God prison tower, the third floor.

Lin Chen and Mo Tu stood face to face in the sky. The people with snow marks and snow waves looked up at the sky with curiosity in their eyes. They knew that the "Yan magic armor" as a supreme treasure must have amazing defense, but they didn't know how amazing it was.

"Boy, I will do it. Be careful, don't be badly hurt by me!"

Mo Tu's face was positive. The air in all directions was flowing rapidly and turned into a roaring wind. After Lin Chen nodded, his body became blurred and merged into the storm. He saw the amazing storm sweeping towards Lin Chen like a wave.

Seeing Mo Tu's action, Lin Chen was also a little nervous.

He plans to resist this attack only with the help of "Yan magic armor". If "Yan magic armor" is not awesome enough, he will be miserable.

"I hope you won't let me down."

Lin Chen looked down at the dark red armor in his eyes. His eyes were full of expectation. "Let me see how powerful the supreme treasure is!"


As if in response to his words, "Yan magic armour" made a slight buzzing sound. The seemingly chaotic crimson lines on the surface were suffused with red light, and a thick and hot breath poured out of Lin Chen.


The strong wind collided with Lin Chen. It was as violent as countless thunders, which made a deafening sound.

Lin Chen felt that there was an invisible force from the "Yan magic armour", which was pulling the world force in his body. He operated the world force in his body according to the traction of this force.

The next moment.

The dark flame poured out from the crimson lines on the surface of the "Yan magic armor", and the red light of the crimson lines was more dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, the armor on Lin Chen's body surface was burning with a black flame. The original dark red armor became completely dark at this time. Only the crimson light was flashing!

After the flame burst out of the "Yan magic armor", it turned into a human shape, just like another human flame armor, which shrouded Lin Chen's body surface, making Lin Chen's face a little difficult to see, but Lin Chen's vision was not hindered at all.

The snow yuan butterfly below looked at Lin Chen, who was full of flames and had wings on her back. She stuck out her tongue and whispered:

"Brother Lin Chen, it looks even more frightening!"

At this time, Lin Chen could not see the appearance of human beings completely. He was more like a frightening flame demon God!

The storm hit him, causing some ripples in the black flame on the surface of his body, but there was nothing else.

The strong wind converged into a human shape behind Lin Chen and turned into Mo Tu's shape. He clapped his hands on the flame behind Lin Chen!


It was like a mountain bumping into Lin Chen. The sound was loud!

Lin Chen's face didn't change, as if he hadn't sensed anything. He turned to Mo Tu and said suspiciously, "master Mo, are you merciful? Don't be merciful. Just try your best!"

MOTU's face twitched. I didn't show mercy, OK!

But it was a shame to say this, so he nodded and said, "OK! Be careful!"


A long green staff appeared in his hand. He jumped up and split it at Lin Chen!

"Threethousand wind Yandao!"

The space behind him twisted and turned into a starry sky. The howling of the wind was more rapid. Countless blue blades appeared out of thin air, like a rainstorm. With his staff, they all shot at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen raised her hand and directly used her hand to block the blue long staff!


The long stick split on his hand. This time, the black flame of his arm was finally smashed and dissipated. The long stick smashed on the armor of his arm!

At the same time, countless wind blades hit Lin Chen and dissipated all the flames on his body surface, hitting the "Yan magic armor".

Lin Chen retreated for a while after being beaten. He shook his arm and said excitedly, "there is some numbness, but there is no injury at all!"

He looked at the Yan Demon Armor on his body and saw that the armor was not damaged at all. When he retreated, the dark flame appeared on his body again. The blow of Mo Tu just now did not hurt him at all.

"Master Mo, don't hold your hand! Come again!" Lin Chen looks at Mo Tu and says excitedly.

Mo Tu looked embarrassed and said helplessly, "except that he hasn't performed the inferior supreme skill, he has already done his best just now! I didn't keep my hand."

"Well... Is that so?" Lin Chen was stunned. He thought the other party had reservations.

The people below have been dumbfounded.

They know that "Yan magic armor" must be extraordinary, but this is too abnormal!

That is to say, even if Lin Chen stood still and let the Supreme Master at the same level do it, unless the other party performed the supreme skill, it would not bring him any pressure at all?

Lin Chen was a little excited: "master Mo, hurry up and show your supreme skill! Let me see if you can hurt me after you show your supreme skill!"

"Well... Forget it..." MOTU shook his head immediately.

"Forget it?"

Lin Chen was a little confused about the situation, but seeing Mo Tu's embarrassed expression, she soon understood what the other party was thinking. She couldn't help laughing and crying.

MOTU is afraid that he will not be able to hurt himself after performing his inferior and supreme skills. That will be a loss of face and hair!

After all, in that way, how could he maintain the style of elders and strong men in front of xuescar and others?

Lin Chen did not insist. From what he had just seen, he had judged that the ordinary supreme realm could not pose a threat to him at the early stage. Only by exercising the supreme skill could he hurt himself.

But when you fight with the enemy, you can't be beaten as foolishly as you were just now. The other side will display their supreme skills, and so will you.

In short, at the beginning of the ordinary supreme realm, there is no threat to yourself!

Even if the leader of the thunder ghost clan exists again, he may not be able to defeat him by virtue of the "Yan God armour" and the "flame spirit demon body" secret method, but he is unlikely to hurt himself!

The black flames on Lin Chen's body surface dissipated, and the wings behind him and the armor on him looked like a stone sink

The sea, itself into his body.

After he and MOTU fell to the ground, Lin Chen said to the snow mark, "you wait for me in the inn. I'll go out for a walk."

"Go outside?" The snow scar didn't understand, "where are you going?"

Lin Chen asked: "that Gou Xun auctioned your Tianren clansman. Many people auctioned them off for the 'wedding gift of Tianren' of the Tianren female clansman! None of those guys have good intentions! After they fell on those hands, they probably won't come to a good end! Are you willing to let that guy go?"

He sneered: "although Gou Tingzhi said that he would be imprisoned for millions of years, who knows if he would release people as soon as we left the Leiyou realm?"

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