In the blink of an eye, Xuehan turned into a streamer and rushed out of the cave.

Lin Chen, Mo Tu and others looked at each other and immediately followed. This huge movement, coupled with xuehantian's reaction just now, also reminded them of the "destiny stone gate".

Although we can't say for sure what the movement and the "destiny stone gate" have to do with it, in the face of such great opportunities, any cultivator's attitude will be that he would rather work for nothing than miss the slightest possibility.

Before long, they found the source of the movement.

The deafening sound has disappeared, and the earth no longer vibrates. Below them is a sinkhole thousands of feet in diameter and thousands of feet deep.

Different from the thick snow on the ground near the Tiankeng, the bottom of the Tiankeng is full of broken rocks, only covered with a thin layer of snow.

It means that this sinkhole has just appeared. It should be caused by the movement just now.

Xuehantian fell to the bottom of the sinkhole first.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lin Chen said to the people beside him. His eyes were full of curiosity and he fell down.

Xuecheng, MOTU and others followed Lin Chen when they heard Lin Chen's words. It felt like Lin Chen was the leader of their group.

Xuehuayuan saw this scene in his eyes, and was upset. Xuecanglan and xueshuangyue, these guys, even listened to the words of a human youth, and they simply lost the face of the "tianrenzu"!

"The boy is so excited! Even if the news is really related to 'destiny stone gate', as long as our father and son are here, can 'destiny stone gate' have a fart relationship with you?"

After a few sarcastic words, xuehuayuan also fell to the bottom of Tiankeng.

After a while, they found a passage at the edge of the bottom of the Tiankeng. It was about half a meter wide and two meters high. It was dark inside.

In this ice and snow, the interior of the passage gushed out bursts of hot air, which seemed strange.

Xuehantian looked excited, looked at Lin Chen, Xuecheng and others behind him, and said in a deep voice:

"Xuescar and brother MOTU, wait outside. If anyone comes, stop them and no one is allowed to enter the passage!"

With that, he didn't wait for everyone to reply, but turned into a streamer, flew into the channel and disappeared in front of everyone.

The snow scar, who was also going to go inside to have a look, frowned slightly. He felt that xuehantian's tone of speaking was too high, as if he was ordering the servant.

MOTU doesn't look good. He's here to help Xuexian, but he's not xuehantian's man. Why should this guy order himself?

Besides, if the "destiny stone gate" is in it, it must be his Xuehan day?

This kind of thing has always been acquired by predestined friends!

He is guarding outside. He goes inside to look for opportunities. Why?

Mo TU was just upset, but he didn't directly raise his eyebrows. Seeing that Lin Chen really didn't take xuehantian's words seriously, he walked straight to the entrance of the passage, and couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

"Didn't you hear what my father just said? Be honest and watch outside! If the 'destiny stone gate' is really inside, my father will certainly get the chance! This is a great happy event for our Tianren family!"

A shadow stood in front of Lin Chen, holding a long sword, the tip of which pointed to Lin Chen's face.

It is xuehuayuan with bad eyes.

Lin Chen didn't seem to see the long sword in front of him, and hissed: "how old is your father? He told me to wait outside and help him watch the door. I must help him watch the door here?

In addition, we should not use ethnic interests as an excuse. If my strength is improved, it is also a good thing for the Tianren family. Get away from me quickly, or you will soon regret it! "

The light of successful conspiracy flashed in Xue Huayuan's eyes. He smiled instead of being angry and looked at Xue scar and said:

"Sister Xue trace, you have also heard that I didn't provoke him on my own initiative, but this guy threatened me! Since he is so disrespectful, if I don't clean him up, I'm afraid he won't take me seriously in the future!"

He has long wanted to trouble Lin Chen, and now is a great opportunity.

It is no doubt a matter of hand to heart that the immortal realm is so full that he has to deal with a human who doesn't know where to come out.

Snow scar's face showed some hesitation. Xue Huayuan was even more annoyed. She cared so much about this human being that she was afraid of beating him seriously?

Next second.

Then he heard the snow mark say, "just punish him, so as not to kill him."

Xue Huayuan laughed and said, "sister Xue scar, don't worry, I have my own discretion!"

Proud of him, he didn't notice that Xue Shuangyue and Xue LAN and others were looking at him like fools.


Lin Chen blurted out a word, and he disappeared in front of xuehuayuan.

Xue Huayuan looked shocked. Although he was arrogant, he was not blind. As soon as Lin Chen shot, he knew that the other party was not weak!

"I don't believe you, a human being -"

His face became ferocious and he was about to say a cruel word. However, before he finished, he felt a pain in the back of his head and fell face down on the ground.

He just felt a huge force pressing on the back of his head, which made him feel that his head was about to break!

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free. His mouth was close to the ground, and he could only make a "purr" sound. He couldn't help shouting and scolding.

Lin Chen raised his foot on xuehuayuan's head. Before xuehuayuan stood up, he kicked xuehuayuan's waist again, like a football player shooting.


Click click——

"Ow -"

Xuehuayuan was like a sow who had been lingchi. His eyes protruded and he made a sharp scream. He flew out and crashed into the rock wall. He was directly embedded in the rock wall.

"Don't worry, it's just a few broken bones. In his realm, he can't die."

Lin Chen said something to Xue scar and Xue canglan, and then turned around and walked towards the entrance.

After all, Xue Huayuan is also a member of the Tianren clan no matter how annoying he is. In front of the Tianren people, Xue scar is the daughter of the previous patriarch, so he should be more or less modest.

Otherwise, snow marks will be difficult to make.

Snow scar and snow haze were relieved. Seeing that Lin Chen had reached the entrance of the passage, they hurriedly followed up.

Just as Lin Chen was about to step into the passage, a low, hoarse voice came from the rear, which was too thick to be human.

"Human beings! And the Terrans! Get out of here right now. This is not where you should come! Give you three breaths and disappear from me." Lin Chen's face was dignified for a few minutes, and he looked up at the sky. A huge thing blocking the sky blocked his sight.

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