"Sun... Sun Lao?"

Sima Changhuan could not help but stay in a daze after seeing the people in front. He was a little nervous and gradually relaxed.

This time, he came from his family to Fenghui City, the sacred city of the Tingshan sacred region. From the beginning, he visited the sun family, who had been friends with Sima family for many years. In front of him was sundeyuan, the head of the sun family.

"I heard from my subordinates that you left the city gate in a hurry. Why don't you come and tell me? Is there something urgent?"

Sundeyuan stroked his gray beard, and asked with a smile.

Sima Changhuan was moved. Unexpectedly, when the other party learned that he had left, he came to ask why. However, he didn't want to say more about his previous work at the "water moon auction house", but just nodded:

"I really have something urgent. But I will solve it myself. I am worried about Lao sun!"

Sundeyuan smiled and held out his hand to him. "In that case, I won't keep you. But before you leave, give me the chaotic fire remnant picture in your hand."

"What do you mean, Mr. Sun?"

Sima Changhuan was shocked. He hurried back a few steps and looked suspicious. The other party said this inexplicably. He actually asked himself to give him the chaotic and strange fire remnant map?

Also, I didn't tell him that I had a chaotic fire remnant picture on my hand. How could he know?

Sundeyuan looked at Sima Changhuan, whose face became tense, and said calmly:

"After seeing you last time, I sent someone to your hometown to ask if you had any good things with you this time. Unexpectedly, this time you came here with chaos, strange fire and remnant pictures." He sighed and said with some regret, "it's also your bad life. If you don't have precious things, I won't give you a hand based on the friendship between our two families. But this chaotic and strange fire is really tempting, and I don't have it

You can't miss anything.

With the resources obtained from this chaotic fire remnant map, the possibility of my breakthrough from immortal realm to supreme realm can be improved. Even if it is improved, the possibility is still very slim, but I can never let go of any possibility. "

Sima Changhuan's face was dark and his heart was furious. He dared to visit the old man in the sun family last time and said that this time he came to the "water moon auction house" branch, and then he asked someone to investigate himself?

"The friendship between our two families? You're thinking about my treasure, and you even mention the friendship between our two families. Who are you kidding? Don't think I'm a fool. Even if I give you the chaos, fire and residue map, you will never let me go!"

Sima Changhuan's eyes were angry and looked like crazy. He didn't believe this kind of hypocritical villain. After robbing his own things, he would let himself go!

In order to prevent future troubles, Sima's family will not let them know that he robbed the chaotic strange fire remnant map. He will certainly kill people.

Sundeyuan stared at him calmly and said in a low voice, "even if you are not a fool and guess my plan, what can you change? Hand over the chaos, fire and residue diagram, and I will make you die a little happier."

"You can't!"

Sima Changhuan had a simple halberd in his hand. Obviously, he didn't want to be obedient.

"I don't know!"

Sundeyuan snorted coldly. His body turned into black air and disappeared from the original place. The next moment, he appeared behind Sima Changhuan.

Sima Changhuan was about to turn back. Sundeyuan's palm had fallen behind him. With a loud bang, Sima Changhuan sprayed blood at his mouth. The whole man flew forward and fell on the ground, ploughing out a gully of more than ten meters.

In the early days of immortality, sun Deyuan, who had stepped into immortality for nearly 100000 years and had 57 stars in his body, was utterly vulnerable to the power of the world.

Sundeyuan appeared beside Sima Changhuan with a gloomy tone: "give me your things."


"Roar -! I'll fight with you!"

Sima Changhuan roared like a hungry tiger pouncing on sundeyuan. The long halberd and thunder in his hand rushed and hit sundeyuan's head. Everywhere he passed, the space was shattered and filled with the smell of thunder destruction.

In the face of this terrible blow, sundeyuan stretched out his palm, easily grasped the edge of the long halberd, and kicked Sima Changhuan.

"Ow --!"

Sima Changhuan screamed like a wild beast, and flew out again. Blood flowed from his seven orifices and his body was deformed. Many bones on his body were broken by a kick of sundeyuan just now.

Sundeyuan, holding a long halberd, walked towards Sima Changhuan step by step. In a cold tone, he said, "are you sure you don't want to hand it over? Hand it over. I'll make you die a little happier."

"Old man, I curse you for dying! I'm so blind that I treat you as an elder. You'll be punished!"

Sima Changhuan cursed loudly and regretted why he had to trouble others in the auction house. If he was still in Fenghui City, the old man would never dare to do it to himself!

There will be no such thing as the following!

People in the clan put all their expectations on themselves. They used to be so arrogant that they always thought they were the first pride of Sima family. In the future, they will be more powerful than their ancestors and become the supreme power.

In the end, he failed to live up to the expectations of everyone in the family and ended up with a tragic death!

He gave a miserable laugh and looked hopeless.

Sundeyuan's face was gloomy. With a wave of the halberd, he cut off Sima Changhuan's right arm.

Sima Changhuan screamed again.

Sundeyuan threw away the halberd and grabbed it. Sima Changhuan's broken arm flew to his hand. He took down the space ring on the finger of the broken arm.

After forcibly erasing the above mental mark, his face soon showed a smile.

An object appeared in his hand.

It's a two palm size remnant. It's made of animal skin. The color is already yellow.

"Good stuff! Hahaha! It's really good stuff!" Sundeyuan looked at the chaotic fire remnant on his hands, and his face was filled with an excited smile.

He looked at Sima Changhuan with a despairing smile:

"I was going to let you die simply, but you are not sensible at all! In that case, I will let you taste all kinds of torture. If you want to blame yourself, you can only blame yourself for being too stupid and ignorant.

Give me the remnant map directly. Where do you need to suffer so much. You asked for it all! "

With an indifferent face and cold eyes, he walked to Sima Changhuan.

At this moment, a voice with sarcasm sounded. "Tut tut. You old man are much more cruel than me. I just want his chaos, strange fire and residual pictures. You not only want to rob things, but also torture and kill him. Compared with you, I am so kind."

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