Hearing Lin Chen's words, Wu Huang saw something appreciating in his eyes and said with a smile:

"It's the same with us. I never believe in pie falling from the sky. Indeed, I have something you need to do.

The tribe where I was born is located in Yunlan prairie. I hope you can go there and become the guest Minister of the tribe. If something happens to the tribe in the future, I hope you can help. "

Lin Chen almost blurted out: is that it?

He thought that the other party would put forward very harsh conditions, but he didn't expect that it was just this kind of request, and he took the benefits of others. Even if the other party didn't say, if there was an accident in the other party's hometown, he wouldn't stand idly by.

What did he think of for a while, "senior, you..."

Wu Huang looked indifferent and said, "as you think, the reason why I have this request is that I have already fallen, and what is in front of you is just a wisp of ghost. After you get the inheritance, this wisp of ghost will disappear."

In fact, Lin Chen had already guessed that the old man in front of him might have fallen. Otherwise, he would not want to help the "meteor saint mountain and river map" find the next owner, nor would he put forward such a request to explain future events.

He said solemnly:

"Don't worry, master. After I leave the 'picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers', I will go to Yunlan prairie immediately!"

When he said this, he felt that "Yunlan prairie" sounded familiar. After a little thought, he knew why.

Previously, people of the golden Viper family told themselves that Cassia came from the "Yunlan prairie"!

In this way, when I go to the "Yunlan prairie", I can also stop by to find cassia, and I don't feel any trouble.

"Very good. From your previous performance in the dreamland, I believe that you will be a man who does what you say."

The old man nodded.

For a moment, with him as the center, the space continued to shatter, exploding like a mirror, turning into darkness, like being in a dead place in the universe.

The sudden movement surprised Lin Chen and Xue scar.

Nine golden stars in succession, like nine big suns, appear out of thin air in the dead star sky and slowly rotate around the forest stars.

"Master, is this?"

From the nine stars, Lin Chen felt the terrible power and the origin of the divine soul in his body. He felt as if he was overlooked by a giant many times stronger than him, as if his life was in the hands of others. It was very uncomfortable.

"What you see is a part of my damaged inner world. If you believe that I will not harm you, then show 'I am the world', and I will help you absorb and transform the power of these nine stars." Wu Huang said slowly.

Lin Chen said in a positive tone: "you are joking. I naturally believe you. Even if there is only a remnant soul left, it is not difficult for you to kill me. If it is bad for me, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

"I am for the world!"

The space behind him is distorted, the inner world is revealed, and 99 stars and the origin of the world appear in this heaven and earth.

Wu Huang smiled happily: "with my help, you can absorb and transform much faster. But you also know that the power of fire attribute is fierce and hot, so this process will be very painful!

You must hold on and concentrate on the operation of the skills you have cultivated all the time. Do not be distracted. Otherwise, this power in turn will cause damage to your inner world, which will be very troublesome! "

"Don't worry, elder. Just come!"


In the room, Li Xiuxian and Li Miao stared at the pale Lichang and looked at each other with shock and doubt.

They were asked by Lichang to come here. They wanted to ask what was the matter, but when they saw Lichang looking like this, they guessed that Lichang might have been injured not long ago. Their hearts were full of shock and disbelief. They really didn't understand what the situation was.

The patriarch was wounded?

This is absolutely impossible!

The clan leader has been staying in the "Tongtian demon world", how could he be injured by others.

If you were not hurt by someone, that is to say

Li Xiuxian's face was dignified and he said, "patriarch, what's wrong with your cultivation?"

"It's not that there's a problem in cultivation, but that boy named Lin Chen has come to the 'Tongtian demon world'."

Lichang shook his head. Although he didn't look very well, he had basically recovered from his injury. If he fought with others now, he wouldn't be affected at all.


Li Xiuxian and Li Miaoling changed greatly!

"That boy came here and wounded the patriarch. How could he be so powerful?"

Li Miaoling was surprised that Lin Chen came here, but the main difficulty was that Li Chang, the most powerful member of the magic eye clan, was injured by the other party?

If that boy is better than the clan leader, the magic eye clan will never have peace!

Li Xiuxian was surprised and doubted, "that boy's strength is really extraordinary, but he can never be compared with the clan leader. He actually hurt you?"

Lichang snorted coldly and said proudly, "if you rely on your ability, even if he has the help of xuekuantian's daughter, you can't hurt me! Mainly, I didn't expect that the boy had so many treasures in his hands.

One of them was a jade slip. After being crushed, it could give a blow comparable to that of the powerful in the later period of the supreme realm. I was hurt by that jade slip.

If it weren't for the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river", it would be a question whether I could stand in front of you! "

Hearing what Lichang said, Li Xiuxian and Li Miaoling were relieved. If Lin Chen could hurt Lichang with his own strength, it would be a disaster for the magic eye clan.

Li Xiuxian asked again, "where is he now? Has he been imprisoned after being subdued by the patriarch?"

In his opinion, although Lichang was not looking well, he stood in front of him intact. That is to say, the patriarch won the battle with the human race after all.

Lichang said slowly: "yes, now he and xuekuangtian's daughter are locked up in the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' with me. I asked you to come here to take you in again. That boy is not worried. He is afraid that he has some powerful treasures in his hands. You should be careful later!

But don't worry too much. That boy is cunning, but from beginning to end, everything is still under my control! "

Li Xiuxian and Li Miaoling nodded.

A gap appeared in the space in front of Lichang, and the "picture of the meteoric saint" flew out of the gap.

Li Xiuxian and Li Miaoling were waiting for Lichang to bring them into the inner space of the "picture of the fallen holy mountains and rivers". After a while, they saw Lichang's unbelievable face saying:

"I can't get in..."

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