Before Gou Xun finished, his throat had been pinched by Lin Chen's palm. His voice suddenly stopped, and he was lifted up by Lin Chen.

Click click——

The sound of bone fragmentation and reorganization came from Lin Chen's body.

When gou Xun saw the "Pang Long" wriggling in front of him, he soon became another familiar look, and his eyes widened!

On his face, there was a look of extreme panic, as if he had seen the most terrible thing in the world!

"Don't be so afraid. Although you will die, you can still survive for a few days."

Lin Chen said coldly.

The mighty power of the divine soul was released from his eyebrows, like the waves, hitting Gou Xun.

Gou Xun didn't have any scars on his body, but his body shook. Gradually, his eyes lost their look, and his eyes became dull, as if he had lost consciousness.

A moment later, the two people in the cell asked and answered. From Gou Xun's mouth, Lin Chen learned what Gou Tingzhi had told him.

What Gou Tingzhi asked people to tell him was actually very simple.

Let him stay in the cell for a while, and he will be released later. He told him that the news of Tianren's presence in Ziting city had been sent to the magic eye clan. When the magic eye clan arrived, neither Lin Chen nor Tianren's clan could escape!

"Gou Tingzhi is not only going to let this guy go, but also let the demon eye clan deal with us? I've lost my sight. I thought that the old guy was hiding a knife in a smile at most. I didn't think he was going to play the trick of killing people with a sword!"

Lin Chen was really surprised.

If we really wait for the arrival of the powerful ones of the magic eye clan, plus the two supreme masters in the purple thunder city, it will be a little troublesome.

But what Gou Xun knows is limited. He doesn't know. Gou Tingzhi wants to take back the "Yan magic armor", so Lin Chen doesn't understand what good it is for Gou Tingzhi to pass on the news of himself and others to the magic eye family?

Could it be that he actually had a grudge against the Tianren clan?

Lin Chen looked at Gou Xun who was standing in front of him like a puppet. With a flick of his finger, a black flame penetrated into Gou Xun's eyebrows.

"I originally planned to leave a 'Tianlu soul devouring mantra' in your body. Now it seems that there is no need to bother. We will leave Ziting city soon. You can die in a few days!"

Lin Chen returns to the Inn and tells Xue hen and others the news he learned from Gou Xun.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked and angry.

Mo Tu said in a deep voice, "why did Gou Tingzhi do this? Is it difficult? What was the grudge between the Tian people and the Leiyou God domain in those days?"

"No! I remember that there is no hatred between our Tianren clan and Lei you divine realm. Although the relationship is not very good, it is not bad! It makes no sense. Why did he do this?" Snow canglan is also full of fog.

Xue Shuangyue said, "is it because Lin Chen fought with the people in the Leiyou divine realm here and beat Gou Xun. He hated him but didn't want to fight by himself, so he wanted to use the magic eye family to deal with us?"

Snow scar said positively, "it doesn't matter why he did that. The top priority is to leave here quickly! Otherwise, it will be late when the people of the magic eye clan come."

"Right! Go now and leave before the arrival of the people of the magic eye clan. Now we are not enough to fight the magic eye clan. What's more, the two supreme masters of the Leiyou divine realm may also fight!" Snow haze is also an anxious way.

"It's natural to go, but before I leave, I want to see Gou ting." Lin Chen suddenly said.

His words startled the crowd. They almost suspected that something was wrong with their ears.

"Go to see Gou Ting? That guy is very kind. Why do you go to see him?" Xue Shuangyue looked puzzled and worried.

Lin Chen looked around the crowd and saw that they were all worried. He said with a smile, "don't worry. Gou Tingzhi doesn't know yet. We already know that he passed the news of us here to the magic eye family. When I go to see him, he will still pretend to be very polite. I'll be fine!"

"The question is, what are you going to see him for?" MOTU wondered.

Others were also confused. Now that the "Yan magic armor" had been obtained, they really couldn't figure out why Lin Chen should take the initiative to see Gou Tingzhi. Although it should be no danger, it was more or less risky.

Lin Chen said in a deep voice, "I want to bring back the 'Xuan Lei holy armor'

"Give the 'Xuan Lei holy armor' back to..."

Snow canglan is silly.

MOTU's face was full of amazement.

Xueji, xueshuangyue and others were also stunned. They didn't expect Lin Chen to have this idea. They don't know. If Gou Tingzhi knew Lin Chen's current thoughts, what would he feel

"Yes! Bring it back!" Lin Chen smiled and nodded.

"Take it back? How can you take it back! It's a treasure that he used the 'Yan magic armor' to exchange for his hands. He absolutely carries it on his body all the time. It's likely that he has fused with his body now. Just like your 'Yan magic armor', how can he take it back?"

Mo Tu reacted and was speechless. If he hadn't already been in trouble in front of Lin Chen, he would have scolded Lin Chen for his wishful thinking!

Xuecanglan and Xuelan also nodded.

If they get a supreme treasure, they will definitely carry it with them all the time. If they want to take back the "Xuan Lei holy armor", they are daydreaming!

Lin Chen said: "naturally, I knew that the 'Xuan Lei holy armor' would be carried by him. That's why I said that I would go to see him before I left."

Snow scar thought of something, grabbed Lin Chen's clothes, and said anxiously: "you don't want to rob him hard? No! That's too dangerous, absolutely not! Gou Tingzhi, as the leader of the Leiyou God domain, must have many powerful means, and his realm is higher than you. In addition, he also has the most valuable weapon at present, so I don't allow you to fight with him. What if something happens?"

Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "who said I was going to fight him?"

He pointed his finger at his head, "I said that I wanted to take back the 'Xuan Lei holy armor' because it was here, not by force. My plan was to go to the imperial palace to find him, and then..."

When Lin Chen left the inn again, MOTU, Xuecheng and others had been put into the divine prison tower by him. He planned to leave the imperial palace of Leiyou divine realm, and then left Ziting city immediately.

After a while, Lin Chen came to the gate of the palace and said to the guard at the gate:

"Go and report to your domain master. Say that Lin Chen of the Tianren family has something important and must meet him immediately! If he doesn't see me, 'Xuan Lei holy armor' will bring him great hidden trouble!"

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