Several passers-by who talked with each other did not expect that their voices were so low. As a result, they were heard by the other party. Facing the questioning of the snow marks, they looked at each other and finally chose to answer honestly.

Although it is said that one day the people of the Terran clan were auctioned, ordinary people like them could not even enter the auction. When they faced the people of the seven source clans, they simply could not get angry.

The tall, thin and middle-aged humanitarian headed by the leader said: "yes! In Ziting City, there are occasional auctions of Tianren people. This is something we all know."

Seeing that the other party said so easily, it was as if the Tianren people were auctioned off, which was very normal. Xue scar and Xue Shuangyue were even more annoyed.

As one of the "seven original ethnic groups", Tianren people do not think they are superior to other ethnic groups, but they are extremely arrogant. Now that they know that their people have been auctioned off as slaves, how can they accept it.

Lin Chen didn't expect that he had just arrived at Ziting city when he received such unexpected news.

Xue hen told him that there must be some Tianren people who survived the disaster. They are hiding in the original continent now. She plans to find the rest of the people after solving the matter of the magic eye family.

It's a good thing to get the news from the rest of the Tianren clan, but I can't be happy!

MOTU was also surprised, but he was calm and said in a deep voice: "the people of the Tianren clan were auctioned by which auction houses in Ziting city? Also, why are there Tianren people in their hands?"

The middle-aged man looked at Shang MOTU with gloomy eyes and felt inexplicable fear in his heart. He hurriedly replied:

"All the slaves of the Tianren nationality appeared at the auction of the Ziting auction house. Only at the auction of the Ziting auction house did the slaves of the Tianren nationality appear. As for... As for why there were Tianren people in their hands, that's not something we can know."

"Ziting auction house?"

When Lin Chen heard the name, her eyes narrowed.

It's not that he has heard of the auction house, but that he directly uses the name of the holy city as the name of the auction house. Basically, it can be concluded that the background of the auction house is related to the royal family in the holy land.

Sure enough.

The next moment.

Hearing Xue canglan's startled anger, he said, "the founder of Ziting auction house is Gou Tingzhi, the leader of the Leiyou God domain! Damn it! That is to say, it is the royal family of the Leiyou God domain who is auctioning our Tianren people?"

The faces of Xuelan, xueshuangyue and others were as black as the bottom of the pot.

Although the relationship between the Tianren family and the Leiyou divine domain is not very good, they have had some contacts and barely have a little friendship. They never thought that the royal family of the Leiyou divine domain would do such things.

After the decline of the Tianren clan, they even caught the people of the Tianren clan for auction?

Lin Chen secretly said that he had come to exchange "Xuan Lei holy armor" for "Yan magic armor" with the other party, but if it was the leader of Lei you divine domain who was auctioning the people of the Tianren clan, the plan would have to be changed!

He looked at the snow mark with a white face and red eyes, and said softly, "don't worry, I'm here. Even if the leader of Lei you God domain is auctioning the Tianren people, there's no need to be afraid."

Hearing what he said, the people who were shocked and angry were much calmer. If only MOTU, a powerful man in the early days of the supreme realm, was around, they would be powerless even if they met the current situation.

Even if the domain leader of the Leiyou God domain is auctioning the Tianren people, they can't help each other!

After all, although lei you divine realm is only a subordinate divine realm, it also has two supreme masters. Gou Tingzhi, the domain master, even exists in the middle of the supreme realm. If he dares to take the initiative to find trouble with each other, he will be suicidal.

Although Lin Chen was only in the early stage of the supreme realm, he was already able to compete with the middle stage of the supreme realm. With him standing beside himself and others, plus Mo Tu, even if he fell out with Lei you, there was nothing!

The words "I'm here" seemed to have a strange magic power, which instantly calmed the snow marks.

She stretched out her hand to hold Lin Chen, walked quickly to the gate of Ziting City, and could not wait to say:

"Let's go to the Ziting auction house now. Since some time later, some of my people want to auction, then some of my people must be imprisoned there!"


Lin Chen looked at the snow mark, grabbed the small hand of his palm, and touched his nose with the other hand. He thought that you took the initiative to pull me. Even if you have someone you like, you can't blame me for this. I didn't take advantage of you.

He also understood xuescar's desire to save the people and let xuescar pull him forward.

Mo Tu and Xue canglan hurriedly followed.

The passers-by who were questioned looked at Lin Chen and his entourage, especially at the hands held by Lin Chen and Xue scar. Their eyes were full of jealousy.

One of them sneered: "even if the domain leader is auctioning the Terran people, don't be afraid? Hiss! This guy is really a big voice! What the hell! It is estimated that he cheated the Terran woman that day by boasting. That woman is also blind, so -"


Before he finished speaking, his face exploded like an invisible palm, which severely hit him in the face and beat him out. When he fell to the ground, his mouth was full of blood and his teeth fell out.

The other people who were about to join in were startled by this scene. They just saw Lin Chen turn around and take a cold look. They immediately felt numb and covered their mouths.

Until Lin Chen disappeared in sight, they didn't even dare to move.

It's hard to say whether the young man is really fearless of the domain leader, but obviously he can easily kill himself, not others!

"At Ziting auction house, there should be people from the royal family of Lei you divine domain. If you are not careful, you will disturb the leader of Lei you divine domain! Are we going to take too much risk by going there directly?"

Xue LAN followed Lin Chen and Xue scar and thought for a while. Out of caution, she couldn't help saying something to Xue canglan. The implication was that maybe a more secure way could be taken to save the people.

"Adventure?" MOTU, who was standing on the other side of her, shook his head. "This is no longer an adventure. Going directly to Ziting auction house is completely equivalent to declaring war directly with the royal family in Lei you divine domain! Xue trace was worried. Maybe she didn't think of this, but he must have thought of it. Letting Xue trace pull him over shows that he is ready to take the initiative with Lei you divine domain!"

Speaking of later, Mo Tu's eyes fell on Lin Chen with a calm face and infinite emotion in his heart.

When I was in the west of the original mainland, I didn't think much of him, but now I can only follow him

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