "what are you waiting for? Two breaths have passed and eight more breaths have passed, but you will lose!"

"You -"

When the Reggae clan grows angry, when does it start? It's all up to you?

But he was too lazy to talk with Lin Chen. In his opinion, eight breaths was enough to clean up each other.


The space behind him was distorted, and a starry sky appeared. At the same time, dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder and lightning like snakes swam in the dark clouds, and the world fell into darkness in an instant.

Lin Chen showed his "I am the world" and the space behind him was also distorted. At the same time, dark flames poured out of his body and turned into a ball to protect Lin Chen.

The last time, before he knew it, leichangyi planted a "ghost killing seal", and the leader of the leigui clan would naturally "ghost killing seal", so he kept a high degree of vigilance to avoid being attacked again!

He looked at Lei Xu not far away and said with a sneer, "are you looking for a chance to plot against me?"

The leader of the Reggae clan said to Lei Xu, "go down there and protect the village from the aftermath of the battle!"


Lei Xu nodded, gave Lin Chen a cold look and flew down.

In his opinion, it was easy for the patriarch to deal with this guy. He didn't need to intervene at all. This guy said he wanted to sneak into him, which was too high on himself!

The space at the right hand of the leader of the Reggae clan is broken. A huge hammer with a length of one meter flies out of the gap in the space and is wrapped with purple lightning!

The leader of the Reggae clan grasped the handle of the hammer, and before he could see any action, there were thunders pouring down the sky like rivers, splitting at Lin Chen! Lin Chen's face was dignified, and a pair of wings appeared behind him. At the same time, star visions appeared around him. With the wings flapping, his figure continued to flash on Star visions, and the thunders falling from the sky were destroyed

Dodged the past!

"Hum! I'll see how you can avoid this blow!"

The cold hum of the leader of the Reggae clan came from above. I don't know when it had reached the top of Lin Chen's head.

"Thunder breaking the boundary!"

He threw a huge hammer at Lin Chen below! With a roar, it was as if the sky had collapsed. The heaven and the earth were shaking violently. The violent thunder and lightning came out from the bottom of the giant hammer and rushed towards Lin Chen. On the way, they turned into a dragon and opened their mouths, as if they were trying to kill Lin Chen

Chen swallowed it!

Below, in the Reggae village.

Naturally, the Reggae people who had been hiding had long been aware of the situation in the air. When they saw their clan leader, their panic disappeared. They all came out, stood on the street and looked at the scene in the air.

"This damned guy dares to come to our thunder ghost clan to arrest people! He must not be easy!"

"How many years! No one has ever dared to challenge the dignity of our Lei GUI nationality. In my opinion, we must use all the torture of our Lei GUI nationality on him!"

"This guy came with the people of the Tianren clan before! Not only should he be punished, but also the people on that day should not be made better! This matter has something to do with the Tianren clan!"


People talked about it one after another. In their words, they were already discussing how to deal with and clean up Lin Chen, as if Lin Chen had become their prisoner.

But this is also normal. After all, in their eyes, their clan leader must have a 100% chance of winning against this human being, and there will be no suspense at all.

Lei Xu looked at the terrible blow of the leader of Lei GUI clan, He smiled: "the clan leader thinks highly of the boy. Besides not displaying his supreme skills, he has basically gone all out to fight with him. How can the boy be able to withstand this all-out attack? But he can understand it. After all, with the constraints of time, the clan leader naturally wants to make a quick decision. He is afraid that if he is not careful, he will kill the boy directly. It doesn't matter if he dies, but if he injures those who are imprisoned in the space treasure by him

People, it's not good! "

Facing the Thunder Dragon who had reached the sky above his head, Lin Chen was expressionless, and his body turned into a dark flame.

A river of energy surged from the stars behind him, converged on him, and then converged on the Xuanyuan gun in his hands!

"Soul flame killer gun! Go!"

First, he used the secret method to turn his body into a flame, and his breath soared. Then he threw the Xuanyuan gun. The Xuanyuan gun was like a midnight meteor, faster than the thunder like a giant dragon!

This is more than that.

"Prison!" Lin Chen's hands were sealed, and the dark flame flew in his hands with a cold drink.

The small dark Pagoda with a palm size flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows and appeared behind Lin Chen. It overlapped with the world origin in the middle of many stars!

The origin of the world, blooming a dazzling golden light!

In an instant, between heaven and earth, all were covered with golden light, and became a golden world.

On the head of the Reggae clan, a huge tower hundreds of meters high appeared, trapping him. In the middle of the tower, there was a big word - "prison"!

Lin Chen was shocked when he did not move. Three powerful means, namely, flame spirit demon body, soul flame killer magic gun and prison word Jue, were used together! The Reggae clan leader, who used to be very calm, suddenly had a creepy feeling!

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