The purpose for Lin Chen to get the "mysterious thunder holy armor" is to think that although he can't use it, it is undoubtedly of great value to understand the supremacy of the law of thunder. He may be able to exchange it for a useful treasure of the same level.

Hearing Xue canglan's words, his eyes lit up immediately, he looked at him and asked, "what you mean by this is that you know who can exchange 'Xuan Lei holy armor' with for the most valuable weapon I can use?"

Xue canglan nodded and said, "Lei you divine realm is one of the lower divine realms in the original continent. As far as I know, the master of Lei you divine realm has a supreme treasure named 'Yan magic armor' on his hand.

The user of 'Yan magic armor' must understand the law of fire, but the master of Leiyou God domain in the middle of the supreme realm understands the law of thunder. I believe that he should be willing to trade 'Yan magic armor' for 'Xuan Lei holy armor' with you. "

"Yan magic armor!" Lin Chen was elated. If he could get a piece of armor of the supreme treasure level, he would be more relaxed when he faced the middle of the supreme realm again.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the snow scar, and his face became a little sad. He looked at the snow scar in doubt.

Xue LAN looked at the snow mark in her eyes, held her hand, and said to Lin Chen, "Lei you divine realm is adjacent to the hometown of our 'heavenly people'. Miss must have remembered the things of that year."

Seeing Lin Chen's eyes with concern, snow scar showed a reluctant smile: "I'm ok, don't worry about me."

Xueshuangyue couldn't help saying, "Miss, when we go to the Leiyou divine realm, why don't we go back by the way?"

Linchen immediately understood that the place that xueshuangyue wanted to go back was the hometown of "Tianren", that is, the place where snow marks grew up.

Snow scar was a little moved, but soon shook his head: "No. maybe a strong man of the magic eye clan set a trap there, waiting for us to go back and throw ourselves into the net. Now, it's not the time to go back."

Xue canglan nodded and said, "you're right, miss. There's no need to worry about returning to your hometown. If you can get revenge one day, then you'll have an explanation for those fallen clans!"

Lin Chen said, "if you want to fight with the magic eye clan, you can ask the clan leader of the thunder ghost clan to help you deal with the supreme of the magic eye clan."

"Ask the Lei GUI clan leader to help deal with the supreme demon eye clan?"

The crowd was puzzled by Lin Chen's words, and MOTU said in consternation, "he has suffered so much in your hands that he has already figured it out if he doesn't come to trouble us. How can he help us deal with the people of the magic eye clan?"

Lin chendang even beat the leader of Lei GUI clan with him. He said that he could not defeat him within 10 breathing time, so he told several people what he had ordered.

After that, he saw several people with a happy face and added: "however, the Reggae clan leader is not really willing to help after all. The old guy is very cunning. If it's not necessary, I don't want him to help. I don't even want him to follow us.

After all, letting him follow is like having a poisonous snake in your arms. Perhaps if we are not careful, we will be bitten by him! "

"You're right." MOTU agreed. "The Reggae clan leader said he was at your disposal. With the hostages in your hands, he dared not disobey.

But in his heart, he probably kept thinking about how to fight back. It was like a double-edged sword. If he didn't hurt the enemy, he would hurt himself. If you don't need it, try not to use it! "

After they left the divine prison tower, they went straight to the Leiyou divine realm. More than half a month later, when Lin Chen and his party walked out of the space crack again, what they saw was a white world.

This is an endless snowfield. On the sky, heavy snow is falling, and the cold wind is howling. It is so cold that ordinary people cannot survive.

Lin Chen subconsciously uses the flame to form a barrier, so that the snow cannot fall on him.

He looked at the snow mark beside him and found that the snow mark not only let the snow fall on her, but even reached out to catch the falling snow.

Lin Chen looked at the snow mark at the moment and felt that the heart beat faster.

Snow marks have been so beautiful that they are not true. At this moment, there is a shocking sense of holiness on the body.

With long silver hair reaching the waist, snow-white wings and sapphire like eyes without any impurities, it seems to be integrated with the snow-white world and become an immortal painting.

"Hee hee! Miss, look at Lin Chen. He's almost lost to you." Xueshuangyue's ambiguous voice rang.

At this time, the snow scar found that Lin Chen was staring at her. Her face turned red and her head dropped.

Lin Chen's heart beat faster. In his mind, he remembered a poem he had heard before - "the most gentle thing is that he bowed his head, like a water lotus, which is too shy for the cool wind."

"You still see!" Snow scar was embarrassed by this guy's stare, and made a coquettish and angry remark.

Lin Chen was so excited that he came to his senses. He found that Xue Shuangyue, Mo Tu and Xue canglan were all looking at him vaguely. His blush and he was busy changing the topic:

"Is this where you Tianren used to live?"

The cold snow fell on his face. The snow scar felt that his cheek was not so hot, so he nodded and said in a voice that sounded particularly gentle: "our hometown of Tianren is somewhere on the snow field."

Lin Chen was afraid that talking too much about this topic would make snow scar sad, so he stopped asking.

Leiyou divine realm is adjacent to the west of the snow field. At this time, they are in the south of the snow field, and there is a long distance from Leiyou divine realm.

On the way through the snow field, snow scar thought of something and said, "Lin Chen, let me tell you the cause of the resentment between our Tianren family and the magic eye family?"

Once, xuescar didn't tell Lin Chen too much about the evil eye clan, because she didn't want Lin Chen to get involved in it. Now, at this point, she thinks it's necessary to tell Lin Chen what happened that year.

Lin Chen is also curious.

He just heard that there was a conflict between the "magic eye clan" and the "Tianren clan" in those years, and then the "Tianren clan" was exterminated. However, it is not clear what caused the conflict and what specific process was involved.

The snow trace pondered for two seconds and said, "the cause of the dispute is a supreme artifact called 'the picture of the holy meteor mountain and river'."

Supreme artifact!

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped.

The supreme spirit, the supreme treasure and the supreme artifact are all above the artifact. The supreme treasure is more precious and powerful than the supreme spirit, and the supreme artifact is more precious and powerful than the supreme treasure.

Speaking of it, Lin Chen not only has the supreme spirit instrument "sword fire divine wing" and the supreme treasure instrument "Xuan Lei holy armor", but also has a supreme artifact, which is the "star of the abyss"!

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