Xue Huayuan's face was ecstatic after a short absence:

"Sister Xue scar, aunt LAN, why are you here? Great! My father and I have been unable to find you. We thought something had happened to you! It's good if you're all right! My father will be very happy to see you!"

Xue scar and his party came to him. Xue scar said happily, "Uncle Han Tian, is he still alive?"

"Of course, he is still alive! He is not only alive, but also stronger than before. My father is only one step away from the middle of the supreme realm. He is also here in the snow. I will take you to see him right away!"

Xue Huayuan's eyes fell on Xue scar's face, with a strange light at the bottom of his eyes, but it was well disguised. At this time, his performance was like that of a brother who was ecstatic when he saw his long lost sister.

Xueshuangyue whispered to Lin Chen:

"His father, xuehantian, is an elder of the same generation as Xueji's father, the deceased patriarch. In those days, his father fell into the hands of the evil eye clan. The patriarch went to save him and came back alone. We all thought that xuehantian was dead! Unexpectedly, he was still alive!"

Xue Shuangyue's voice is very excited. In this way, the Tianren clan will have more fighting power in the supreme realm, and the possibility of revenge against the magic eye clan is growing!

Lin Chen nodded expressionless and looked at several Terran women behind Xue Huayuan, who were afraid in their eyes. He pointed to the woman lying on the ground with her hands and feet tied, and asked Xue Huayuan:

"What is this? I just heard that she was begging for mercy, but you still wanted to kill her?"

Xuehuayuan was stunned. It seemed that he noticed Lin Chen at this time. He glanced at Lin Chen and frowned. Without answering Lin Chen's words, he looked at the snow scar and said:

"Sister Xue scar, why do you follow the man around you? Who is he?"

"He is my friend and benefactor! Since he asks you questions, I hope you can answer them well."

The snow scar also saw the woman lying on the ground, and her face was not happy.

She knows something about Xue Huayuan. She knows that this guy is arrogant and completely self-centered. At present, it is estimated that this guy is bullying people again.

Xue Huayuan was stunned. Is this Terran boy the benefactor of Xue trace?

The next second, he felt even more disgusted with Lin Chen, a human. This guy must want to hold the thigh of "Tianren", so he deliberately approached the snow mark.

He looked at Lin Chen and said in a cold and arrogant voice, "this woman is the slaves I took from the auction, including the ones behind me. They dare not obey me and disobey my ideas. What can I do if I want to kill them? Since they are my slaves, that is my private property. I can do whatever I want! What do you do with them?"

His tone was blunt, with naked contempt.

This remark, on the mainland of origin, is indeed no problem.

A slave is a private property. It's up to the master to kill or cut it. Lin Chen also knows that this is the case in the original continent. The problem is, he still doesn't like it.

In the final analysis, he is a human being. When he sees that women of his own race are bullied or even killed by men of other ethnic groups, he naturally gets very angry.

This kind of emotion is hard to explain, but snow scar and snow frost Yue and others fully share their feelings.

Not long ago, when they learned that the people of the Tianren clan were auctioned off as slaves, they were equally enraged!

It was also this kind of empathy that led to Lin Chen's gloomy face immediately before he answered.

Xuecanglan and Xuelan were even more shocked. If Lin Chen had a problem with the Tianren family and stopped talking to them, it would be a huge loss for the Tianren family!

According to Xue Huayuan, it is Lin Chen who wants to hold the thigh of the Terran.

But they knew that it was the Tianren clan holding Lin Chen's thigh!

"Xue Huayuan! I used to think that you were young, frivolous and arrogant. Now I find that you are even worse than I thought! How is this behavior different from those scum who auction US Tianren?"

Snow scar's eyes were full of disgust. "You don't feel ashamed at all. You're proud. It's hateful! If my father were still there, with his temper, maybe you would have been slapped to death by him."

Xueshuangyue looked disgusted: "you really make me feel disgusted! Scum! Animals!"

The brother and sister Xue Yuan die look at Xue Huayuan with hatred on their faces. As the victim of the auction house, they hate Xue Huayuan's behavior of taking the slaves auctioned as private property and recklessly fooling around!


Xuehuayuan is stupid.

Over the years, he has acted recklessly, and no one dares to take care of him. As a result, he has forgotten that he is not a member of the "heavenly and human race", so he will follow his words and deeds!

After consternation, one becomes angry from embarrassment.

He stared at Lin Chen viciously, blaming this damned guy. If this guy hadn't asked some questions, he wouldn't have said those words without thinking!

He said angrily, "as for you? For a lowly man -"

"Shut up!"

Xue canglan gave a cold cry and hurriedly interrupted his words. He secretly scolded this guy for being an idiot who can't accomplish anything more than defeat. If Lin Chen and Mo Tu were offended by one word, the Tianren clan would never want to turn over!

He scolded: "if you are wrong, you should dare to admit it. Don't talk nonsense! Also, Lin Chen is kind to us. Please be polite to me!"

Xue Lan was also very dissatisfied with Xue Huayuan and didn't have a good way: "at present, you only know how to have fun in the situation of the Terran! Don't hurry to leave these Terran women, and then take us to see your father. After seeing your father, we must let him clean you up!"

Xue Qianyu didn't open his mouth. He looked at Xue Huayuan with gloating.

When Xue Huayuan saw that no one was on his side, he just felt very boring. He hated Lin Chen even more. It's a pity that Lin Chen was indifferent despite his cold eyes.

Or don't take him seriously at all!

Xue Huayuan looked at the women behind him and said in a cold voice, "take that guy on the ground and get out of here!"

If they were granted amnesty, the women untied the ropes on the hands and feet of the women on the ground and ran away towards the distance. Halfway through the escape, they stopped again, knelt down in the direction of Lin Chen and kowtowed three times. Then they got up again and soon disappeared into the heavy snow.

Seeing several women kowtow to Lin Chen before leaving, Xue Huayuan was even more upset.

"Follow up, I will take you to my father now!"

Xue Huayuan said that and turned to fly forward. He saw Lin Chen and others had followed him. He didn't know what he was thinking. His eyes were full of sarcastic laughter.

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