In Lin Chen's eyes, a fierce spirit appeared. In an instant, a starry sky developed behind him, and he whispered: "prison"!

A black light flew out of his eyebrows, and the golden light shrouded the hall. The shadow of the huge tower appeared on xuehantian. Xuehantian felt as if he had rushed into the mire. He could not move for a moment, and his face changed dramatically.

The dark flame and the power of the divine soul turned into rivers. From the stars behind Lin Chen, the Xuanyuan gun in his hand ignited a black flame and spread a terrible smell!

"You are looking for death!"

Lin Chen's eyes were gloomy. Angered by xuehantian's attempt to seize the chance of snow scar, he directly displayed his "soul flame killer gun". Xuanyuan's gun was about to be thrown, and snow scar said:

"Lin Chen, show mercy!"

The Xuanyuan spear that was about to be thrown paused and finally flew to Xuehan sky. However, the breath was much weaker than before. Obviously, Lin Chen had reservations.

Xuehantian was startled by the sudden appearance of the huge pagoda. Just after he recovered, he saw the long gun burning black flames in front of him. With a wave of his long sword, the sword was like a rainbow. With a bang, the whole man flew backward and hit the wall!

"Cough -"

After falling on the ground, xuehantian covered his chest and coughed. His hand holding the long sword trembled uncontrollably, and his face turned red.

"You -" he looked at Lin Chen with surprise and anger.

Lin Chen looked coldly: "you'd better be honest with me! Otherwise, even if you are a member of the Tianren clan, I will still kill you!"

Xuehantian's face was livid and constipated. Finally, he gave a cold Snort and stood still.

Although being wounded by the other party is related to being caught off guard, from the performance of the other party, it seems that the other party has a powerful means comparable to the supreme magic skills of the middle class, and is equipped with "sword fire wings" and armor treasures. I'm afraid I won't win against him.

"Shameless! You are still the elder of the young lady. You even want to seize the opportunity of the younger generation!"

Xueshuangyue looked angry. The joy in his heart after meeting his fellow countrymen was dissipated by xuehantian's actions just now.

Xue canglan and Xue LAN looked at Xue Hantian with anger. They didn't expect him to be so shameless.

Xue scar looked at Xuehan Tian with disappointment, hesitated for a few seconds, looked at Lin Chen and said:

"Lin Chen, why don't you go in? With your current strength, if you can rely on the chance of 'destiny stone gate' -"

Lin Chen interrupted her words and said irrefutably, "this is your chance, that's yours! Remember, don't give your things to others, including me!"

Snow scar's eyes are a little sour.

The performance of xuehantian, the patriarch, was in sharp contrast to Lin Chen's performance at this time, let alone her. Even MOTU, xueshuangyue and others couldn't help being moved when they heard Lin Chen's words.

They were very clear that the "destiny stone gate" had a huge temptation to the cultivators, but Lin Chen refused without even thinking about it, which showed her character.

Xuehantian's behavior just now also made them understand that although this guy is powerful, his character is really not good!

Snow scar nodded. Under the gaze of Lin Chen and others, she walked into the "destiny stone gate". She was soon swallowed up by the darkness in the stone gate and disappeared in the sight of Lin Chen and others.


The stone gate closes automatically, and the golden chain pattern reappears, restoring peace.

Lin Chen, Mo Tu and others were watching outside the door. In a twinkling of an eye, more than a month passed.

During this period, several groups of people came here, including two early strongmen of the supreme realm. However, after realizing that there were already three supreme guards here, they all chose to leave wisely and did not make much noise.

"Lin Chen, the young lady has been in for almost forty days. Why hasn't she come out?"

Lin Chen leans on the "destiny stone gate" and closes his eyes to rest. Xue Shuangyue stands beside him, asking bored questions.

Lin Chen opened her eyes, looked at her, and said in a flat tone: "it's only been more than a month. What's the hurry? If you get a strong inheritance, let alone more than a month, it's several years, or even longer, it's normal."

During this period of time, he found that xueshuangyue was a restless guy. At first, she was fine. After a long time, she simply became a chatterbox. What she said was not nutritious. She just wanted to find someone to talk to her.

MOTU, xuecanglan, Xuelan, xueqianyu and xueyuandie are also in front of the "destiny stone gate", while xuehantian and xuehuayuan are standing tens of meters away, giving people the feeling that they are excluded and no one wants to stand with them.

In fact, the same is true.

After xuehantian tried to seize the opportunity of the snow mark, the people all felt very bad about their father and son. Xueshuangyue couldn't help laughing at them from time to time. Xuehantian was uncomfortable and stood away.

Xue Shuangyue said with a strange look: "I don't know, what opportunities can miss get in there? It's best to let her directly become the supreme. In that case, we can directly increase the combat power of the supreme level!"

Mo Tu, who was practicing with his eyes closed and knees crossed, opened his eyes, looked at her and said:

"Although the 'destiny stone gate' is magical, I have never heard of it. It can make people become the supreme power directly. If you want to become the supreme, you need to rely more on yourself. I have never heard of it. You can become the supreme directly by external chance or inheritance."

Xueshuangyue was disappointed, but still looked forward to it.

Not only she, but also Lin Chen and others are looking forward to it. They believe that the "destiny stone gate" is so mysterious that even the Supreme Master can't push it away by force. If snow marks enter it, there will be great gains.

Xueshuangyue wanted to say something. Lin Chen and Mo Tu looked at the entrance of the hall at the same time and said, "someone is coming!"

Xuehantian seemed to be aware of something and looked at the entrance of the hall.

"Someone is coming?"

Xueshuangyue and xuecanglan were surprised. They didn't feel any breath approaching, which means that the coming existence is likely to be the supreme power!

Their strength is far above them, so they can't detect each other!



Two footsteps, from far to near, came this way.

"Two people, but we don't feel the same breath. Are both supreme?"

Xue Lan's face became dignified, and the supreme had come before, but it was the first time for the two to come together.

After a while, two figures appeared at the entrance of the hall.

The appearance of these two people is almost the same as that of human beings. The only difference is that there is a vertical eye in the center of their eyebrows!

No white eyes, a dark vertical eye.

"Demon eye clan!"

Xueshuangyue's heart trembled suddenly, like a frightened bird. His cold hair stood upright, his right hand grasped the handle of the sword, and his eyes stared at the two people at the entrance.

People of the magic eye clan, who are still two supreme masters, how can they appear here?

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