One of Gou Ting's moves was the earth shattering thunder, which burst the space. Purple thunders, like purple python, rushed out of the gap in the space.

As one of Gou Ting's fists blasted to Lin Chen's chest, the purple thunders all shot at Lin Chen.

Dark red armor appeared on Lin Chen, and a dark flame leaped on the armor.

One of Gou Ting's fists hit Lin Chen, making a tremendous noise. It was like two stars collided with each other, creating a violent air wave. All the tables and chairs in the hall were overturned, and the whole hall shook violently.

Purple thunders hit Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was not so tall, but now he was like a mountain. Let alone being beaten out, he didn't even move his steps.

Gou Ting looked very ugly.

Over the past ten years, he did not think that Lin Chen was much more powerful than he had been. He thought that Lin Chen could block his own attack because of the "Yan magic armour".

Thinking of such treasures, which originally belonged to him, but were now on the other side, he was even more annoyed and gave a cold cry: "I am for the world!"

The space behind him was distorted, and stars twined with purple lightning appeared. The violent pressure enveloped the heaven and earth, just like a mountain pressing on Lin Chen to suppress him.

A pair of wings appeared behind Lin Chen. The wings fanned and turned into a streamer and rushed to gou Tingzhi.

"This time, it's my turn to punch!" Lin Chen shouted.

Gou Tingzhi's eyes were full of disdain. Facing Lin Chen, he didn't dodge, but sneered:

"Boy, do you really think that if you block my random attack, it means you are at the same level as me? You can block my fist because of your 'Yan magic armor'!

Because of the existence of 'Yan magic armor', your defense power is far beyond your realm. However, if you attack with all your strength, you can only tickle me! "

"Really? Then try it!"

Lin Chen was in front of Gou Tingzhi in an instant, and his fist blew out, setting off a fierce and hot air wave. The space burst, and a fierce and hot momentum was born out of thin air.

At first, Gou Ting's face was full of disapproval. When Lin Chen's fist reached the front of his chest, his heart jumped uncontrollably!

This is not the initial breath of the supreme realm!

"You -"

Gou Tingzhi screamed in horror, but just shouted a word, and Lin Chen hit him in the chest!

He immediately flew out of his mouth and sprayed blood. After crashing the rear wall and collapsing, he still flew hundreds of meters away and collapsed several stone pillars outside. Then he stopped.

Gou Tingzhi got up from the ground, covered his sunken chest, looked at Lin Chen, and roared with surprise and anger:

"The middle of the supreme realm! How could you be the middle of the supreme realm?"

When Lin Chen hit Gou Tingzhi with his fist, Lichang, Li Xiuxian and Li Miaoling, who had been watching coldly, changed their faces at the same time. After hearing Gou Tingzhi's roar, they were all dumbfounded.

Lin Chen took back his fist and said, "are you an idiot? How could I be in the middle of the supreme realm? I know that, of course, I broke through in these ten years!"

"In the middle of the supreme realm, has he broken through to the middle of the supreme realm?"

Li Xiuxian was so stupid that he was imprisoned in the "meteor saint mountain and river map" for more than ten years. Unexpectedly, he made a breakthrough in it!

Lichang's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip ink.

When he learned that Lin Chen had broken through the middle of the supreme realm, he suddenly thought of many things.

Under normal circumstances, it will take tens of thousands of years, no matter how talented, to make a breakthrough from the initial stage of the supreme realm to the middle stage of the supreme realm.

However, the boy made a breakthrough in just a few years. Compared with thinking that the boy had reached the point where he was about to make a breakthrough, he preferred to think that Lin Chen had got some chance!

So, where did the chance come from?

For more than ten years, he has been imprisoned in the "meteor saint mountain and river map". Naturally, the opportunity came from the "meteor saint mountain and river map"!

After thinking of this, Lichang was furious. He felt that his own things had been robbed by the other party!

In his opinion, the "meteor saint mountain and river map" belongs to him, so if there is any chance in the "meteor saint mountain and river map", it should also belong to him.

"Now it seems that I can't enter the 'meteor saint mountain and river map' for more than ten years. I think it really has something to do with this boy!"

Lin Chen noticed Lichang's cold eyes, turned to Lichang and said with a smile:

"Speaking of it, I really want to thank you for including me in the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'. Otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to break through to the middle of the supreme realm through my own cultivation!"

This confirmed the speculation in Li Chang's heart, and he immediately became even more angry.

He sneered: "you have broken through to the middle stage of the supreme realm, so what. There are four Supreme realms in front of you, two middle stages of the supreme realm, and two early stages of the supreme realm. Can you turn the sky?"

Gou Tingzhi, who was scared at first, was relieved by Wen Yan. Yes, even if this boy broke through the middle of the supreme realm, so what? If he and the three supreme masters of the magic eye clan join hands, can't he deal with him alone?

With this thought, the heavy pressure in my heart disappeared without a trace.

I think it's just a piece of cake to clean up Lin Chen.

He looked at Lichang and said with a smile: "Li clan leader, I will join hands with you to clean up this boy. After the success, I will return his' Yan magic armor 'to me. It should be no problem. Since I have to do something, I have to pay for it."

"Yes!" Lichang was not indecisive. Although he was unhappy that Gou Tingzhi put forward conditions at such a time, he agreed without any hesitation.

Gou Tingzhi was overjoyed. He looked at Lin Chen and said with a proud smile, "in this case, I still want to thank you for your initiative."

"Together, the four of you are just a mob."

Lin Chen's understatement provoked the four people present.

"Boy, you are so rampant! Even if you break through the middle of the supreme realm, you are just at the same level as me. Without the scepter of xuekuang Tian's daughter, you are in front of me. That's bullshit!" Li Xiuxian drank angrily.

Covered with cold frost, Li Miaoling yelled, "I think you are a arrogant frog at the bottom of a well. Do you think no one can deal with you when you break through the middle of the supreme realm?"

Lin Chen ignored them and looked at the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" suspended not far away and said, "come here!"

"The picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" was like a obedient dog flying towards Lin Chen.

Seeing this scene, Lichang's face changed greatly, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart

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