Gou Xun is one of the most respected members of the royal family of Lei you Shenyu. Those who can follow him as bodyguards are very powerful.

The middle-aged bodyguard who took the action was the leader of the bodyguard behind him and one of the famous strongmen in Ziting city.

People all know that this is an immortal with great perfection and proficient in Sabre technique. Seeing that he cut at Lin Chen with a knife, many people exclaimed, as if they had seen the picture of Lin Chen's head rolling down.


"Ah --!"

The sound of sharp blade cutting into flesh and blood and screaming sounded.

The picture was not what people expected. The middle-aged bodyguard cut off Lin Chen's head. People didn't see what was happening. They saw that the long knife in the middle-aged man's hand reached Lin Chen.

The middle-aged man's right arm fell to the ground, and the fracture at his shoulder was flat.

Just now, it was the sound of the long knife cutting off the arm of the middle-aged bodyguard. It was the middle-aged bodyguard who screamed, not Lin Chen.

The long knife in Lin Chen's hand has blood dripping on the blade.

The onlookers were numb.

The sneer on Gou Xun's face froze. Part of the blood sprayed from the middle-aged man's broken arm sprayed on his face, making his originally handsome face scarlet.

"Answer my question. There are two choices. One is to be my slave and the other is to be killed by me. Which one do you choose?"

Lin Chen put the long knife on Gou Xun's neck and asked with indifferent eyes.

Gou Xun's body was stiff, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he said in a trembling voice: "you... Don't mess around! This is the holy city of the Leiyou divine domain, and I am a member of the royal family of the divine domain. Don't mess around, or none of you will leave alive!"

Clang clang——

The rest of the bodyguards finally reacted. They drew their swords out of their scabbards and surrounded Lin Chen. But their eyes were full of fear and awe. They obviously didn't have the courage to cut Lin Chen with their swords.

Just now, the bodyguard commander waved his sword at Lin Chen. They have seen that the commander still ended up with a broken arm, not to mention them.

The crowd was boiling, and their eyes to Lin Chen had changed.

As long as he is not a fool, he already knows that Gou Xun has kicked the iron plate! "What's the origin of this man? He cut off Pang Long's arm in an instant, and his strength is undoubtedly far above Pang Long! Although Pang Long is not the top in the great circle of immortality, he is also at the level of the great circle of immortality. Unexpectedly,

In an instant, I was defeated by this man. "

"This man should be the top of the immortal world. Indeed, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It must be difficult to walk with the people of Tianren clan!"

"Hiss! Don't be a hindsight here. You just said that he would be hacked to death by Pang Long. Now it must be difficult?"

"This is the holy city of Leiyou holy land. If he dares to do this to gou Xun, he is still looking for death!"

"That's right. This boy is still too young. The eyeliner of Yigou's family in the city may come soon!"


"Are you threatening me?" Lin Chen's eyes were cold, and he cut off Gou Xun's right arm, although he didn't cut off Gou Xun's head directly.

Gou Xun screamed sharply.

Lin Chen put the knife on his neck again. His tone was gloomy: "do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Gou Xun was scared and said: "slave! I choose to be your slave!"

"Kneel down!"

"I......" Gou Xun hesitated. He was watched by so many people. It would be humiliating to kneel down.

Lin Chen moved the knife for a few minutes, and Gou Xun's neck gushed blood.

"Don't... don't! I'm kneeling, I'm kneeling now!"

Gou Xun plopped and knelt on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xue scar and Xue Shuang Yue only felt that they were spiteful. This kind of guy who thinks he is strong enough to auction others as slaves should be punished so severely!

When people thought Lin Chen would do something further, they found Lin Chen standing where he was, saying nothing, as if waiting for someone to come.

"What does this guy mean? If he drags on like this, it is estimated that the strong man of the imperial family will come soon!"

Many people were puzzled and didn't understand what Lin Chen wanted.

In their opinion, since Lin Chen came for the people of the heavenly people, and now he beat the people of the royal family, he should rush into the auction house to save the people, and then escape from Ziting city.

Before long, Lin Chen sneered, "here we are."


What's coming?

People were puzzled when they saw several figures flying from the direction of the palace, led by a tall old man with white temples.

The old man's eyes are like sharp blades, in which Lei mang is jumping, which makes people dare not look at him.

Seeing the old man, people were shocked and looked at him in awe.

There are two supreme masters in Leiyou divine realm, one is the domain master Gou Tingzhi, and the other is the tall old man who is flying here - Gou Yangkai!

Gou Yangkai and the people behind him quickly approached Lin Chen and fell in front of him. After seeing Gou Xun kneeling on the ground, he looked at Lin Chen and Xue scar with a gloomy expression.

When gou Xun saw Gou Yangkai coming, he was overjoyed. He immediately got up. As a result, he could only continue to kneel on the ground with cold eyes on Shang Lin Chen.

"This is the Tianren clan. Are you giving us the prestige of the Leiyou divine realm?" Gou Yangkai's face was gloomy. Hearing this, Xue scar and Xue canglan were extremely angry. You royal family of Leiyou Shenyu sold us Tianren people as slaves. Now we just let the members of your royal family suffer a little, which is called to give lei you

Is the divine domain powerful?

This is too unreasonable!

"It's up to you to understand whether it's a threat or not."

Lin Chen looked at Gou Yangkai. "I want to find out one thing now. Is it the idea of this guy or the idea of your royal family in Leiyou Shenyu that Ziting auction house auctions the people of Tianren

Gou Yangkai frowned and said in a deep voice, "boy, it's not up to you to take care of this matter. This question is also asked by the people of Tianren, not you!"

"He can represent our heavenly race." The snow mark suddenly said.

Gouyangkai looked at the snow mark, and his pupils narrowed. Although the girl's facial features were very soft, the feeling between his eyes and eyebrows reminded him of a dead man.

He was surprised and said, "are you the daughter of snow crazy day?" Before Xue Heng could answer, he continued: "I can return the Tianren people in the Ziting auction house to you, and I won't investigate your beating Gou Xun. That's all. After taking the Tianren people in the auction house away, you

Leave Leiyou divine realm immediately! "

Lin Chen said, "this matter will not end here. You haven't answered my question!" Gou Yangkai's eyes were full of threats, and his body erupted into a terrible breath. He shouted: "boy, don't be shameless!"

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